Undergraduate Forms

91ÁÔÆæ Forms

Here is a list of forms and documents you may need while at 91ÁÔÆæ:

  • University Forms (Registrar) - Here is the link to the Registrar's web page which contains links to forms required to change your major, drop courses, apply for graduation, etc. 

  • Bursar Forms - Here is the link to the Bursar's web page which contains links to forms required by the Bursar's office. 

Course Information

  • Course Frequency List [pdf]

  • Courses - List of courses needed for majors in Biological Sciences, together with their prerequisites and corequisites.

  • Course Equivalency Form [pdf]

  •  - The detailed G.E. information regarding the general education requirements are found in the catalog and are linked here for your convenience.

    • - (Note that for area Z, you must complete Bio 100W unless you are a double major.  Check with your advisor before you sign up for another 100W course.)

    • - Consult this page if you want to determine equivalencies between courses.

    • Course Equivalencies - Sorted by School

Advising Information and Forms

Faculty Advisers not available during winter and summer sessions.

  • Faculty Adviser List [pdf]

  • Faculty Office Hours [pdf]

  • Progressive Academic Planner - Use this form with your advisor's help to select coursework and plan your academic schedule.

  • Roadmaps and Degree Requirements - The list of requirements for our various degree programs can be found in the . We have also created 4 year roadmaps to help you plan your courses. In practice, most students don't follow the roadmap to the letter, but use it as a guide. With the help of their advisors, students are expected to create their own academic plan.

    • BA Biological Sciences

    • BS Ecology and Evolution 

    • BS Marine Biology 

    • BS Microbiology 

    • BS Molecular Biology 

    • BS Systems Physiology

  • Change of Major Form

  • University Ombudsperson - Student Rights and Responsibilities

Additional Forms