Faculty Guide: Embedding Portfolium Entries in Canvas
This how-to guide will walk you through the steps to embed Portfolium entries directly into Canvas. This will allow your students to view Portfolium projects and examples from within the Canvas interface.
Step 1: Create a Page within Canvas
Inside of your Canvas class module, create a new Page under Pages on the left side of the screen.
On the Pages page, click the +Page button.
Enter a title for your page, for example: MAE101 Capstone Projects
Then click on HTML Editor.
Step 2: Copy & Paste Code Snippet
Copy the HTML code below (including the “<” and “>” symbols):
<iframe width=”350” height=”750” async src=”[INSERT URL HERE]?ܳٳ=Ա”&;&;/ڰ&;
Paste this HTML code into the Large Text Area window within Canvas’s Create Page module.
Step 3: Copy & Paste Portfolio Entry URL
Copy the portfolio entry URL from Portfolium and paste into the HTML window, replacing where it says [INSERT URL HERE] (including the brackets).
Then click Save.