Asset Services

We keep track of inventory and equipment at 91ΑΤΖζ.

91ΑΤΖζ Asset Services ensures that accurate records are kept for the acquisition, maintenance, control and disposition of university property.

Contact Us

Addition of New Assets

Learn how to add new purchases, donations and gifts

Maintenance of Assets

Get information on property custodians, missing property and physical inventory

Removal of Assets

Learn about disposition, loans and transfers for assets you no longer use or need

Other Services

Get information about Public Surplus, Furniture/Equipment Re-Use, and the Campus Copier Program

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What We Do

With the cooperation of the campus community, Assets Services maintains detailed asset records and strong internal controls to ensure that 91ΑΤΖζ is protected against theft and the unauthorized use of its property. We accomplish this by tagging and tracking all tangible, non-consumable property valued at $5,000 or more; adding asset property data to CFS when new equipment is purchased, donated or transferred; recording and facilitating property disposals; and conducting a campus-wide physical inventory every 3 years.

Adding New Assets


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