Student Petitions
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Note: template forms require an active . If you do not have an active account, please contact us at for an electronic copy of the petition.
When is a petition not appropriate?
- Not Allowed
The following circumstances cannot be considered for modification, waiver, or substitution.
- Changes made to academic records after a degree is posted. Once a degree is posted, the record is sealed, and no changes may be made to the record. This includes grade changes, adding a major/minor, dropping a major/minor, or withdrawing from a course/semester.
- Fewer than completed, not including repeats ().
- Fewer than 40-semester units [pdf] of upper-division coursework.
- Fewer than at 91ÁÔÆæ for every degree (residence).
- Fewer than . Eligible students can file Return to Earlier GE Pattern.
- Fewer than
- More than (University Policy F08-2 [pdf]).
- Withdrawing more than 18 WA units [pdf] [effective Fall 2009 and onward].
- Temporary suspension of sections of Executive Order 1037 due to COVID-19 (effective Fall 2020-Spring 2021).
- Fewer than of upper-division coursework for a minor taken at 91ÁÔÆæ.
- Upper-division credit for courses taken as lower-division courses.
- Graduating senior status as grounds for waiving requirements.
- GE credit for 91ÁÔÆæ, CSU, and California Community College courses not certified for GE or certified in different areas than 91ÁÔÆæ
- Departments cannot require a grade higher than a "C" for any graduation/university requirements.
- no grade point value shall be less than 0 or greater than 4.0 ()
- Not Required
Students do not need to submit a petition under the following circumstances, as it may be approved as substitutions by the Major Department.
- Fewer than total units required for the specific degree, but at least 120 units earned (UE) overall.
- 100W course taken outside of the major department.
- Excess supervised study units (180/184).
- Degree courses that reached the .
- Departments may require specific courses in a major to individually have grades of , but cannot require a grade higher than a "C" for any graduation/university requirements.
- General Education is fulfilled upon completion of a degree ().
Enrollment & Grades
- 1. Academic Renewal
Purpose: To allow graduating seniors to request that all grades earned in a prior semester be disregarded to facilitate graduation, University Policy F08-02 [pdf].
Condition: Have a GPA below a 2.0 in the major, minor, 91ÁÔÆæ, or overall college coursework.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Submitted graduation application and ready to graduate.
- GPA is below 2.0 in a category required for graduation (e.g., major, minor, university requirements).
- Five years have elapsed since the semester to be disregarded.
- No courses or units earned in the semester(s) to be disregarded can be counted toward graduation requirements.
- Demonstrate one of the following:
- 15 semester units with at least a 3.0 GPA or
- 30 semester units with at least a 2.5 GPA or
- 45 semester units with at least a 2.0 GPA
Required Attachments:
- A statement explaining the reason you are making the request and the extenuating circumstances associated with the semester you want to be disregarded.
- Graduation Worksheet and/or Hold Letter.
- Document extenuating circumstances associated with the semester you want to be disregarded and show that your performance is not representative of your ability.
Form: Fill out the
- 2. Enroll in 91ÁÔÆæ Studies and 100W with less than 60 units completed
Purpose: To allow lower division students with less than 60 units earned to enroll in 91ÁÔÆæ Studies courses (Area R, S, V) and/or Written Communication II (100W). 91ÁÔÆæ students whose transfer credit is not posted on My91ÁÔÆæ1 may use this petition if they meet the requirements listed below. Approval is only for one semester.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Completion with a grade of "C-" or better of A1 (Oral Communication), A2 (Written Communication), A3 (Critical Thinking & Writing), and B4 (Mathematical Concepts)2.
- , , and have been completed, or will be completed, in the same semester student is seeking to enroll in 91ÁÔÆæ Studies and 100W.
- 91ÁÔÆæ and All College GPA must be at least a 2.503.
- Completion of 60 or more units by the end of the semester of which student is seeking permission to enroll in 91ÁÔÆæ Studies and 100W.
Form: Fill out the
1 New students must wait until their transfer credits are posted in My91ÁÔÆæ.
2Exceptions may be considered if A1, A2 or B4 course(s) are in progress.
3Exceptions may be considered for students who have earned more than 57 units.
- 3. Opt-Out of Grade Forgiveness
Please consult with an advisor before submitting the petition.
Purpose: Allow students to request that a repeated course NOT be granted Grade Forgiveness (GF) due to the limit of GF units available to students. Undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students may repeat a maximum of 16 units of total Grade Forgiveness (University Policy F08-2 [pdf] and F08-2A [pdf]).
Condition: Petition must be submitted before census day of the term in which the course is repeated for full consideration. If you choose to opt-out, you may NOT at a later time choose to reverse this decision. Additionally, GF will not be possible of any future attempts of the same course.
The limits apply only to units completed at 91ÁÔÆæ.
Form: Fill out the
- 4. Retroactive Grade Forgiveness
Purpose: To request Grade Forgiveness (GF) for a repeated course when it was not automatically applied to the course. GF allows a student to replace a letter grade from the first attempt at a course, with a letter grade from the second attempt. GF will always improve GPA—as long as the second attempt at a course earns a higher grade than the first attempt. If granted GF, the original grade will still remain on the transcript, but will not be included in GPA calculation.
- Units completed prior to Fall 2009 were not automatically given grade forgiveness (known as "Academic Renewal"). Students need to submit this petition.
- After Fall 2009, GF is automatically applied at the end of the second attempt (after academic standing is posted). No petition required.
- Courses taken more than twice, GF is applied to the first and second attempt only.
- GF only applies to courses taken at 91ÁÔÆæ. Non-91ÁÔÆæ courses do not qualify for GF.
- A maximum of 16 units can be taken for grade forgiveness (University Policy F08-2 [pdf]). For repeated coursework in which the second attempt was taken prior to Fall 2009, the maximum number of units depended on whether a student began 91ÁÔÆæ with fewer than 60 units (18 units GF maximum) or as an upper division transfer with 60 or more units of college/university coursework (9 units GF maximum).
- Students who (1) have repeated the maximum allowable units, (2) are otherwise making appropriate progress to degree, and (3) still need to repeat courses to fulfill specific major or minor requirements necessary for graduation may petition for an exception to the 16-unit limit. Any course(s) approved for repeating by this petition process will be Grade Averaged.
- First and second attempt must be taken at 91ÁÔÆæ.
External courses are not valid for grade forgiveness. - Academic Standing for the semester of second attempt needs to be posted on your unofficial transcript. (see Calendar)
- Special Topics courses or cross-listed courses required a memo from the department stating courses are the same or have similar content. Attached memo to the petition.
- Discontinued course: a memo from the department stating course will longer be offered needs to be attached to the petition. A similar course (GE Area or content) may be use in lieu of the discontinue course.
- Course content from the first attempt is included as part of a more comprehensive course taken from the second attempt (e.g., Math 71 followed by Math 71X). Please note, these courses have been program as repeats.
- First-Year Experience (FYE) course was taken, and the student received a grade of "C-" or lower in the first attempt, followed by the completion of another course in the same GE area (University Policy S09-4 [pdf]).
- Only grades of "C-" or lower are eligible. No Credit (NC) grades or courses that are repeatable for credit are not eligible for grade forgiveness (except for courses taken Fall 2020 & Spring 2021 due to Pandemic and temporary change in policy).
- Students may repeat an individual course for Grade Forgiveness only once.
Form: Fill out the
Please consult with an advisor before submitting petition.
- 5. Undergraduate Students Earning Graduate Credit
Purpose: Per University Policy S20-3 [pdf], undergraduate students must petition through their major advisor to earn graduate credit for a graduate course (200 level or higher) taken.
Conditions: Undergraduate students shall meet the following criteria before enrolling in graduate level courses for graduate credit:
- Will have applied to graduate from their baccalaureate degree program prior to enrolling in graduate level courses;
- No more than 30 units are needed to complete the baccalaureate degree at San José State University;
- None of the courses to be taken for graduate credit is required for the baccalaureate degree or minor;
- Normally, a grade point average of 2.75 or better on all work completed in upper division standing at San José State University;
- Normally, a maximum of 16 units is attempted in the semester in which the courses for graduate
Form: Fill out
Graduation Petition Forms
- 6. Appeal a Presidential Directive 2009-05 Decision use for denial to change graduation
date, or denial to declared major.
Purpose: To appeal decisions made under Presidential Directive 2009-05 [pdf]. The following decisions may be appealed with the petition:
- Applying for Graduation (requiring students to do so);
- Restricting Enrollment Options (enrollment only for classes leading to graduation);
- Declaring Majors (required by 60 units; admission restrictions have been applied);
- Changing Majors (unit and/or admission restrictions have been applied);
- Failure to Make Academic Progress (leading to Administrative Academic Probation or Disqualification);
- Changing Graduate Programs (restrictions on changing or adding programs).
Condition: Appeal must be submitted within 30 days of receiving the original denied decision, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Required Attachments:
- Copy of decision being appealed.
- Personal statement explaining appeal and any extenuating circumstances.
- A list of courses currently enrolled in.
- "What-if" Report.
- MyPlanner Report showing courses to be taken each semester up to graduation.
- Copy of all relevant transcripts (unofficial copies are ok).
- Any other supporting documentation.
Form: Fill out the Appeal a PD 2009-05 Petition [pdf] and submit the completed package to
- 7. Back-Date of Degree
Purpose: Students whose degree was not conferred due to administrative error or extenuating circumstances, although all graduation requirements were completed, may request their degree be awarded the original graduation date, or at the time at which all requirements for the degree were completed.
Condition: Students must have completed all graduation requirements, and have a graduation application on file prior to submitting this petition. Petition will be DENIED if support documentation is not attached.
Form: Fill out the
- 8. Graduate/Undergraduate Units Completed
Purpose: To request graduate or undergraduate units (taken at 91ÁÔÆæ) to be applied to a second baccalaureate degree at 91ÁÔÆæ.
Condition: Must complete at least 6 units while in second baccalaureate status. Completion of units at 91ÁÔÆæ during graduate standing.
Form: Fill out the Graduate/Undergraduate Units Completed Petition [pdf]
- 9. Open University Coursework to Satisfy Graduation Requirements
(Formerly Excess Open University Units Petition prior to Fall 2015)
91ÁÔÆæ accepts 24 units of Open University (OU) or baccalaureate extension courses. While all grades count and requirements may be satisfied with units beyond this limit, only this stated maximum can be used toward the 120 unit needed for a baccalaureate degree—unless a petition is submitted and approved for the student.
Purpose: Allow undergraduate students who have applied for graduation to request that OU units (beyond the 24 unit limit accepted by 91ÁÔÆæ) be applied towards a baccalaureate degree.
Eligibility Requirements:
- For undergraduate students who have been matriculated (formally admitted and enrolled) at 91ÁÔÆæ for at least one semester; and have
- Applied for graduation and need OU units to meet the 120 unit minimum for a baccalaureate degree; the 40 unit minimum for upper-division; or the residence requirement for upper-division GE or total university units to graduate.
- Students must also demonstrate that excess OU units were accumulated as a result of being disqualified from 91ÁÔÆæ and becoming eligible for reinstatement, OR, that there were extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control.
Consult with an advisor and/or Graduation Evaluator before submitting this request. Students nearing 24 units of OU coursework should first contact an advisor. Students who have reached 24 units and have a hold will need to contact an Advisor to remove hold.
Form: Fill out the or
a Graduation Evaluator memo.
- 10. Return To Earlier GE Pattern
Purpose: To allow students who have completed all GE requirements before breaking continuous enrollment at a California Community College or CSU, or who have extenuating circumstances surrounding a break in continuous enrollment, to request to return to previous degree requirements. This form may also be used to request a re-evaluation of courses due to returning to an earlier GE pattern.
Available GE Patterns: GE Fall 2019-Spring 2021 (Fall 2020 is used), GE Fall 2018-Spring 2019, and GE Spring 2018-Earlier.
- Formally admitted and enrolled at 91ÁÔÆæ for at least one semester.
- Completion of all (or majority) Core GE before breaking continuous enrollment at a
California Community College or CSU, or have extenuating circumstances surrounding
a break in enrollment.
- Student's who have continuous enrollment will need to have an "Advisor Request" submitted.
- Applied for graduation (exceptions may be considered)
Required Attachments:
- Personal statement explaining the reasoning for submitting the request.
- Copies of ALL transcripts - unofficial transcripts acceptable.
- Copies of Graduation Worksheet, Major Form, and/or Graduation Hold Letter (if applicable).
- Community College GE Certification or CSU GE completion.
Form: Fill out the
- 11. Substitution of Graduation Requirements Based on Disability
(Formerly Modification of Requirements Based on Disability prior to Fall 2015)
Purpose: Allow students to request a substitution for GE or other graduation requirements due to a disability that impacts the successful completion of such requirements.
No requirements are waived. The most common approvals have been for disabilities related to Oral Communication (GE Area A1) and Mathematical Concepts (GE Area B4).
Condition: Approvals are specific to university graduation requirements and will not necessarily meet major degree requirements. An AEC Counselor, in consultation with the student, will complete and submit the petition.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be an undergraduate student who is registered with the , and
- Have been formally admitted and enrolled at 91ÁÔÆæ for at least one semester, and
- Have a disability that impacts the ability to complete university graduation requirements.
Form: Fill out the
- 12. University Graduation Requirements Petitions (GE, American Institution, 100W,
and PE)
Please see University Graduation Requirements Petitions for more information.
See our physical education requirement page for more information
Major/Minor Requirements
- 13. Petition for Additional Baccalaureate Credit
Purpose: This petition is used to request unit credit for coursework taken at an accredited college/university in the United States or abroad that was not granted (rejected) upon admission.
Form: Fill out the Petition for Additional Baccalaureate Credit [pdf] [Undergraduate Admissions Form]
- 14. Appeal a Denied Change or Declaration of Major/Minor
Purpose: To appeal a denied change or declaration of major/minor as a result of Presidential Directive 2009-05 [pdf].
Conditions: Appeal must be submitted within 30 days of receiving the original denied decision, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Required Attachments:
- Copy of decision being appealed.
- Personal statement explaining appeal and any extenuating circumstances.
- A list of courses currently enrolled in.
- "What-if" Report.
- MyPlanner Report showing courses to be taken each semester up to graduation.
- Copy of all relevant transcripts (unofficial copies are ok).
- Any other supporting documentation.
Form: Fill out the Appeal a PD 2009-05 Petition [pdf] and submit completed package to
- 15. Declaring an Interdisciplinary Studies BA/BS Major
(Formerly Special Major BA/BS prior to Fall 2021)
See our Interdisciplinary Studies BA/BS page for a brief overview.
Interdisciplinary Studies BA degree (see in catalog)
Interdisciplinary Studies BS degree (see in catalog)
- 16. Substitution of Graduation Requirements Based on Disability
(Formerly Modification of Requirements Based on Disability prior to Fall 2015)
Purpose: Allow students to request a substitution for GE or other graduation requirements due to a disability that impacts the successful completion of such requirements.
No requirements are waived. The most common approvals have been for disabilities related to Oral Communication (GE Area A1) and Mathematical Concepts (GE Area B4).
Condition: Approvals are specific to university graduation requirements and will not necessarily meet major degree requirements. An AEC Counselor, in consultation with the student, will complete and submit the petition.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be an undergraduate student who is registered with the , and
- Have been formally admitted and enrolled at 91ÁÔÆæ for at least one semester, and
- Have a disability that impacts the ability to complete university graduation requirements.
Form: Fill out the
Open University Forms
- 17. Open University Student trying to enroll in 91ÁÔÆæ Studies and 100W with Intent
to Matriculate
Purpose: To allow Open University students to enroll in 91ÁÔÆæ Studies courses (Area R, S, V) and/or Written Communication II (100W). Even if the petition is approved, a student will only be able to register on the first day of instruction for the semester seeking enrollment.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Completion with a grade of "C-" or better of A1 (Oral Communication), A2 (Written Communication), A3 (Critical Thinking & Writing), and B4 (Mathematical Concepts). Exceptions may be considered if the course(s) are in progress.
- , , and have been completed, or will be completed, in the same semester student is seeking to enroll in 91ÁÔÆæ Studies and 100W. Exceptions may be considered for those who have earned more than 60 units.
- Minimum 2.50 GPA. Exceptions may be considered for students who have earned more than 57 units and/or are in disqualified status.
- A copy of external credit (can be unofficial) must be attached to the petition or
emailed to
The petition will be denied if external credit is not received within two business days.
Form: Fill out the
- 18. Enroll in 91ÁÔÆæ Studies and 100W for Non-GE Credit & DO NOT Plan to Matriculate
Purpose: This petition is for undergraduate, Open-University students who are NOT matriculated at San José State University and do not plan to matriculate here (apply for admissions). Also, it may be used by international students on a J-1/F-1 Visa & visiting students intending to complete a degree at their home universities and not 91ÁÔÆæ.
Condition: Not seeking to matriculate (apply for admissions) at 91ÁÔÆæ. Show documentation of enrollment at another school and a personal statement explains why you with to enroll in the course.
Students will not receive upper-division GE/100W (GWAR) credit for these courses if they matriculate at 91ÁÔÆæ at a later time.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Non-Matriculated, Open University, J-1 Visa Student.
- Not seeking admissions at 91ÁÔÆæ now or in the future.
- Completing a degree at another institution, you need to submit enrollment verification from the school.
- For students who do not have an 91ÁÔÆæ ID please wait for a student ID number to be issued before submitting this form.
Form: Fill out the
- 19. Open University Coursework to Satisfy Graduation Requirements
(Formerly Excess Open University Units Petition prior to Fall 2015)
91ÁÔÆæ accepts 24 units of Open University (OU) or baccalaureate extension courses. While all grades count and requirements may be satisfied with units beyond this limit, only this stated maximum can be used toward the 120 unit needed for a baccalaureate degree—unless a petition is submitted and approved for the student.
Purpose: Allow undergraduate students who have applied for graduation to request that OU units (beyond the 24-unit limit accepted by 91ÁÔÆæ) be applied towards a baccalaureate degree.
Eligibility Requirements:
- For undergraduate students who have been matriculated (formally admitted and enrolled) at 91ÁÔÆæ for at least one semester; and have
- Applied for graduation and need OU units to meet the 120 unit minimum for a baccalaureate degree; the 40 unit minimum for upper-division; or the residence requirement for upper-division GE or total university units to graduate.
- Students must also demonstrate that excess OU units were accumulated as a result of being disqualified from 91ÁÔÆæ and becoming eligible for reinstatement, OR, that there were extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control.
Form: Fill out the or provide a Graduation Evaluator memo.
Consult with your advisor and/or Graduation Evaluator before submitting this request. Students nearing 24 units of OU coursework should first contact an advisor.
- 20. Enrollment to Open University Program
Can not be a matriculated student (admitted via CSU Apply) to enroll in the Open University Program.
Please see for more information.
Other University Forms
- 21. Healthcare Provider Form
Please submit the University’s Healthcare Verification Form [pdf] instead of any medical record.
- 22. Late Drops/Semester Withdrawals
Please see Undergraduate Drops and Withdrawals for more information.
Students can drop via My91ÁÔÆæ Portal prior to the drop deadline.
- 23. Study Abroad GE Approval
Please see Study Abroad GE Approval Process for more information.
- 24. Miscellaneous Request
Purpose: This petition is used when no other petition can be used. The Miscellaneous Request Form will be canceled if an existing petition can be used for a request instead.
Requests are denied if an existing petition form can be used.
Form for 91ÁÔÆæ Advisors/Staff use only: Please contact Undergraduate Education at for a copy and/or to verify that no other university form can be used.
- 25. Reinstatement from Disqualification
Consult with an Advisor before starting the Reinstatement process.
Purpose: This is the process that allows a student to become eligible for readmissions at 91ÁÔÆæ and restore matriculation status. This process is different from readmission.
Condition: Must be in disqualified status at 91ÁÔÆæ to submit this petition. Students who "Stop-Out" (stop attending for two or more consecutive semester on Good Standing or Academic Notice) DO NOT need to submit a Reinstatement Petition. Open University students who have not been matriculated for at least one semester do not qualify to submit this form.
Required Signatures: Major Department and College Associate Dean's signatures are required for all . Undergraduate Education signature is required for the following categories: Extenuating Circumstances, Special Consideration, and Petitioned Grade Change (University Policy S09-7 [pdf]).
Form: [DocuSign]. This form is for students trying to clear their undergraduate disqualification standing.
- How do I check if I will be on Academic Notice or Academically Disqualification after
my Fall, Spring, or Summer Term?
To determine if you will be on Academic Notice (formerly Probation) or Disqualification status, please use this Flowchart [pdf].
For other undergraduate-related forms/petitions, visit the Office of the Registrar.
Please visit the FAQ page for additional information or email your question to