Service Learning Courses
Service learning equips students with the knowledge and experience necessary to serve as future leaders and socially-conscious citizens. Taking a service learning course enables students to utilize their education to make a difference.
Service Learning course offerings vary by semester. To find out more and register for a class, under Additional Search Criteria, Course Attribute, Service Learning.
- CHAD 60 - Child Development
A popular lower division General Education course about the child in the family and community from prenatal life throughout the adolescent years. Service involves interaction with local youth.
- COMM/EDUC/ENGR/HA/SCI 157SL - Community Action/Community Service
A popular upper division General Education and campus wide service learning course with opportunities for direct involvement with local community. Weekly seminars held on campus or at the field site, plus four to six hours of community service work per week at the field site.
- PH 104 - Community Health Promotion
Examination of community health issues, and assets, determinants, and levels of intervention. Introduction to approaches to disease prevention health promotion, and social change to promote health. Application of community health promotion and disease prevention through service learning.