Become an ENVS Major

How to apply for Admission

We are so pleased you are interested in becoming an Environmental Studies major! The Department Chair and other advisors are here to help you enter the major and move through the program as quickly and efficiently as possible.

All new majors — whether First-Year or Transfer students — must meet with the Department Chair, Dr. Katherine Cushing, who will provide you with academic advising to help you through your program of study. Once you have declared a concentration or minor, you will then be assigned to the appropriate advisor.

Please read the 91ÁÔÆæ Admissions page for information on admission requirements, application deadlines, and submitting your application online at .

First-Year Students

If you did not declare Environmental Studies as your major when you entered the University, complete the Change of Major/Minor Form. Newly admitted students may not apply for a change of major until the first day of instruction.

Transfer Students

If you transferred to San José State University and were accepted immediately into the program, congratulations!

If you were not accepted directly into the program, you can still become an Environmental Studies major by:

  • Achieving and maintaining an overall GPA of 2.0
  • Completing two upper-division (100-level) courses in Environmental Studies (6-8 units) with a 2.0 GPA.
  • Once you've fulfilled these requirements, complete the Change of Major/Minor Form and see a dept. advisor.

Declaring Environmental Studies as Your Major/Minor

There are two versions of the Change of Major/Minor form:

  • For students with fewer than 90 earned units
  • For students with more than 90 earned units

In order to determine which form to use, login to My91ÁÔÆæ and view your unofficial transcript. Scroll down to the bottom to the units earned (UE) for all college:

Fewer Than 90 Units Form

  • Complete the Fewer Than 90 Units Form [pdf] 
  • Attach a copy of your Unofficial Transcript
  • Make an advising appointment with the undergraduate academic advisor, Dr. Lynne Trulio, and bring your completed form along with the unofficial transcript. The Advisor will welcome you to the department, review and sign your paperwork, and help you lay out an entire academic plan for your major that is as efficient as possible.
  • Submit the form that has been signed by the undergraduate academic advisor to the Office of the Registrar located in the Student Services Center (exterior entrance is on the first floor of 10th Street/North Parking Garage facing 9th Street).

More Than 90 Units Form

  • Complete the More Than 90 Units Form [pdf] 
  • Attach the following:
    • Major/Minor Form from your current major/minor
    • Personal Statement explaining how/why changing your major will not delay your graduation (at least one paragraph typed)
    • Unofficlal Transcript
  • Make an advising appointment with the undergraduate academic advisor, Dr. Lynne Trulio, and send your completed form along with the required documentation to the advisor. The advisor will welcome you to the department, review and sign your paperwork, and help you lay out an entire academic plan for your major that is as efficient as possible.
  • You will receive a copy of completed form
  • Once you have declared a concentration or minor, you will then be assigned to the appropriate advisor. Periodically meet with your assigned advisor until you have determined together that you are ready to meet with the Department Chair and apply for graduation.
  • Join the for current students and receive timely messages about courses and enrolling, progressing through the major and, of course, job and internship announcements.