Contact Numbers

A student staff member is on duty each day to assist with emergencies or concerns. 

  • Duty hours are nightly 5:00 pm - 8:00 am, 24 hours on weekends and university holidays.
  • Residence Hall Front desks are staffed 24/7.
  • University Police Department (UPD)  408-924-2222 or 911


Numbers and Contacts

Daily 7:00 pm - 8:00 am, 24 hours on weekends and university holidays

:  408-795-5600

:  408-924-5678

After Hours Advice Nurse: 866-935-6347 

:   408-924-5678

(After hours - Push 4 for assistance)

:  408-924-1530

Complaint Process for Discrimination and Harassment

Title IX