MSCMPE Advising

MS - CMPE Advising Procedure

  1. Based on the advising need, go to the Computer Engineering Department front desk and pick up the appropriate request forms, as listed below:
Form Number Purpose of Advising
1.1  CPT
1.2  OPT
1.3  Reduced course load
1.4  Letter for Change of Status to F-1
2.1  Transfer from Other Program
2.2  Reinstatement after Disqualification (not in use for Program   of Study)
3.1  Establish and update Program (= Plan) of Study 
3.2  Take Non-CMPE Department/Program Courses
3.3  Transfer Course Credit
3.4  Waiving a Core Course
4.1  Take CMPE or UNVS 290R to extend CMPE 295B or CMPE 299B
4.2  Waiving Technical Writing Requirement (GWAR)
5.2  Overlapping Course Registration
7.1  Candidacy Form (complete via CMPE 295A/299A/298 class)
7.2  Course Substitution (to substitute a course listed on the   candidacy form)
7.3  Graduation application (complete via My91ÁÔÆæ once advanced   to candidacy)
8.1  Leave of Absence
8.2  Semester Withdrawal or Course Drop
  1. Complete the form and provide the required attachments as stated on the form.
  2. Submit the form and its attachments to the CMPE Department front desk.
  1. ormally, the requesting student will be notified about the decision (approval, denial, or making appointment with the MS-CMPE graduate advisor) within one week.

Contact Email Addresses

When necessary, students can contact the MS-CMPE Graduate Advisor or the CMPE Department front desk via email, as listed below:

  • Marta Ramirez-Rodenas (College of Engineering International Graduate Student Advisor) in the Graduate Engineering Student Success (GESS) Center                                                                                                                                                         
(for summer advising and for candidacy form submission and CPT form consultation)

Websites for non-MSCMPE Advising Topics