
To manage your FedEx shipments online, go to the website.

Inbound FedEx

  • FedEx Priority and Ground envelopes and packages are delivered to the University between 8:30am and 2:00pm, depending on the service level.

  • These items are sorted by extended zip code and delivered to the campus community throughout the day. Signatures are captured when delivered.

Outbound FedEx

  • Outbound FedEx shipments are picked up from the departments when mail and packages are delivered in the morning. If a pickup is needed after 12:00pm, please request one by contacting the Workflow Coordinator.
  • FedEx Priority shipments are picked up from the University Monday through Friday between 3:00pm and 3:30pm. All outbound items need to be at Distribution Services by 2:30pm to guarantee same day processing.
  • FedEx Ground shipments are picked up from the University Monday through Friday between 9:00am and 11:00am. All outbound items brought to Distribution Services after 10:00am will be shipped the following business day.

FedEx Supplies

  • For FedEx supplies, please contact the Administrative Support Coordinator. Please indicate which and how many of an item is needed. If the desired items are not in stock, we will place an order directly with FedEx.
  • FedEx shipping supplies include:
  • See the web page for more information.

  • If there are FedEx supplies not shown that will be used on a regular basis, please provide the FedEx part number (usually a 6-digit number on the item) and how many are needed. We can order them.