Formatting Front Pages
Prior to beginning work on their thesis project, each student must produce an in-depth proposal including extensive literature review and detailed methods. This proposal must be submitted and approved by the Thesis Committee Chair and the rest of the Thesis Committee and then submitted to the Graduate Coordinator.
All students should consult with their Thesis Chair for additional instructions.
Front Pages (Proposal and Thesis)
Carefully follow instructions, including pagination, from the and use this example [docx] for formatting front pages and table of contents.
- Title Page: Mandatory. No page number.
- Copyright Page: Mandatory. No page number.
- Thesis Committee Signature Page: Mandatory. no page number.
- Abstract: Mandatory. One paragraph, one page only. Double-spaced.
- No reference citations in abstract.
- No page number required.
- Acknowledgement Page(s): Optional. Pagination starts at lower case, roman numeral v.
- Table of Contents: Mandatory. Lower case, roman numeral pagination.
- List of Tables: If appropriate. Lower case, roman numeral pagination.
- List of Figures: If appropriate. Lower case, roman numeral pagination.
- List of Abbreviations: If appropriate. Lower case, roman numeral pagination.