CEQA Information
Processes associated with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) are an integral part of a Campus Master Plan update procedures. The California State University (CSU) complies with CEQA through an an environmental review process that does the following:
- Informs decision-makers and the public about the potential significant effects of projects
- Ensures that environmental concerns are considered early in project development
- Identifies ​solutions to avoid or reduce significant environmental effects
- Discloses significant and unavoidable effects
Several documents and detailed studies are completed as a part of this process including an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). These documents are made available for review and public comment. The Campus Master Plan and EIR documents are available below for further information.
These documents will be made available following CSU certification.
- Campus Master Plan Final EIR
- Campus Master Plan Final EIR Appendices
- Campus Master Plan Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP)
- Notice of Determination
Draft Environmental Impact Report Documents
- The following documents are available for public review.
- Campus Master Plan Draft EIR [pdf]
- Campus Master Plan Draft EIR Appendices
- Appendix A [pdf]: Notice of Preparation and Comments Received
- Appendix B [pdf]: Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Emissions Modeling
- Appendix C [pdf]: Health Risk Assessment
- Appendix D [pdf]: Noise
- Appendix E [pdf]: Transportation Impact Study
- Campus Master Plan Final Draft [pdf]
- Notice of Availability [pdf]
- Notice of Preparation [pdf]
Public Meeting on the Draft Environmental Impact Report
San José State University hosted a public meeting on February 5, 2025 from 5 to 6 p.m. at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library to inform interested parties about the project, provide a summary of the environmental impact conclusions from the Draft EIR, and give agencies and the public an opportunity to provide comments on the EIR.