Emeritus Faculty
The following table lists the emeritus faculty at 91ÁÔÆæ.
For a history of emeritus professors written by Bradley Jackson, see .
Name | Years of Service | Contact |
Amiel Feinstein | 1966-1986 | |
Anna Strong | 2001-2018 | |
Anthony R. Lovaglia | 1951-1986 | |
Barbara Pence | 2000-2021 | |
Bradley Jackson | 1983-2019 | bradley.jackson@sjsu.edu |
Britt J. Schweitzer | 1959-1988 | |
C. Kenneth Bradshaw | 1958-1995 | |
Charles N. Larsen | 1954-1989 | |
Daniel Goldston | 1983-2019 | daniel.goldston@sjsu.edu |
Dmitri Thoro | 1958-1994 | |
Donald Weddington | 1969-2008 | |
Edgar Simons |
1961-1994 |
Edison Greer | 1959-1977 | |
Edward Schmeichel | 2005-2015 | |
Eloise Hamann | 1985-2006 | |
F. Patricia O'Donnell | 1948-1978 | |
Frederick Stern | 1968-2001 | |
Gerald Preston | 1955-1988 | |
Hedley Morris | 1986-2007 | |
Hidefumi Katsuura | 1984-2023 |
hidefumi.katsuura@sjsu.edu |
Ho Kuen Ng | 1984-2020 |
ho-kuen.ng@sjsu.edu |
Howard S. G. Swann | 1970-2003 |
Igor Malyshev | 1986-2007 |
Jane Day | 1982-2010 |
Joanne Rossi Becker | 1984-2016 |
John L. Marks | 1952-1979 |
John Mitchem | 1970-2005 |
Kenneth A. Fowler | 1957-1980 |
Kenneth Kellum | 1981-2015 |
Leonard Bristow | 1957-1969 |
Leslie Foster | 1981-2014 |
leslie.foster@sjsu.edu |
Lester H. Lange | 1960-1988 |
Linda Valdes | 1990-2009 |
Marjorie Fitting-Gifford | 1968-1992 |
Martin Billik | 1961-2007 |
Marylin Blockus | 1977-2020 |
marilyn.blockus@sjsu.edu |
Maurice Stanley | 1984-2020 |
Michael Beeson | 1981-2013 |
Michael Burke | 1972-2004 |
Natasha Bozovic | 1987-2010 |
Richard Kubelka | 1983-2020 |
richard.kubelka@sjsu.edu |
Richard Pfiefer | 1983-2019 |
richard.pfiefer@sjsu.edu |
Richard Post | 1957-1984 |
Robert Pruitt | 1963-1987 |
Robert Wrede | 1955-1994 |
Rodney E. Anderson | 1958-1980 |
Roger Alperin | 1987-2016 |
Samih Obaid | 1985-2021 |
Susan McClory | 1980-2016 |
Tatiana Shubin | 1985-2020 |
tatiana.shubin@sjsu.edu |
Veril Phillips | 1981-2010 |
Vladimir Drobot | 1990-2007 |
William H. Sills | 1966-1996 |