Canvas Badges

Canvas Badges logo Canvas Badge allows users to issue and manage a standardized type of digital badges called Open Badges. Open Badges are the global standard for verifiable digital credentials. A digital badge is a visual symbol of accomplishment and can represent many different skills and achievements, ranging from collaboration to certification. 

Canvas Badges is only available for professional development courses on Canvas. It is not for academic courses. Contact CFETI to learn more and to get started.

What is Canvas Badges?

Canvas Badges is an open source badge issuing, management and user achievement tracking platform. Canvas Badges allows users to issue and manage a standardized type of digital badges called Open Badges. Open Badges are a flexible and portable way to recognize learning in addition to traditional qualifications and professional accreditation.  A digital badge serves both as recognition of learning or achievement and digital proof of that accomplishment.  Badges empower people to take their learning achievements with them, wherever they go, to build a rich picture of their lifelong learning journey.

How does Canvas Badges work?

The process of creating a badge typically involves three tasks:

  • Offering a learning or other experience with an associated assessment.
  • Creating a badge to represent that experience using the Canvas Badge tool.
  • Awarding the badge upon successful completion of badge criteria.

How to create a badge

Canvas Badges for Canvas is a free service that enables organizations to automatically issue Open Badges to learners as they complete modules in their Canvas courses. Canvas Badges is only available for professional development courses on Canvas. It is not for academic courses.

Canvas Badges Resources