Yue "Wilson" Yuan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Internship Coordinator
Ph.D., Indiana University Bloomington, 2016
Contact Information:
Email: wilson.yuan@sjsu.edu
Phone: 408-924-2968
Office: MH 529
Spring 2025 Office Hours:
Mondays 9:00-11:00 on and Tuesdays 9:30 to 11:30 in person MH529.
About Dr. Wilson Yuan
Yue "Wilson" Yuan is an Assistant Professor in the Justice Studies Department. He received his M.S. in Applied Statistics and Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from Indiana University Bloomington. His research interests include the study of perceptions of crime, victimization, immigration and crime, theories of crime, and quantitative methods. His current NIJ funded project investigates how neighborhood structural characteristics and social processes impact individuals’ victimization experiences and perceptions of crime.
Areas of Interest:
- Immigration and Crime
- Victimization
- Corrections
- Social Context of Crime
- Youth Development
- Quantitative Methods
- Cross-Cultural Research
Recent Publications:
Nguyen, K, Yuan, Y & McNeeley, S. (2019) Surveillance-Oriented Security Measures, School Climate, Student Fear of Crime, and Avoidance Behavior. Victims & Offenders. DOI:10.1080/15564886.2019.1679307
Yuan, Y., & Capriotti, M. R.(2019) Impact of mental health court: A Sacramento case study. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. DOI:10.1002/bsl.2421
Yuan, Y., & McNeeley, S. (2018).Fear of crime and behavioral adaptations: Testing the effects of fear of violence on unstructured socializating with peers. Deviant Behavior.
Yuan, Y., & Weihua, A. (2017) Context, network, and adolescent perceived risk. Social Science Research, 62, 378-393.
McNeeley, S., & Yuan, Y. (2017). A multilevel examination of the code of the street’s relationship with fear of crime. Crime and Delinquency, 63 (9), 1146-1167.