- 2018 Publications
by CME Faculty and Students
Dr. Ozgur Keles
Ozgur Keles, Jimmy Huynh, and Eric Anderson, “Mechanical reliability of short carbon fiber reinforced ABS produced via vibration assisted fused deposition modeling,”&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č; , (2018) Accepted. ( )
Ozgur Keles, Eric Anderson, Jimmy Huynh, Jeff Gelb, Jouni Freund, and Alp Karakoc, “,”&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;, (2018) Accepted.
Pashupati Pokhatel, Dequan Xiao, Folarin Erogbogbo, Ozgur Keles, and Dai-Soo Lee, “,”&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;, (2018) Accepted.Dr. Claire Komives
Vishwanath Hebbi, Kathiresan P., Devendra Kumar, Claire Komives, and Anurag S. Rathore*
Process for production and purification of Lethal Toxin Neutralizing Factor (LTNF) from E. coli and its economic analysis; J. Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 93(4), April 2018, 959-967.
Komives, C. F., Flipped Classroom Increases Achievement of Student Learning Outcomes, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 31(3), January 2018.
Dr. Melanie McNeil
Duque, R., Shan, Y., Joya, M., Ravichandran, N., Asi, B., Mobed-Miremadi, M., Mulrooney, S., McNeil, M. and Prakash, S., Effect of Artificial Cell Miniaturization on Urea Degradation by Immobilized E. coli DH5α (pKAU17), Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, (2018), DOI: .
Khilko, Y., Weyman, P.D., Glass, J.I., Adams, M.D., McNeil, M.A., and Griffin, P.B., “DNA Assembly With Error Correction on a Droplet Digital Microfluidics Platform”, BMC Biotechnol., 18: 37, (2018).
Dr. Dahyun Oh
Dahyun Oh, Erik Lara, Noel Arellano, Yong Cheol Shin, Phillip Medina, Jangwoo Kim, Toan Ta, Esin Akca, Cagla Ozgit-Akgun, Gökhan Demirci, Ho-cheol Kim, Shu-jen Han, Hareem Maune, Mahesh G. Samant Flat Monolayer Graphene Cathodes for Li-oxygen Micro-batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10.1021/acsami.8b12718 [].
Dr. Anand Ramasubramanian
Nguyen, D.M., M.U. Wagenhäuser, D. Mehrkens, M. Adam, P.S. Tsao, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2018), “An automated algorithm to quantify collagen distribution in aortic wall”, J. Histochem. Cytochem. PMID: 30452870
Wagenhauser, M.U., I.N. Schellinger, T. Yoshino, K. Toyama, Y. Kayama, A. Deng, S.P. Guenther, A. Petzold, J. Mulroz, W. Ibing, M. Elvers, A. Schuster, A.K. Ramasubramanian, M. Adam, H. Schelzig, J.M. Spin, U. Raaz, P.S. Tsao, (2018), “Chronic nicotine exposure induces murine aortic remodeling and stiffness segmentation – Implications for abdominal aortic aneurysm susceptibility”, Front. Physiol. 9:1459. PMID: 30429794.
Reddoch-Cardenas, K.M., J.A. Bynum, M.A. Maladeo, P.M. Nair, X. Wu, D.N. Darlington, A.K. Ramasubramanian, A.P. Cap (2018), “Cold-stored platelets: a product optimized for hemorrhage control”, Transfusion Aphersis Science.
Betal, S., A.K. Saha, E. Ortega, M. Dutta, A.K. Ramasubramanian, A. Bhalla, R. Guo (2018), “Core-shell Magnetoelectric Nanorobot – A remotely controlled dynamic probe for targeted live cell manipulation”, Scientific Reports, 8(1):1755. PMID: 29379076
Saha, A.K., M. Mousavi, S.F.Dallo, S.J.Evani, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2018), “Impact of cholesterol on monocyte chemotaxis”, Cellular Immunology, 324:74-77. PMID: 29241586
Montelongo-Jauregui, D., A. Srinivasan, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.L. Lopez-Ribot, (2018) “An in vitro model for Candida albicans – Streptococcus gordonii biofilms on titanium”, J. Fungi, 4(2): pii:E66. PMID: 29866990.
Torres, N.S., J. Abercrombie, A. Srinivasan, J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian*, K.P. Leung* (2018), “Antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of synergistic combinations of a commercially available small compound library with colistin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa”, Front. Microbiol. 9:2541. PMID: 30410476. (*Corresponding authors)
Dr. Liat Rosenfeld
Surfactant Effect on Hydrate Crystallization at the Oil–Water Interface
Kevin Dann and Liat Rosenfeld
Langmuir 2018 34 (21), 6085-6094 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00333
Dr. David Wagner
Lavrich, Z., Wagner, D.R., Taie, Z., Halliday, D., Hagen, C.L., “Design Considerations for Small Scale Rotating Fluidized Beds in Static Geometry with Screens for Fine Particles,” Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 137, 89-100 (2018). (Cover Featured)
Wagner, D.R., Holmgren, P., Skoglund, N., Broström, M., “Design and validation of an advanced entrained flow reactor system for studies of rapid solid biomass fuel particle conversion and ash formation reactions,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 89, 065101 (2018). (Featured Article)
Qu, Z., Holmgren, P., Skoglund, N., Wagner, D.R., Broström, M., Schmidt, F., “Distribution of temperature, H2O and atomic potassium during entrained flow biomass combustion – Coupling in situ TDLAS with modeling approaches and ash chemistry,” Combustion and Flame, 188, 488-497 (2018).
- 2017 Publications
by CME Faculty and Students
Dr. Ozgur Keles
Ozgur Keles, R. Edwin Garcia, and Keith J. Bowman, “,”&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;, 8 (2017) 116-123. ()
Ozgur Keles, Caleb W. Blevins, and Keith J. Bowman, “,”&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;, 23 (2017) 320-328. ()
Peggy Boylan-Ashraf, Ozgur Keles, Steve Freeman, Mack Shelley, and Robert Calfee, “,”&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;, 18 (2017) 16-24. ()
Navathej Gobi, Darshan Vijayakumar, Ozgur Keles, and Folarin Erogbogbo, “,” , 2 (2017) 4356-4362. ()Dr. Melanie McNeil
Jeff Gelb, Donal Finegan, Melanie McNeil, Dan Brett, and Paul Shearing, “A 4D Framework for Probing Structure-Property Relationships in Lithium Ion Batteries”, Proc. Microscopy & Microanalysis, 23(S1), pages 2102-2103, (2017).
Dr. Dahyun Oh
Liumin Suo, Dahyun Oh, Yuxiao Lin, Zengqing Zhuo, Oleg Borodin, Tao Gao, Fei Wang, Akihiro Kushima, Ziqiang Wang, Ho-Cheol Kim, Yue Qi, Wanli Yang, Feng Pan, Ju Li*, Kang Xu*, and Chunsheng Wang* How Solid-Electrolyte-Interphase Forms in Aqueous Electrolytes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 10.1021/jacs.7b10688 []
Dahyun Oh, Cagla O. Akgun, Esin Akca, Leslie E. Thompson, Loza Tadesse&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;δ, Ho-Cheol Kim, Gokhan Demirci, Robert D. Miller*, Hareem Maune*, Biotemplating Pores with Size and Shape Diversity for Li-oxygen Battery Cathodes, Scientific Reports, 2017, 10.1038/srep45919 []
Dahyun Oh, Kumar Virwani, Loza Tadesse&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;δ, Mark Jurich, Leslie E. Thompson, Ho-Cheol Kim, Donald S. Bethune*, The Effect of Transition Metal Oxide Cathodes on the Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Li-O2 Batteries, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b09616, []
Dr. Anand Ramasubramanian
Saha, A.K., A.K. Ramasubramanian (2017), “Cholesterol regulates monocyte rolling through CD44 distribution”, Biophys. J., 112(7):1481-88. PMID: 28402890
Saha, A.K., S.F. Dallo, A.L. Detmar, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2017), “Cellular cholesterol regulates monocyte deformation”, J. Biomech., 52:83-88. PMID: 28082022.
Nair, P.M., S.G. Pandya, S.F. Dallo, K.M. Reddoch, H.F. Pidcoke, A.P. Cap, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2017), “Refrigerated platelets contribute to superior clot properties through fibrin-crosslinking and contraction”, Br. J. Haematol. PMID: 28580719 (with Editorial Comment)
Meledeo, M.A., J.A. Bynum, K.M. Reddoch, A.K. Ramasubramanian, A.P. Cap (2017), “Acute traumatic coagulopathy: The elephant in a room of blind scientists”, J. Trauma. PMID: 28333829.
Srinivasan, A., G.C. Lee, N.S. Torres, K. Hernandez, S. Dallas, J.L. Lopez-Ribot, C. Frei, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2017), “High-throughput microarray for antimicrobial susceptibility testing”, Biotechnology Reports, 16:44-47. PMID: 29167758.
Srinivasan, A., K.P. Leung, J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2017) “nBioChip- A lab-on-a-chip platform of mono-and poly-microbial biofilms for high-throughput downstream applications”, mSphere, 2(3): e00247-17.
Pierce, C.G., T. Vila, J.A. Romo, D. Montelongo-Jauregui, G. Wall, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.L. Lopez-Ribot (2017) “The Candida albicans biofilm matrix: composition, structure and function”, J. Fungi, 3(1):14-22.
- 2016 Publications
by BCME Faculty and Students
- Bellofiore A., Dinges E., Naeije R. et al. (2016) Reduced hemodynamic coupling and exercise are associated with vascular stiffening in pulmonary arterial hypertension, Heart, doi: 10.1136/ heartjnl-2016-309906.
- Brewis M.J., Bellofiore A., Vanderpool R.R. et al. (2016) Imaging right ventricular function to predict outcome in pulmonary arterial hypertension, Int J Cardiol, 218, pp. 206–211.
- KeleĹź, Ă–, Blevins, CW, and Bowman, KJ. Effect of build orientation on the mechanical reliability of 3D printed ABS, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Accepted, 2016.
- Boylan-Ashraf, P, KeleĹź, Ă–, Freeman, S, Shelley, M, and Calfee, R. Can Students Flourish in Engineering Classrooms? Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, (2016)
- Komives, C. F., Sanchez, E. E., Rathore, A. S., White, B., Suntravat, M., Balderrama, M., Cifelli, A. and Joshi, V. (2016), Opossum peptide that can neutralize rattlesnake venom is expressed in Escherichia coli. Biotechnol Progress. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1002/btpr.2386
- Evani, S.J., S.F. Dallo, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2016), “Biophysical and biochemical outcomes of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection promotes pro-atherogenic matrix microenvironment”, Frontiers in Microbiology, August, 7:1287. PMID: 27582738.
- Reddoch, K.M., H.F. Pidcoke, R.K. Montgomery, C.G. Fedyk, A.K. Ramasubramanian, A.P. Cap* (2016), “Endothelial inhibitors efficiently attenuate the aggregatory and adhesive response of refrigerated platelets” (*Co-corresponding authors) Shock, 45(2):220-7. PMID: 26555740
- Evani, S.J., S.F. Dallo, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2016), “Biophysical and biochemical outcomes of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection promotes pro-atherogenic matrix microenvironment”, Frontiers in Microbiology, August, 7:1287. PMID: 27582738
- Evani, S.J., A.K. Ramasubramanian (2016) “Biophysical regulation of Chlamydia pneumoniae-infected monocyte recruitment to atherosclerotic foci”, Scientific Reports, 6:19058. PMID: 26785849
- Wiederhold, N.P., T.F. Patterson, A. Srinivasan, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.L. Lopez-Ribot (2016) “Repurposing auranofin as an antifungal: in vitro activity against a variety of medically-important fungi”, Virulence, Jun 7:1-5. PMID: 27268469
- Montelongo-Jauregui, D., A. Srinivasan, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.L. Lopez-Ribot (2016) “An in vitro model for oral mixed biofilms of Candida albicans and Streptococcus gordonii in synthetic saliva”, Frontiers in Microbiology, May 12, 7:686. PMID: 27242712
- Torres, N., J. Abercrombie, A. Srinivasan, J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian, K.P. Leung* (2016), “Screening a commercial library of pharmacologically active small molecules against S. aureus biofilms”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, June 11: 00377-16 (* Co-corresponding authors). PMID: 27401577
- 2015 Publications
by BCME Faculty and Students
- Klusak E., Bellofiore A., Loughnane S., Quinlan N.J. (2015) High-Resolution Measurements of Velocity and Shear Stress in Leakage Jets From Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve Hinge Models, J Biomech Eng, 137(11), 111008.
- Bellofiore A., et al. (2015) A Novel In Vivo Approach to Assess Radial and Axial Distensibility of Large and Intermediate Pulmonary Artery Branches. J Biomech Eng, 137(4), 044501.
- Claire Komives; Towards quality and consistency in Indian engineering education; Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 29(1), 2015, pp. 1-6.
- Claire Komives; Inquiry-based laboratory for teaching students design-of-experiments; Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 28(2-3), 2015, pp. 1-6.
- Ahmet Bozdag; Claire Komives; Michael C. Flickinger, "Bacillus methanolicus can grow on 2 M methanol and the ribulose monophosphate pathway may limit the rate of detoxification of formaldehyde at high methanol concentration" Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology July 2015, vol 42, issue 7, pp. 1027-1038.
- Srinivasan, A., J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2015), “Microscale microbial cultures”, Future Microbiology, 10:143-6. Editorial.
- Srinivasan, A., J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2015), “Microscale microbial cultures”, Future Microbiology, 10:143-6. Editorial.
- Pierce, C.G., A. Srinivasan, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.L. Lopez-Ribot (2015), “From Biology to Drug Development: New Approaches to Combat the Threat of Fungal Biofilms” in Microbial Spectr, 3(3) MB-0007-2014.
- Actis, L., A. Srinivasan, J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.L. Ong (2015), “Effect of silver nanoparticle geometry on methicillin susceptible and resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and osteoblast viability”, J. Materials Sci. – Materials in Medicine. 26(7):5538. PMID: 26194976.
- Cheeniyil, A., S.J. Evani, S.F. Dallo, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2015), “Shear stress upregulates IL-1β secretion by Chlamydia pneumoniae-infected monocytes”, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 112(4): 838-42. PMID:25336058.
- Pierce, C.G., A. Srinivasan, P. Uppuluri, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.L. Lopez-Ribot (2014), “Inhibition of Fungal Biofilms” in Antibiofilm agents: from diagnosis to treatment and prevention, ed. Iqbal Ahmed and Kendra Rumbaugh, Springer. Vol. 8, pp. 273-289.
- 2014 Publications
by BCME Faculty and Students
- KeleĹź, Ă–, GarcĂa, RE, and Bowman, KJ. Failure variability in porous glasses: stress interactions, crack orientation, and crack size distributions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97(12):3967-3972, 2014.
- KeleĹź, Ă–, GarcĂa, RE, and Bowman, KJ. Pore–crack orientation effects on fracture behavior of brittle porous materials. International Journal of Fracture, 187(2):293-299, 2014.
- Maryam Mobed-Miremadi, Sabra Djomehri, Mallika Keralapura, and Melanie McNeil, “Fickian-Based Empirical Approach for Diffusivity Determination in Hollow Alginate-Based Microfibers Using 2D Fluorescence Microscopy and Comparison with Theoretical Predictions”, Materials,7(12), pages, 7670-7688 (2014).
- Reddoch, K.M., H.F. Pidcoke, R.K. Montgomery, C.G. Fedyk, A.K. Ramasubramanian, A.P. Cap* (2014), “Hemostatic capacity of apheresis platelets is better preserved by storage at 4 °C than 22 °C”, Shock, 41: 54-61 (*Co-corresponding authors). PMID: 24169210.
- Pierce, C.G., A. Srinivasan, P. Uppuluri, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.L. Lopez-Ribot (2014), “Inhibition of Fungal Biofilms” in Antibiofilm agents: from diagnosis to treatment and prevention, ed. Iqbal Ahmed and Kendra Rumbaugh, Springer. Vol. 8, pp. 273-289.
- Srinivasan, A., J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2014), “Overcoming antifungal resistance”, Drug Discovery Today: Technologies, 11: 65-71.
- Srinivasan, A., C.M. Gupta, C.M. Agrawal, K.P. Leung, J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2014), “Drug susceptibility of encapsulated Candida albicans biofilms”, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 111(2): 418-424. (Featured as video highlight and issue spotlight). PMID: 24114441
- Pidcoke, H.F., P. Spinella, A.K. Ramasubramanian, G. Strandenes, T. Hervig, P.M. Ness, and A.P. Cap (2014), “Refrigerated platelets for the treatment of acute bleeding: a review of the literature and re-examination of current standards”, Shock, 41: 51-53.
- Nair, P.M., H.F. Pidcoke, A.P. Cap, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2014), “Effect of cold storage on shear-induced platelet aggregation and clot strength”, J. Trauma Acute Care Surg., 77: S88-93. PMID: 25159368
- Reddoch, K.M., H.F. Pidcoke, R.K. Montgomery, C.G. Fedyk, A.K. Ramasubramanian, A.P. Cap* (2014), “Hemostatic capacity of apheresis platelets is better preserved by storage at 4 °C than 22 °C”, Shock, 41: 54-61 (*Co-corresponding authors). PMID: 24169210
- 2013 Publications
by BCME Faculty and Students
- Dai, Qiu, Yingyu Chen, Chi-Chun Liu, Charles T. Rettner, Bryan Holmdahl*, Stacy Gleixner, Richard Chung, Jed W. Pitera, Joy Cheng, and Alshakim Nelson. "Programmable Nanoparticle Ensembles via High-Throughput Directed Self-Assembly." Langmuir (2013).
- Dai, Qiu, Yingyu Chen, Chi-Chun Liu, Charles T. Rettner, Bryan Holmdahl*, Stacy Gleixner, Richard Chung, Jed W. Pitera, Joy Cheng, and Alshakim Nelson. "Programmable Nanoparticle Ensembles via High-Throughput Directed Self-Assembly." Langmuir (2013).
- Sridhar-Keralapura M., Thirumalai S.*, Mobed-Miremadi M., “ Structural Changes and Imaging Signatures of Acoustically Sensitive Microcapsules under Ultrasound”, Ultrasonics (2013).
- Mobed-Miremadi M, Nagendra R.K.*, Ramachandruni S.L.*, Rook J.J.*, Sridhar-Keralapura M., Goedert M., “Polystyrene Microsphere and 5-Fluorouracil Release from Custom Designed Wound Dressing Films”, Progress in Biomaterials, (2013).
- Djomehri S.*, Mobed-Miremadi M., Keralapura M. “Modeling Diffusivity Through Alginate-Based Microfibers: A Comparison of Numerical And Analytical Models Based On Empirical Spectrophotometric Data”, Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology,(2013).
- Michael Oye, Graphene Synthesis and Applications (Choi, W. and Lee, J.-W., Eds.) [Book Review] IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, Vol 7, 39 (2013).
- Tam-Triet Ngo-Duc**, Jovi Gacusan, Nobuhiko P. Kobayashi, Mohan Sanghadasa, M. Meyyappan, and Michael M. Oye, "Controlled growth of vertical ZnO nanowires on copper substrate", Applied Physics Letters, Vol 108, 083105 (2013).
- Bellofiore A., Chesler N.C. (2013) Methods for measuring right ventricular function and hemodynamic coupling with the pulmonary vasculature, Ann Biomed Eng, 41(7), pp. 1384-98.
- Bellofiore A., et al. (2013) Impact of Acute Pulmonary Embolization on Arterial Stiffening and Right Ventricular Function in Dogs, Ann Biomed Eng, 41(1), pp. 195-204.
- Q. Dai, Y. Chen, C.C. Liu, C.T. Rettner, B. Holmdahl, S. Gleixner, W. R. Chung, J.W. Pitera, J. Cheng, and A. Nelson. “Programmable Nanoparticle Ensembles via High-Throughput Directed Self-Assembly,” Langmuir 2013, 29, 3567-3574.
- KeleĹź, Ă–, GarcĂa, RE, and Bowman, KJ. Stochastic failure of isotropic, brittle materials with uniform porosity. Acta Materialia, 61(8):2853-2862, 2013.
- KeleĹź, Ă–, GarcĂa, RE, and Bowman, KJ. Deviations from Weibull statistics in brittle porous materials. Acta Materialia, 61(19):7207-7215, 2013.
- Young-Hye La, Jacquana Diep, Radwan Al-Rasheed, Dolores Miller, LeslieKrupp, Geoffrey M. Geise, Ankit Vora, Blake Davis, Majed Nassar, Benny D. Freeman, Melanie McNeil , Geraud Dubois, “Enhanced Desalination Performance of Polyamide Bi-layer Membranes Prepared by Sequential Interfacial Polymerization”, J. Membrane Science, 437, pages 33-39 (2013).
- Evani, S.J., R.G. Prabhu, V. Gnanaruban, E. Finol, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2013), “Monocytes mediate metastatic breast tumor cell adhesion to endothelium under flow”, FASEB J., 27(8):3017-29. PMID: 23616566.
- 2012 Publications
by BCME Faculty and Students
(* indicates student author)
- Mobed-Miremadi M., Asi B.*, Parasseril J.*, Tat M.*, Wong E.*, Shan Y.*, “Comparative Diffusivity Measurements for Alginate-Based Atomized and Inkjet-Bioprinted Artificial Cells using Fluorescence Microscopy", Art. Cells, Blood Substitutes & Biotech, (2012)
- Tam Ngo-Duc**, Karandeep Singh, M. Meyyappan, and Michael M. Oye, "Vertical ZnO nanowire growth on metal substrates", Nanotechnology, Vol 23, 194015 (2012)
- S.E. Harvey, “Carbon as Conductor: A Pragmatic View”, Proceedings of the 61st International Wire and Cable Symposium, 2012, 560.
- Dewi Nilasari**, Nir Dover, Sabine Rech, Claire Komives (CK correspondence author);Expression of Recombinant Green Fluorescent Protein in Bacillus Methanolicus; Biotechnology Progress, 28(3), 2012,662-668.
- Eric A. Appel, Victor Y. Lee, Timothy T. Nguyen, Melanie McNeil, Frederik Nederberg, James L. Hedrick, William C. Swope, Julia E. Rice, Robert D. Miller, Joséph Slu, “Toward Biodegradable Nanogel Star Polymers via Organocatalytic ROP”, Chem. Commun., 48 (49), 6163 – 6165, (2012).
- Srinivasan, A., J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian (2012), “Candida albicans Biofilm Chip (CaBChip) for high-throughput antifungal drug screening”, Journal of Visual Experimentation, 65: e3845. PMID: 22847237.
- 2011 Publications
by BCME Faculty and Students
(* indicates student author)
- S. Thirumalai, M. Mobed-ÂMiremadi and M. Sridhar-ÂKeralapura, “Effect of Therapeutic Ultrasound on Acoustically Sensitive Microcapsules”, Proceedings of IEEE EngineeringMedicine and Biology Society 2011, 4122?8 (11), 7207-Â7210.
- Rose, D., Nepal, R., Gholizadeh, S., Mishra, R., Lau, R. and Lustig, B. “Novel application of query-based qualitative predictors for characterization of solvent accessible residues in conjunction with protein sequence homology” (2011) Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 70-74. (Paper Presented, Toulouse FR)
- Joseph Sly, Victor Y. Lee, Karen Havenstrite, Melia Tjio, Melanie McNeil, Helen M. Blau, Robert D. Miller, "Nanogel Star Polymer Architectures: A Nanoparticle Platform for Modular Programmable Macromolecular Self-assembly, Intercellular Transport and Dual Mode Cargo Deliver, Advanced Materials, Volume 23, Issue 39, pages 4509–4515, (2011).
- Chung, R., "Graphene Synthesis by Thermal CVD Method," Proceedings of the IEEE Nano 2011 Conference, Portland, OR, (August 15-18, 2011).
- Lee, J., Okamoto, N., Chung, R., Anagnos, T., "Introducing Sustainability Concepts in Lower Division Engineering Core Courses," Proceedings of the 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD, (October 12-15, 2011).
- Chung, R., Amo, K., "Characterization of the Adhesion between Nanoparticles and Polymer Matrix by Atomic Force Microscopy," Proceedings of the IEEE Nano 2011 Conference, Portland, OR, (August 15-18, 2011).
- Komives, C., et. al. , "Biology across the Curriculum: Preparing Students for a Career in the Life Sciences," Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, (June 26-29, 2011).
- Komives, C., Walsh, M., "Application of Classical Realist Philosophy Principles to Engineering Ethics," Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, (June 26-29, 2011).
- Komives, C., Prince, M. J., Fernandez, E. J., Balcarcel, R., "Integration of Biological Applications into the Core Undergraduate Curriculum: A Practical Strategy," Chemical Engineering Education, Vol. 45, No. 1, (2011).
- Ingham, B., Li, H., Allen, E., Toney, M. F., "SAXSMorph: A Program for Generating Representative Morphologies for Two-phase Materials from Small-angle X-ray and Neutron Scatt," Journal of Applied Crystallography, Vol. 44, No. 221 (2011).
- Backer, P., Allen, E., Sundrud, J., "Assessment of First Year Experiences at 91ÁÔĆć," Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, (June 26-29, 2011).
- Stacy Gleixner, Elena Klaw, and Patricia Backer, “Service Learning in a Renewable Energy Engineering Course”, Procs. 2011 Pacific Southwest American Society for Engineering Education, (2011).
- Stacy Gleixner, Elena Klaw, and Patricia Backer, “Service Learning in a Multi-Disciplinary Renewable Energy Engineering Course”, Procs. 2011 American Society for Engineering Education, 552, (2011).
- Bellofiore A., Quinlan N.J. (2011) High-Resolution Measurement of the Unsteady Velocity Field to Evaluate Blood Damage Induced by a Mechanical Heart Valve, Ann Biomed Eng, 39(9), pp. 2417-2429.
- Bellofiore A., et al. (2011) Scale-up of an Unsteady Flow-field for Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Resolution of PIV Measurements: Application to Leaflet Wake Flow in a Mechanical Heart Valve, Exp. Fluids, 51(1), pp.161-176.
- W.R. Chung and K. Amo, “Characterization of the Adhesion between Nanoparticles and Polymer Matrix by Atomic Force Microscopy,” Proceedings of IEEE Nano 2011, August 15-18, 2011, Portland, Oregon.
- W.R. Chung, Y. Zhao, M. Oye, C. Nguyen, “Graphene Synthesis by Thermal CVD Method” Proceedings of IEEE Nano 2011, August 15-18, 2011, Portland, Oregon.
- J. Lee, N. Okamoto, W.R. Chung, and T. Anagnos, “Introducing Sustainability Concepts in Lower Division Engineering Core Courses, Proceedings of 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference October 12 - 15, 2011, Rapid City, SD.
- Claire Komives, Michael J. Prince, Erik J. Fernandez, Robert Balcarcel; Integration of Biological Applications into the Core Undergraduate Curriculum: A Practical Strategy, Chemical Engineering Education, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2011.
- Claire Komives, Moira Walsh; Application of Classical Realist Philosophy Principles to Engineering Ethics, No. 2011-2571; Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference Vancouver BC, Canada, 2011
- Joséph Sly, Victor Y. Lee, Karen Havenstrite, Melia Tjio, Melanie McNeil, Helen M. Blau, Robert D. Miller, "Nanogel Star Polymer Architectures: A Nanoparticle Platform for Modular Programmable Macromolecular Self-assembly, Intercellular Transport and Dual Mode Cargo Delivery, Adv. Materials, Volume 23, Issue 39, pages 4509–4515, (2011).
- Kazuki Fukushima, Olivier Coulembier, Julien M. Lecuyer, Hamid A. Almegren, Abdullah M. Alabdulrahman, Fares D. Alsewailem, Melanie A. McNeil, Philippe Dubois, Robert M. Waymouth, Hans W. Horn, Julia E. Rice, and James L. Hedrick, “Organocatalytic Depolymerization of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)”, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. Volume 49, Issue 5, pages 1273–1281, 1 March 2011.