The Chemical and Materials Engineering Department has excellent programs and facilities for courses and student research.
Microscale Process Engineering Laboratory (MPEL)
Microscale Process Engineering Laboratory (MPEL) provides hands-on learning experiences in process engineering, microfabrication, and device testing. The laboratory is available for research by student, faculty and external users. Also, students enrolled in MatE/EE129, MatE/EE 165, MatE/ME/EE 189, MatE/ChE166 and EE225A use this laboratory.
Materials Characterization and Metrology Center [MC]²
Materials Characterization and Metrology Center [MC]² provides a wide variety of materials imaging and chemical analysis capabilities for numerous applications throughout science and engineering. The laboratory is available for research by student, faculty and external users. Also, students enrolled in MatE 143, MatE 144, and MatE 145 use this laboratory.
Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory
Blends traditional engineering with subjects in the biological sciences using specially developed biochemical engineering courses and labs. The laboratory is available for research students and students enrolled in ChE 194.
- 2 Applikon computer-controlled fermentors
- On-line process gas mass spectrometer
- Agilent 1100 LC/MSD
- Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer System
- HPLC-diode array spectrometer
- UV/Vis spectrometer
- GC
- Eppendorf Mastercycler Gradient PCR
- Incubator/shakers
- Incubator
- DNA Electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE
- Bioimaging system
- Other supporting equipment
- MBraun Labstar Glovebox
- Gamry 1010E Potentiostat/Galvanostat/Impedance analyzer
- BluQCM QSD 300
- Biologic SP-200 Potentiostat/Galvanostat/Impedance analyzer
- MTI Battery Analyzer
- Hydraulic Crimper for Coin Cells
Polymers and Composites
- Wet benches for processing
- Extruder
Mechanical Testing
- Instron
- Rockwell hardness
- Charpy Impact
- Cold rolling
- 4 Point Bend
- Annealling furnaces
Support for the Laboratories has been provided by
- Agilent Corporation
- National Science Foundation (CCLI Award)
- California State University Program in Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB)
- Systemix (Novartis)
- Gilead Pharmaceuticals
- Dade Behring