Instructional Student Assistant (Grader)

Brief Description of Duties for Instructional Student Assistant (Grader)

Grade papers and/or supervise examinations. May include holding tutoring or office hours. Consult University course schedule to determine which courses may need graders each semester.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Applicant must possess the ability to learn and perform assigned work; work cooperatively with faculty, staff, and other students; and accept responsibility.
  • Completion of specific coursework may be required in order to teach, grade or tutor a course, admission or registration as a CSU student. On-Campus Work-Study Instructional Student Assistants must meet the eligibility requirements of the Federal Work-Study Program, as determined by the campus’ financial aid office.
  • Undergraduate students must have completed the course with a B or better.
  • Graduate students must have completed an equivalent course or be concurrently enrolled in an equivalent course.

Application Procedures

Please fill out the  and submit by the first week of classes each semester. 

Hiring Criteria

Applicants will be screened according to their academic performance and the extent to which they meet the qualifications described above.

Salary: $17.95/hour

Graders generally work 5 to 10 hours per week depending on the course.

Deadline and procedures for notification

Applications must be received by the end of the first week of classes each semester for full consideration. Applications will be screened on an as-received basis. Applicants not hired will be notified by the 4th week of the semester.

Exceptions to the minimum qualifications may be granted at the sole discretion of the University. All student positions are limited to a maximum of 20 hours/week.

Last Revised Spring 2024