Getting Started
Why Study Abroad and Away?
Choosing Your Program
How to Apply
- 1. Study: Learn about Study Abroad and Away
Start by learning about the mission, vision, and learning outcomes for the Study Abroad & Away office. Consider why you should study abroad or away. Next, view the to learn essential information about study abroad and away. All students should watch the video before applying for a program. Learn about the different types of programs that are offered. Join our to hear about other events, info sessions, workshops, and meetups related to studying abroad, and visit our to select events that are of interest to you.
- 2. Prepare: Identify your Goals
Think about what your goals and priorities are for a study abroad or away experience. What do you want to accomplish personally, academically or professionally? What type of learning environment do you prefer? Are there particular regions you are interested in or academic offerings you are looking for? How long do you want to be away? Use this worksheet to identify your goals and think through your program preferences, which will help guide your program search and planning.
- 3. Advice: Meet with Study Abroad and Away
We recommend students meet with a Study Abroad & Away Advisor to discuss their goals and program options. Visit the Advising page to set up an advising appointment with one of our staff based on your interests. Log into the with your 91 ID and password to fill out the Advising Form to prepare for your appointment with the Study Abroad & Away team.
- 4. Research: Research Programs
Review the different types of programs you can choose from and use the search filters to choose the program that best fits your personal and academic goals. You can click on the “Save” icon for each program that interests you in order to save to your account and revisit later. You will need to have already created an account in SAP to save your preferences by logging in with your 91 ID and password. .
- 5. Talk: Talk with your Academic Advisor
Learn about how academics work with study abroad. Meet with your Academic Advisor to determine what programs offer courses that would fulfill graduation requirements and how they fit into your overall degree plan.
- 6. Apply: Complete and Submit Application
Once you've selected a program to apply to, click the “Apply Now” button on the program's page within the . Create an account, complete a program-specific questionnaire, and submit any other required documents to complete your application. Be sure to review any course prerequisites or other eligibility criteria before submitting. You can only apply to one program per term. Review application tips and deadlines here.
- For students applying to programs sponsored by our partners or , you will need to complete an additional application through the partner organization, after submitting your application through the .
- For students applying to Summer School Abroad and Alternative Break Programs, there may be additional application steps to complete. You will receive more information upon submitting your application.
- Open University students are eligible to apply for most Faculty-Led Programs (FLP). When you click on the “Apply Now” button you will need to select the “Log in for Non-91 Students” to create an account before filling out the specific program application.
- 7. Now What?: Steps to Take While Awaiting Decision
Be on the lookout for a decision email from to the email address you entered on your application. While awaiting the decision, you may want to start working on these needed items for study abroad:
- Passport - if the expiration date is less than 6 months from the end of your program.
- Finances - Meet with the study abroad specialist at the Financial Aid Office to understand your financial aid package and what you can use to cover your study abroad expenses. Make sure to also check out and apply for study abroad scholarships! Review the program costs in your program brochure on the and discuss the program expenses with your parents/guardians.
- 8. Satisfy Requirements
Once you are accepted into a program, you will need to log into your account to see the checklist of required documents and actions. Failure to satisfy the requirements may lead to program disqualification.
Contact Us
Study Abroad and Away
College of Professional and Global Education (CPGE)
One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0135
Phone: (408) 924 2670