Completed online by student or professor. See below for instructions
Sociology Forms |
Sociology Contract for Major [pdf]—Also known as a Major Form. Can be completed after the successful completion of 90 college units for academic planning purposes (optional). is now completed online by the student or advisor. This form is not used to declare the major (Use a Change of Major/Minor form to declare the major). |
Sociology Contract for Minor [pdf]—Also known as a Minor form. Can be completed for academic planning purposes. However, applying for a minor is done online by your minor advisor. Email either Dr. DuCros or Dr. Sanchez to complete this process. This form is not used to declare the minor. (Use a Change of Major/Minor form to declare the minor). |
Sociology Statistics Credit Request [pdf]—Submit for a request to review a course for credit toward the statistics major requirement. Check articulation at the . STAT 95 does not fulfill this requirement. |
Sociology 100W Credit Request [pdf]—Submit for a request to review a 100W course for credit in place of SOCI 100W. |
SOCI 180 Individual Studies/ SOCI 199H Honors Thesis Contract- [pdf] Complete this form via DocuSign with your major advisor. |
SOCI 181 Elective Internship Contract for Teaching or Research Assistantship [pdf]Complete this form via DocuSign with your major advisor. |
Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
See your program advisor for assistance with the following forms.
Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Forms |
Asian American Studies Minor Form [pdf] Can be completed for academic planning purposes. However, applying for a minor is done online by Dr. Kwan. |
AAS 180 & 190 Contract - [pdf]Complete this form via DocuSign with Dr. Kwan. |
SOCS 180 & 190 Contract - [pdf]Complete this form via DocuSign with your major advisor. |
Sociology of Education Minor Form [pdf] Can be completed for academic planning purposes (optional). However, applying for a minor is done online by Dr.Thiele Strong. |
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor Form [pdf] Can be completed for academic planning purposes (optional). However, applying for a minor is done online by Dr. Bakhru. |
Complete this form via DocuSign with Dr. Bakhru. |
Office of the Registrar
Office of the Registrar Forms |
Graduation Application—Submit with a department Major Form [pdf] (and Minor form, if applicable) |
(DocuSign) |
Academic Advising and Retention Services
Academic Advising & Retention Services Forms |
Petition for Course Drop |
Petition for Withdrawal (from all courses) |