Graduate Program

Photo of Graduate Students at Work Day.

The Environmental Studies Master of Science program is designed to prepare students for careers as environmental professionals or to pursue further academic training in Ph.D. and other advanced degree programs. Our interdisciplinary curriculum embraces both quantitative and qualitative research.


Applying to the Program

To apply to the Master of Science degree in Environmental Studies, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator, Dr. Costanza Rampini, at


Master's Degree Requirements

Learn more about the requirements for receiving your Master's degree in Environmental Studies.


Thesis/Project Guidelines

The core of the Master of Science Program in Environmental Studies is the completion of an original Master's thesis. The focus of the thesis is determined by the interests of the student and may range from qualitative research in the social sciences to quantitative research in the physical and life sciences.


Current Graduate Students

Meet our graduate students and read their stories and experience with us.


Environmental Justice Crowdfunding

Hear from our current and former graduate students about crowdfunding initiatives for environmental justice.


Contact Information

For more information about the Master of Science degree in Environmental Studies, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator at