Liam Stanton

Liam StantonAssociate Professor

Applied Mathematics
MH 318B


  • Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University (2009)
  • M.S., Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University (2005)
  • B.S., Physics & Mathematics, Boston College (2004) 

Research Areas

  • Mathematical Modeling in Physics and Biology
  • Multiscale and Multiphysics Methods
  • Nonequiilibrium, Many-Body Systems


My primary area of research is the multiscale modeling of natural phenomena with a focus on non-equilibrium, many-body systems. These models typically rely on systems of differential and integral equations and are explored both analytically and computationally. While I have historically developed models in the physical sciences, my interest in biological systems has grown in recent years, and as such, stochastic models and data-driven approaches have played a significant role in my research as well. Applications and techniques include but are not limited to: molecular dynamics, density functional theory, continuum mechanics, kinetic theory, transport phenomena, phase-field models, statistical mechanics and Markov models.