Student Success, Excellence and Technology Fee (SSETF)


Collection of the SSETF commenced with the Fall 2012 term (). As a mandatory student fee that applies to all students, 91 is obligated to ensure the revenues collected are used in ways that were detailed in the fee proposal and conveyed through open forums held in Spring 2012. Details about the six priorities supported by the SSETF are available below.

Effective Fall semester 2014, the SSETF was separated into three components and frozen at the Fall 2013 fee amount. Upon guidance from the Chancellor’s Office, to comply with the fee structure approved in EO 1078, effective Summer 2021, the three components of the fee were brought back together as one singular fee charged to student accounts.

91's Six Priorities Supported by the SSETF

Student Success Services and Graduation Pathways

Expand support for comprehensive student success services and improved pathways to graduation. For example:

  • Maintain access to high demand classes and labs;
    increase comprehensive and coordinated writing, math and tutorial services;
  • enable workforce, career and professional development and alumni mentoring;
  • implement a new integrative First Year Program;
  • implement more high impact practices such as utilize early-warning technology-enhanced advising and tutoring;
  • support undergraduate and graduate research;
    increase service learning and community engagement opportunities;
  • expand summer bridge; and
  • enhance services for students with disabilities.
Academic Technology

Enhance support for effective student-related academic technology initiatives that complement, but do not duplicate, technology initiatives identified in CSU’s annual support budget. For example:

  • Improve academic technology infrastructure (e.g., LMS support, lecture capture, enhanced classroom technology);
  • Improve student access to state-of-the art software (e.g., adoption of digital media software such as Adobe Suite); and
  • Improve student access to academic technology hardware and devices, including exploration of e-readers, iPads, and increased utilization of effective electronic multi-platform-based educational learning materials (e.g., Pearson MyWritingLab, ETS’ Criterion writing support programs, etc.).
21st Century Teaching Spaces

Create 21st century classrooms, labs and learning spaces, including virtual spaces (e.g., lecture capture, e-portfolios, social media, etc.).

Retention and Graduation

Expand support for all students and work to close the retention and graduation gap for Underrepresented Minority students (URM).

Course Support

Enhance support for instructional materials and methods used in the delivery of instruction.

Instructionally Related ActivitiesSupport for activities that fall under the definition of and statutes related to Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) in Title 5 and the California Education code, including Athletics.

Fee Components


Approximately 50% of the total Fee supports activities that fall under the definition of and statutes related to Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) in Title 5 and the California Education code, including Athletics. A complete list of IRA Activities is outlined in .

SSETF - Course Support

Approximately 10% of the total Fee enhances support for instructional materials and methods used in the delivery of instruction and allocations/distribution of these funds are managed by the Office of Academic Planning and Budgets.

SSETF - Student Success

Approximately 40% of the total Fee provides enhanced and comprehensive support for student success programs that improve graduation and retention rates of all students (including under-represented minority students) by implementing a variety of evidence-based, best practice student support and High Impact Practice (HIP) programs. Additionally, the Student Success portion is used to deepen and strengthen student learning by providing innovative and effective technology-enabled learning experiences for students.

Fee Information by Fiscal Year

Table: Fee Rates by Fiscal Year

For a complete history of SSETF fee rates, please see SSETF fee rates by fiscal year.

Fiscal Year 2022/23

2022/23 Fee Rate

After two years of forgone inflationary adjustments, the fee was adjusted for 2022/23 based on the Commonfund Higher Education Price Index (HEPI). The fee was increased from $334.50 to $343.50 per academic year term.

Spring 2022 Call for Proposals

In March 2022, a call for funding proposals for expending over two years, 2022/23 and 2023/24, was issued to campus Divisions. All proposals submitted were reviewed by the Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC) in May 2022 and the committee provided an advisory recommendation regarding the proposals to the President. The President subsequently approved one-time commitments of $4.3 million in June 2022. The following commitments were approved for funding:

Spring 2022 Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals for SSETF Funds 3.25.2022 [pdf]
SSETF Allocation and Expenditure Procedures 2022 [pdf]
SSETF Funding Request Form 2022-23 and 2023-24
CFAC Recommendation to Approve the Request for SSETF Funding - April 28, 2022 [pdf]
FY2022-23 through FY2023-24 SSETF Funding Commitments Memo [pdf]

Fiscal Year 2020/21 and 2021/22

2020/21 and 2021/22 Fee Rate

The 2020/21 and 2021/22 Student Success, Excellence, and Technology Fee (SSETF) rate remains unchanged from prior year amounts. During these years, mandatory campus fees were not adjusted for inflation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including variability in enrollment and future revenue projections, a call for SSETF proposals was not issued in 2021. A call is anticipated for Spring 2022.

Fiscal Year 2019/20

2019/20 Fee Rate

The 2019/20 Student Success, Excellence, and Technology Fee (SSETF) rate remains unchanged from prior year amounts with the exception of an inflationary adjustment based on the change in the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI). In December 2018, the prior year 2017 HEPI rate was restated downwards from 3.7% to 3.3% due to a change in the methodology used by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) to report faculty salaries and fringe benefits. To accommodate this restatement, the campus 2018/19 mandatory fees have been recalculated at the revised HEPI rate to serve as the basis for calculation of 2019/20 fees. From this revised starting point, the 2018 HEPI rate of 2.8% has been applied to determine the 2019/20 Academic Year and Summer 2019 fees, as displayed in the fee table.

2019/20 Continuations of SSETF Funds

A call for the continuation of previously awarded funds was distributed to division contacts in June 2019 for projects that were not complete by fiscal year-end, June 30, 2019. Requests were reviewed to ensure commitments had remaining balances, and funds were returned to the divisions to cover outstanding expenses to the extent that funds were requested and available from the original award. The following programs received continuation funding: Accelerated Developmental/B4 Math Program and Math Tutoring ($66,444), and Late Night Tutoring in the Library ($5,772).

Fiscal Year 2018/19

2018/19 Fee Rate

The 2018/19 Student Success, Excellence, and Technology Fee (SSETF) rate remains unchanged from prior year amounts with the exception of a 3.7% inflationary adjustment based on the change in the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI). The SSETF totals $654 for the academic year plus $218 for summer.

2018/19 Continuation of SSETF Funds

A call for the continuation of previously awarded funds was distributed to division contacts in June 2018 for projects that were not complete by fiscal year-end, June 30, 2018. Requests were reviewed to ensure commitments had remaining balances, and funds were returned to the divisions to cover outstanding expenses to the extent that funds were requested and available from the original award. The following programs received continuation funding.

SSETF 2018/19 Fund Continuation Table

Fiscal Year 2017/18

2017/18-2018/19 Biennial Call for SSETF Funds

The biennial funding call was distributed to the Cabinet, Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC), and university divisions in January 2017. In June 2017, President Mary Papazian approved the Campus Fee Advisory Committee's (CFAC) Recommendation for Biennial Funding in support of the projects listed below.

2017/18 - 2018/19 SSETF Fund Awards

2017-18 Continuation of SSETF Funds

A call for the continuation of previously awarded funds was distributed to division contacts in July 2017 for projects that were not complete by fiscal year-end, June 30, 2017. Funds were returned to the divisions to cover outstanding expenses to the extent that funds were requested and available from the original award. Three programs received continued funding: Spartan Scholars ($750,000), Student Athlete Success Center ($500,000), and Technology Enabled Full Year for Frosh ($12,000).

2017/18 Fee Rate

The 2017/18 Student Success, Excellence, and Technology Fee (SSETF) rate remains unchanged from prior year amounts with the exception of a 1.8% inflationary adjustment based on the change in the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI). The SSETF totals $631 for the academic year plus $210.50 for summer, as displayed in the fee table.

Fiscal Year 2016/17

2016/17 Fee Rate

The 2016/17 Student Success, Excellence, and Technology Fee (SSETF) rate remains unchanged from prior year amounts with the exception of a 2% inflationary adjustment based on the change in Higher Education Price Index (HEPI).

In January of 2016, Interim President Susan Martin approved the Campus Fee Advisory Committee's Recommendation for Biennial Funding of the programs listed below. A biennial funding call was both appropriate and necessary because the SSETF fee rates for 15/16 were not decided until very late into the spring, 2016 semester after extensive consultation with the campus community. IT Services also received continuation funding to complete their Telepresence Enhanced Learning Spaces Upgrades.

2016/17 SSETF Fund Awards Table

Fiscal Year 2015/16

2015/16 Fee Rate

Message from Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance

Project Outcome Report Process

2015/16 Biennial Call for SSETF Funds

Fiscal Year 2014/15

2014/15 Reduction of the Student Success, Excellence and Technology Fee

Message from President Mohammad H. Qayoumi

Additional Information

Fiscal Year 2013/14

Original Fee Proposal Materials

SSETF Fee Rates by Fiscal Year

Messages from the President and Interim VP

FY 15/16 SSETF Message from Interim VP

Dear Campus Community,

I’m writing with an update on plans for the Student Success and Excellence in Technology Fee (SSETF) in 2015-16.

Some of you will recall recent changes our campus made to “unbundle” the fee into three parts to more clearly and transparently convey how fees are structured and used to support students. As part of the unbundling process, President Qayoumi reduced the SSETF by $20 per term to $295 per semester.

Since the fee was unbundled and reduced in 2014, Associated Students (AS) has engaged in dialogue with students and campus leadership to solidify the fee rate. After much discussion, consultation and planning, no future increases are planned for any component of the unbundled student success fee with the exception of a provision that allows for a three percent annual inflation adjustment. The inflation adjustment for 2015/16 is $9 per term.

Here is a breakdown of the “unbundled” fees per term in 2015-16:

Course Support: $31.00
Instructionally Related Activities: $151.50
Student Success: $121.50
TOTAL SSETF: $304.00

The fee remains well below the amount authorized in 2012 by the CSU and is consistent with the sentiments of nearly sixty (60%) percent of students who, based on a survey of students commissioned by AS, supported keeping the fee stable or raising it to fund additional programs.

It is important to acknowledge that these fees impose an additional financial burden on students. At the same time, they make it possible to offer an array of programs valued by a majority of students, some of which make it possible for students to graduate sooner and thus save them money in the long run.

We have created a document with answers to basic questions about student success fees, and will provide details on submitting funding proposals soon.


Josee Larochelle
Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance

FY 14/15 SSETF Message from President

On May 15, 2014, President Mohammad H. Qayoumi announced a reduction of the Student Success, Excellence and Technology Fee:


San José State University, in consultation with elected student leaders, announced today fundamental changes to the Student Success, Excellence and Technology Fee. With these changes, the university will sustain its commitment to all existing student support programs while implementing a fee reduction for the 2014-15 academic year.

This semester was a good time to re-consider this fee, which we introduced two years ago. We had very productive discussions with student leaders and we will continue to welcome input from the university community.

Here are the changes students should expect this fall:

  • The Student Success, Excellence and Technology Fee will be “unbundled.” This means it will be split into three components: the Instructionally Related Activities Fee ($147), Course Support Fee ($30), and Student Success Fee ($118).
  • When combined, the total of the three fees will be $295 for Fall 2014, equivalent to the Fall 2013 rate and well below the $375 rate originally set for Fall 2014.
  • This change will clarify the purpose of each fee and facilitate comparisons with other CSU campuses.

Here is how the changes will impact programming and oversight:

  • Revenue from these fees will allow San Jose State to support all existing programs and several new proposals for 2014-15.
  • Athletics will continue to receive support through the Instructionally Related Activities Fee. This was the case previous to the introduction of the SSETF, which incorporated the IRA.
  • Associated Students, the Academic Senate and the divisions of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs will share oversight of these fees.

A few weeks ago, elected student leaders proposed holding a student poll to obtain feedback on the appropriate amounts for these fees. The administration voiced support for this approach. However, student leaders felt garnering sufficient student feedback was unrealistic at this point in the semester due to competing priorities such as final exams, graduation, employment, and housing.

Nicholas Ayala, Associated Students of 91 president, shared with me that “Students have the right to know what their fees are paying for and unbundling the Student Success, Excellence and Technology Fee will improve this needed transparency. Our interest in the future of this fee is what is in the best interest of all San José State students. In order to make an informed recommendation, there must be adequate time for students to be educated and weigh in on this decision.”


Mohammad Qayoumi