

Student/Visitor Accident/Injury Reporting

Employee Accident/Injury: Worker's Compensation

Accessible Education Center (AEC)

Copy Requests


Graduate Students



Current Graduate Student Forms

The Chemistry Department Office must have a record of these forms. All pertinent signatures, preferred with blue ink, must be included. Students should retain a copy of each document.

Graduation Information

Culminating Experience

For the Culminating Experience Form to be created, all of the items on the Checklist must be turned in to the Chemistry Department Office, room DH 518, with all the pertinent signatures.



Key Request

Please fill out this Google form to request keys and/or building access. You will recieve an email copy of your Key Request Form once it is completed. Please email if you encounter any issues with the form.

Key Return

Upon separation, ALL Research Students must fill-out, obtain signatures and submit the Chemistry Key Return Form and, if applicable, Service Center Clearance Form [pdf] by the last day of the month of graduating term or sooner.

Key Lost (No Replacement)

Any lost keys must be reported to the Chemistry Department immediately. The form must be typed, not handwritten.



Chemical Laboratory Safety Rules

Service Centers

Service Center Procedures & Fee Information

For Duncan Hall Building

For Science Building [pdf]

Transfer Equivalency


Undergraduate Students

Major & Minor Advising

All forms relating to the Chemistry Minor are processed at the College of Science Advising Center (COSAC) in room Duncan Hall 212.

Change of Major/Minor

Major/Minor Degree Forms

See your major/minor advisor (refer to the Advisor Listing).


Upon separation, ALL Research Volunteers must fill-out, obtain signatures and submit the Volunteer Clearance Form, including Service Center Clearance Form [pdf], by the Appointment End Date or sooner.