The Campus Master Plan implements core goals of Transformation 2030, the university’s strategic plan and will guide physical development and revitalization for the main and south campuses as well as properties throughout Santa Clara County through 2040.
The plan was developed over the course of five years in collaboration with campus and community stakeholders, to create a vision for what's possible at San José State University, a recognized leader in higher education and the #4 Public University in the nation.
- Hearing and Certification of Master Plan EIR and Master Plan Approval
- Draft Master Plan Public Comment Period
- Publish Public Draft of Master Plan EIR
- Community Engagement
- Draft Master Plan update and integration of Transformation 2030 strategic goals
- Community Engagement
- Advisory Committee Engagement
- Presentation of the Initial Public Draft
- Presentation of the Initial Public Draft
- Community Engagement
- Agency Consultation
- Initial Draft Campus Master Plan Published
- Campus Master Plan Town Hall
- Transformation 2030 (Strategic Plan) Campus Summit
- Spring 2023 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Engagement
- Advisory Committee Engagement
- Progress Update
- Framework Report and Spring Outreach
- Community Engagement:
- Development of Campus Master Plan to define the scope and context of the Campus Master Plan update. This document summarizes the overall campus context and direction, outlines existing issues and opportunities and synthesizes this information into preliminary goals
- Campus Leadership Engagement and refinement
- Advisory Committee Engagement
- Cabinet Direction and preliminary ideas for Vision and Framework
- Preliminary Background Report
- Preview of Virtual Open House and Draft Stakeholder Leadership Interview Summary
- 1/19/21 Agenda & Notes [pdf]
- 1/19/21 Presentation [pdf]
- Responses to comments were accommodated in the Virtual Open House and final Stakeholder Leadership Interview Summary so no separate meeting notes are included here.
- Cabinet Direction and preliminary ideas for Vision and Framework
- Community Engagement
- Campus Master Plan kickoff and evaluation of existing plans.
- Advisory Committee formation, including students, faculty, staff, administrators,
The CSU Office of the Chancellor, and community partners
- First Meeting of the Advisory Committee
- Key stakeholder engagement