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Students, Faculty, Staff, and Administrators

San José State provides students, faculty and staff with Adobe software for  their campus computers and their home computers. The software may only be used for 91ÁÔÆæ-related activities and may not be used for commercial purposes. The software is available for currently enrolled students.

I want to...

Request access to the software

  • Student - Visit the Student Adobe Webpage to learn more and to check your eligibility for the software.
  • Faculty, Staff, or Administrator - Visit the Employee Adobe Webpage to request access and review available resources.

Learn how to use the software

Receive technical support 

  • Open an  and describe the issue encountered.
  • Contact CFETI.

Meet Adobe Acrobat AI Assistant

Adobe Acrobat AI Assistant is being piloted at 91ÁÔÆæ until May 2025, for faculty, staff and students. 

Request access to the Adobe Acrobat AI Assistant Program: