Special Requirements

Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) and Information Security Risk Management

All online applications and services, as well as new and renewed software, are subject to review for accessibility and security compliance by Information Technology personnel prior to the act of procurement.

A conforming to is required.

Other documentation such as a and/or may also be required; this requirement shall be determined by Information Technology personnel.

For questions or concerns regarding this process, contact vpat-review@sjsu.edu and/or strategicsourcing-c-ps@sjsu.edu.

See also the for further details regarding ATI and for Information Security Risk Management.


Contracts and Procurement Services will only reach out to caterers that are actively being solicited by a university department.

Before placing an order, the department should consult with Strategic Sourcing - Contracts and Procurement Services to determine whether the caterer has met the university's requirements.

The follow documents will be requested from the caterer:

• Issued Health Permit
• 91ÁÔÆæ Caterer Application [pdf]
• Certificate of Insurance

For questions, contact strategicsourcing-c-ps@sjsu.edu.

Insurance Requirements

Please refer to:


Metered parking is available along the perimeter of the Main Campus. A daily parking permit can also be purchased from a permit dispenser for a one-day permit to park in the North, South, and/or West Parking Garages.

Daily Permits are $8, or $1 per half hour

For parking locations, please refer to 91ÁÔÆæ Parking Maps.

For questions, contact Parking Services at parking@sjsu.edu.

Suppliers Performing Services on Campus - Attestation of Compliance

Suppliers performing work on the San Jose State University campus (i.e. any and all 91ÁÔÆæ property) must complete the prior to performing work onsite. We recommend completing the form at least two business days in advance of the work taking place.

In the interest of maintaining the health and safety of students, employees, guests, and other members of the campus community, the California State University requires all individuals who are accessing campus properties and facilities at any CSU university location to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status, as masks are required while accessing 91ÁÔÆæ property and/or facilities both indoors and outdoors.

Supplier Sidewalk Permits

Any non-emergency or non-state vehicle parked or operating on campus sidewalks must have a Supplier Sidewalk Loading/Unloading permit. Violators will be cited. Vehicles blocking a fire lane may be cited, towed and stored at the owner's expense. Sidewalk permits allow a vehicle to drive to a specific location on campus, pickup or discharge cargo within a predetermined period of time, and then leave.

Sidewalk permits are issued by Parking Services. They are not valid for parking in any 91ÁÔÆæ lot or garage unless noted on the permit.

Suppliers performing a service or delivering goods to campus departments may apply for Sidewalk permits at Parking Services. Contracts & Procurement Services staff that are commissioning such work or deliveries may apply for Sidewalk permits on behalf of their suppliers.

Private and company vehicles involved in campus construction projects need not obtain Sidewalk permits as long as such vehicles are parked within fenced boundaries of a construction area at all times.

Suppliers wishing to park on 91ÁÔÆæ sidewalks must apply for a Sidewalk permit each time they wish to park on the sidewalk. Sidewalk permits are issued for a short period of time and justification must be presented at the time of issue. Sidewalk permits are valid only for the date and time indicated.

Note: The maximum speed limit on campus is 5 mph. Drivers must not block fire lanes at any time.