Forms and Resources

Building Access

Lease Requests

A note on facility rentals/reservations: the facility lease request process for both campus entities (students, faculty and staff) and external entities is currently being revised. Contact the following individuals directly to intitate the facility rental request process. Any old forms or links to lease forms that one may have bookmarked online or saved on personal devices (e.g. on Docusign, etc.) are now out of date and should not be used to initiate the request process. 

Photography and Filming Requests

Use of campus grounds by any person or group must follow one of the two following review and approval processes:

Non-student persons and entities must follow a new procedure that is reviewed and approved by University Marketing and Communications before FD&O can grant reservation and access to university facilities. This includes faculty and staff groups and external entities (non-profit or commercial).


  1. UMC will review and ensure compliance
  2. Risk Management will review all required documentation and insurance 
  3. FD&O will then review the filming request and contact the requestor for further details regarding space access and availability, applicable permitting or facility reservations, security coordination with the University Police Department (UPD), and other issues.


    Note that use of certain spaces include additional layers of review. This includes the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, Student Union and South Campus facilities. This will add to the total review and approval time and may result in either significant changes to how production can be done or rejection altogether.

Students, class groups and recognized student organizations must .

These request processes are not required for personal photography such as graduation photography sessions on campus grounds. 

It may take a minimum of 10 business days to review the application. 


FDO Employee Forms and Procedures