Chávez, Huerta, Itliong Month

CHI Month 2025 Calendar

Annually, the CCCAC hosts Chávez, Huerta, Itliong Month (CHI Month) in March to honor our namesake César Chávez during this Birthday Month, while recognizing that César’s work was in partnership with civil rights activists, Dolores Huerta and Larry Itliong.

The month-long celebration consists of CHI Day of Celebration, and a series of programs and events that address and honor the life and legacy of César Chávez, continuing injustices farm workers are experiencing, and environmental/food justice topics.

CHI Month 2025 Calendar

Legacy Tour & Giveaway
Wednesday, March 5
11AM - 12PM
CCCAC, Student Union 1st Floor
Pick up a self-guided tour brochure!
Open to 91ÁÔÆæ students and community members

Solidarity in Color
Thursday, March 6
3PM - 4:30PM
Student Union, Meeting Room 1A
Craftivism Vinyl Painting!
Must be a current matriculated 91ÁÔÆæ student. .

Open Mic Night
Thursday, March 6
6PM - 8PM
Student Union Starbucks
Celebrating Femme x Farmworker Solidarity!
Open to 91ÁÔÆæ students and community members

Patchwork for Progress
Thursday, March 13
12PM - 2PM
Student Union, Meeting Room 1A
Create a Custom Tote Bag!
Must be a current matriculated 91ÁÔÆæ student. .

C.H.I. Day of Celebration
Wednesday, March 19
3PM - 5PM
Student Union Ballroom
Performances, Food, & Giveaways!
Open to 91ÁÔÆæ students and community members

Day of Action 
Tuesday, March 25
2PM - 4PM
Campus Community Garden at 372 E San Salvador St.
Learn About Taking Action Now!
Must be a current matriculated 91ÁÔÆæ student.