Younghee Park
Research Interests: Cybersecurity, AI Security, IoT Security, SDN/NFV, Blockchain, Biometric Security,
Malware Detection, Security in Autonomous Vehicles, and Security in CPS (Cyber-Physical
Research Papers:
Funded Project Lists since 2020
Here is a recent list of projects. Note that you can check the full list on . I have led more than 35 projects funded by the government and industry.
- (Google) PI, "Fuzzing the Physical World to Identify Environmental Threats to AI-Based Autonomous Systems", supported by Google from Sep. 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025. (This research has collaborated with Alvaro A. Cardenas at UC Santa Cruz.
- (NSF) co-PI, "SaTC-EDU: Improving computer forensic curricula through hands-on hardware and software training and practical experience processing evidence from active criminal cases," supported by NSF, August 1, 2023 - July 31, 2026
- (NSF) PI, "REU Site: Undergraduate Research Experience for Women in Machine Learning-based Cybersecurity," supported by NSF, April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2026
- (ODNI) PI/co-PI, “National Intelligence Community,” at Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence funded by the Office for the Director of National Intelligence, 09/2020 - 08/2024.
- (DoE) Senior Personnel for the DoE project ($5M), "Increasing Hispanic Student Success in STEM" at 91 supported by the Department of Education (DoE). (Other Partner Institutes: San José City College, Evergreen Valley College, and Gavilan College), August 2021 – August 2026.
- (NSF) Senior Personnel, “ADVANCE Partnership: Kindling Inter-university Networks for Diverse (KIND) Engineering Faculty Advancement in the California State University System” supported by NSF, 08/11/21 – 08/31/21 (1.25M)
- (NSF) Lead PI, “SaTC: Enhancing Security Education through Transiting Research on Security in Emerging Network Technologies,” funded by NSF, NSF DGE Award #1723804, 09/2017 – 08/2020.
- (NSF) Co-PI, "Creating a Community Infrastructure for Interoperable Emergency Connectivity by using SDN" (NSF Award ID: 1637371), 08/15/16-12/31/18
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, Computer Engineering, 91, San Jose CA 08/2019 – Present
- Associate Chair, Computer Engineering, 91, San Jose CA 05/2023 - Current
- CMPE Program Director at Computer Engineering, 91 05/2021 – 05/2023
- Vice Chair, IEEE Computer Society, Santa Clara Chapter 01/2021 – 12/2021
- President/Founder, Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Institute 01/2020 - Present
- Visiting Professor, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose CA USA 07/2019 – 08/2020
- Cybersecurity certificate coordinator in Computer and Software Engineering 04/2016 - Present
- Off-Campus Academic Program Coordinator (APC) for Cybersecurity Programs at 91 and Cisco Cybersecurity Programs 08/2018 – 01/2020
- Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering, 91, San Jose CA USA 08/2013 – 07/2019
- Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 08/2012 – 06/2013
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Columbia University, New York, USA 01/2012 – 01/2013
- Research Assistant, Computer Science, North Carolina State University 05/2004 – 12/2011
- Research Staff, National Security Research Institute (NSR) in Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejeon, South Korea 02/2003 – 09/2003
Teaching Courses
- CMPE 132 Information Security
- CMPE 130 Advanced Data Structure
- CMPE 180 Individual Studies
- CMPE 189 Special Topics in Computer Engineering (Cybersecurity Clinics with HCI)
- CMPE 210 Software-defined Networks and Network Functions Virtualization
- CMPE 207 Networking Programming and Applications
- CMPE 209 Network Security
- CMPE 219 Cybersecurity Clinics with HCI
- CMPE 299A/B Master Thesis I/II
- CMPE 295A/B Master Project
- CMPE 298i Computer/Software Engineering Internship
- CMPE 297 Special Topics in Computer/Software Engineering (Advanced IoT Security)
- CMPE 297 Special Topics (Software Defined Data Centers)
Professional Services
- Journal review: IEEE TNSM, IEEE Computer, IEEE ACCESS, IEEE TIFS, IEEE Cloud Computing, TDSC, IEEE/ACM ToN, IEEE System, IEEE communication magazine, ACM Trans. Security & Privacy, Elsevier COMNET, Elsevier Computer & Security, etc.
- Conference Committees: IEEE ICCCN, ACM ASIACCS, IEEE IPCCC, IEEE MASS, IEEE SVCC (PC Chairs and Founder), IEEE Bigdataservice, IEEE DAPPCON (PC Chairs and Founder), IEEE SDN/NFV, IEEE TRUST, etc.