Committee Descriptions (charge and membership)

Committees of the 2024/2025 Academic Senate San Jose State University

(View a pdf copy of the Committee Description Charge and Membership.) [pdf]


Appointed by the Academic Senate to act in the areas indicated by their titles. In general, they conduct studies and investigate problems at the request of the Academic Senate and prepare recommendations for official action:

Executive Committee: Acts as an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to the President on request; acts for the Academic Senate at such times when the members may not be available; formulates policy proposals; refers matters of business to the appropriate agencies; develops and approves the agenda for Senate meetings; handles external relations with elected officials and their staff, as appropriate; prepares nominations/appointments to policy committees, operating committees, special agencies, and other committees for Senate (or administrator) approval; and handles external relations with elected officials and their staff.

Membership:  Elected members are elected by the Senate annually:

  • Senate Chair (elected)
  • Senate Vice Chair (elected)
  • Senate Past Chair, or Faculty-at-Large in years when there is no past chair (elected)
  • President [EXO]
  • Provost [EXO]
  • VP, Administration & Finance [EXO]
  • VP, Student Affairs [EXO]
  • Chief Diversity Officer [EXO]
  • CSU Statewide Senator (elected)
  • AS President [EXO]
  • Chair, Committee on Committees/Associate Vice Chair (elected)
  • Chair, Curriculum & Research Committee (elected)
  • Chair, Instruction & Student Affairs Committee (elected)
  • Chair, Organization & Government Committee (elected)
  • Chair, Professional Standards Committee (elected)

Committee on Committees – Prepares nominations for policy committees, operating committees, special agencies, and other committees as needed.  In cooperation with the Organization and Government Committee, makes recommendations for the improvement of the Senate’s committee operations and structure.  Maintains a record of faculty, staff, students, and administrators currently serving on University-level committees, and at the request of the President or other administrator, making the appointments may recruit nominees and suggest names of faculty, staff, and students for service on such committees as needed.  Acts as Election Committee.

Membership:  Members are appointed for two year terms except the Chair and AS President who are both elected annually by the Senate and AS, respectively, and the Senate Administrator who is a non-voting, ex-officio member:

  • 1 Senate Administrator non-voting, ex-officio
  • 1 faculty, College of Business
  • 1 faculty, College of Education
  • 1 faculty, College of Engineering
  • 1 member, General Unit
  • 1 faculty, College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 faculty, College of Humanities & Arts
  • 1 faculty, College of Science
  • 1 faculty, College of Social Science
  • 1 Student Senator

Curriculum and Research Committee -- Responsible for all matters relating to curriculum and research and for development of an academic master plan.  Membership updated by SM-S19-1.

Membership:  Members are appointed for one year terms, except the Chair who is elected annually by the Senate:

  • AVP, Research (EXO)
  • Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
  • Dean, College of Graduate Studies
  • 1 faculty, College of Business
  • 1 faculty, College of Education
  • 1 faculty, College of Engineering
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 faculty, College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 faculty, College of Humanities and Arts
  • 1 faculty, College of Science
  • 1 faculty, College of Social Science
  • 1 Student Senator

Instruction and Student Affairs Committee – Responsible for all matters relating to instruction and to student affairs, including recruitment, admission, retention, academic status, educational equity, rights and responsibilities. The Instruction and Student Affairs Committee may establish task forces in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate to address specific matters that are beyond its ability or the ability of the Student Success Committee to address in a reasonable time period.

Membership:  Members are appointed for one year terms, except the chair who is elected annually by the Senate:

  • AVP, Student Affairs or designee (EXO)
  • AVP, Enrollment Services or designee (EXO)
  • Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies (EXO- non-voting)
  • Associate Dean for Graduate Studies (EXO – non-voting)
  • Director Student Involvement (EXO)
  • Director, University Housing Services (EXO)
  • Alumni Representative
  • 1 faculty, College of Business
  • 1 faculty, College of Education
  • 1 faculty, College of Engineering
  • 1 member, General Unit
  • 1 faculty, College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 faculty, College of Humanities and Arts
  • 1 faculty, College of Science
  • 1 faculty, College of Social Science
  • AS President
  • 3 Student Senators
  • 1 Graduate Student

Organization and Government Committee -- Considers problems related to and prepares recommendations regarding governance of the University, including revisions of the Senate Constitution and By-Laws, and the structure and purview of colleges and departments. This committee is also responsible for reviews and recommendations regarding the charges, functions and creation or abolishment of University and Senate committees in consultation with the committee on committees where appropriate.

Membership:  Members are appointed for one year terms, except the chair who is elected annually by the Senate:

  • President’s Designee (EXO)
  • 1 faculty, College of Business
  • 1 faculty, College of Education
  • 1 faculty, College of Engineering
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 faculty, College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 faculty, College of Humanities & Arts
  • 1 faculty, College of Science
  • 1 faculty, College of Social Science
  • 1 Student Senator

Note: original charge and membership (archived) was superseded with the passage of SM-S19-1.  Members are appointed for one year terms, except the chair who is elected annually by the Senate.

Professional Standards Committee – Responsible for all areas pertaining to faculty affairs and professional standards.

Membership:  Members are appointed for one year terms, except the chair who is elected annually by the Senate:

  • Vice Provost for Faculty Success
  • 1 faculty, College of Business
  • 1 faculty, College of Education
  • 1 faculty, College of Engineering
  • 1 member, General Unit
  • 1 faculty, College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 faculty, College of Science
  • 1 faculty, College of Social Science
  • 1 Student Senator


In the context of their charge, operating committees serve a range of functions including the preparation of reports and making recommendations for changes in policy to their designated policy committees.  Members are recommended by the Committee on Committees and approved by the Academic Senate.

Faculty Diversity Committee [PS] – The Faculty Diversity Committee promotes diversity through appropriate recruitment and retention strategies.  It also conducts periodic forums and other activities directed at increased recruitment and retention of diverse faculty.  It reviews effectiveness of such activities and may recommend appropriate strategies and policies.


  • Chief Diversity Officer [EXO]
  • Senior AVP UP or designee [EXO]
  • Senior Vice Provost or designee [EXO]
  • 1 Faculty, Business
  • 1 Faculty, Education
  • 1 Faculty, Engineering
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 Faculty, Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 Faculty, Humanities and the Arts
  • 1 Faculty, Science
  • 1 Faculty, Social Science
  • AS Board Member or Graduate Student
  • AS Director of Intercultural Affairs

General Education Advisory Committee  [CR] -- The GEAC receives and solicits courses and reviews curricular proposals designed to satisfy General Education (GE), American Institutions (AI) graduation requirement, and Graduation Writing Assessment Requirements (GWAR) from all colleges and departments of the University; provides support to departments seeking to develop GE, AI, or GWAR courses; recommends approval of new curricular proposals for purposes of GE, AI, and GWAR; reviews the GE portion of materials submitted in the program planning process; and, evaluates curricula according to the current GE Guidelines. The GEAC evaluates modifications requested by degree programs in accordance with the current Guidelines.


  • Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education or designee [EXO, non-voting]
  • Director of Assessment [EXO, non-voting]
  • 1 faculty member College of Business
  • 1 faculty member College of Education
  • 1 faculty member College of Engineering
  • 1 faculty member College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 faculty member College of Humanities and the Arts
  • 1 faculty member College of Science
  • 1 faculty member College of Social Sciences
  • 1-3 Faculty-at-Large (GE Area Representatives)
  • 1 AS Board member

Graduate Studies and Research Committee [CR] -- Recommends policies and policy changes pertaining to graduate studies and research (including issues relating to intellectual property); reviews proposals for new graduate degree programs and new organized research units; conducts reviews of existing organized research units; reviews entries for outstanding thesis awards, formulates or considers and makes recommendations on policy for awarding honors to graduate students, selects students to represent 91ÁÔÆæ at the CSU Student Research Competition, and reviews applications for the Pre-Doctoral Program, Forgivable Loan Program, and any similar program; establishes guidelines for format and style for master theses and projects; and encourages and facilitates the development, administration, promotion, and recognition of research at San José State University.


  • Coordinator, Library Collection [EXO]
  • Director of Research Development [EXO]
  • Associate Dean Research [EXO]
  • Director Sponsored Programs or designee (non-voting) [EXO]
  • 1 Faculty, College of Business
  • 1 Faculty, College of Education
  • 1 Faculty, College of Engineering
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 Faculty, College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 Faculty, College of Humanities & Arts
  • 1 Faculty, College of Science
  • 1 Faculty, College of Social Science
  • 2 Graduate Students

Institutional Review Board -- Human Subjects [CR] -- Facilitates the responsible conduct of inquiry by reviewing all proposals for human subject research to be conducted under the direction of University personnel, including University students; ensures that, before data collection is begun, all appropriate measures have been taken to protect the safety, personal rights and dignity of all individuals and social groups involved as participants in the project.  The Board may also provide information to the campus community on IRB-HS procedures and compliance with applicable rules and regulations.


  • IRB Coordinator [EXO]
  • 1 Faculty College of Business
  • 2 Faculty College of Education
  • 1 Faculty College of Engineering
  • 1 Faculty General Unit
  • 2 Faculty College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 Faculty College of Humanities and the Arts
  • 1 Faculty College of Science
  • 2 Faculty College of Social Sciences
  • 1 Student
  • Community-at-large member who is not otherwise affiliated with 91ÁÔÆæ

    For this Community-at-large seat, the IRB may appoint one alternate community-at-large member who may serve in the absence of the primary Community-at-Large seat holder.

  • Physician or licensed health professional
  • 1 Student
  • Prisoner Advocate

Note:  To be compliant with federal regulations, the IRB must have a Physician or Nurse Practitioner, a student, and a community member, see .

International Programs and Students Committee [ISA] – Considers issues related to the experiences of international students & scholars and participants in 91ÁÔÆæ study abroad programs.  Advocates for the success of international and study abroad students through interactions with relevant 91ÁÔÆæ offices and administrators.  Partners with colleagues in various campus divisions to promote awareness of global opportunities for students, staff, and faculty.  Reviews and recommends policies and procedures on 91ÁÔÆæ international programs and activities including Faculty Led Programs (FLP).


  • Director International Programs & Services [EXO]
  • Student Affairs Office designee [EXO]
  • AVP Enrollment & Academic Services or designee [EXO]
  • Graduate Studies Office designee [EXO]
  • Undergraduate Education Office designee [EXO]
  • Director of Study Abroad and Away [EXO]
  • CIES, Director Global Studies [EXO]
  • CIES, AVP Continuing Education Office [EXO]
  • ACIP Rep [EXO]
  • 1 Faculty, Business
  • 1 Faculty, Education
  • 1 Faculty, Engineering
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 Faculty, Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 Faculty, Humanities and the Arts
  • 1 Faculty, Science
  • 1 Faculty, Social Science
  • 2 Students

Academic Planning Committee [CR] – Implements the academic program planning process, including the review of programs, as provided in the program planning policy and guidelines. Recommends changes in the policy and guidelines and other matters relating to program planning and review to the Curriculum and Research Committee.


  • Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Institutional Effectiveness  (EXO)
  • Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education or designee (EXO)
  • Office of AVP Research (EXO)
  • Dean of Graduate Studies or designee (EXO)
  • Director of Assessment (EXO)
  • 2 Faculty, Business
  • 2 Faculty, Education
  • 2 Faculty, Engineering
  • 2 Faculty, Health and Human Sciences
  • 2 Faculty, Humanities and the Arts    
  • 2 Faculty, Science
  • 2 Faculty, Social Science
  • 2 Members, General Unit
  • Staff member (Non-Voting)
  • 1 Graduate Student
  • 1 Undergraduate Student

Student Evaluation Review Board [PS] -- In consultation with the appropriate disciplines, designs evaluation instruments to be used by all departments and colleges, counselors, and librarians. In collaboration with Institutional Research, establishes norm groups and norm ranges. Develops and makes available to the University community, information and guidelines for the effective interpretation of the rating instruments.  Develops guidelines for the participation of students in the evaluation of faculty.  Reviews proposals for matters concerned with rating instruments, norm grouping, or any other variance to established policy.


  • Director, IEA or designee [EXO]
  • Director, Center for Faculty Development & Support or designee [EXO]
  • 1 Faculty, College of Business
  • 1 Faculty, College of Education
  • 1 Faculty, College of Engineering
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 Faculty, College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 Faculty, College of Humanities & Arts
  • 1 Faculty, College of Science
  • 1 Faculty, College of Social Science
  • 1 Student

Student Fairness Committee [ISA] –  In accordance with S14-3, the Student Fairness Committee adjudicates grade disputes and advises professors and departments on practices that will limit future problems.  The committee also suggest ways to bring teaching practices and departmental practices in alignment with university policy.  Based on the nature of the grievance, the student fairness committee also guides students to other institutional resources that are available to address various types of grievances.


  • Ombudsperson [EXO]
  • 2 University Administrators (management)
  • 1 Faculty Business
  • 1 Faculty Education
  • 1 Faculty Engineering
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 Faculty Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 Faculty Humanities and the Arts
  • 1 Faculty Science
  • 1 Faculty Social Science
  • 2 Staff Members (Non-Management)
  • 7 Students

Undergraduate Studies Committee [CR] – Reviews and coordinates the undergraduate curriculum and its development across all colleges; advises on policies relevant to undergraduate education; encourages and supports curricular innovation on campus; formulates or considers and makes recommendations on policy for awarding honors to undergraduate students; reviews and makes recommendations on proposed departmental honors programs; and members serve as liaisons to their respective units.


  • Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
  • 1 Faculty, College of Business
  • 1 Faculty, College of Education
  • 1 Faculty, College of Engineering
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 Faculty, College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 Faculty, College of Humanities & Arts
  • 1 Faculty, College of Science
  • 1 Faculty, College of Social Science
  • 2 Students



Academic Freedom Committee (AFC)

AFC shall monitor the state of academic freedom both at San Jose
State and in the broader academic environment. In addition, it shall
safeguard and promote academic freedom at 91ÁÔÆæ, and shall serve
as an advisory body on issues arising from the application of
academic freedom on our campus.  AFC shall educate and advise on the meaning and scope of academic freedom and its application. To do so, AFC shall familiarize itself with policies, laws, court decisions, and current events concerning academic freedom. As part of this function it shall maintain contact (and membership if possible) with the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and familiarize itself with relevant AAUP publications.  Members of AFC should attend AAUP conferences on academic freedom when possible.  AFC shall work in concert with the Center for Faculty Excellence and Teaching educate and orient new faculty on academic freedom issues, by attending and presenting at events such as faculty orientations.  AFC shall educate all constituencies of the San Jose State Communityon our own policies on academic freedom. It shall host at least one academic freedom forum each year, on a topic related to academic
freedom and designed to stimulate interest in academic freedom.


4 faculty members (3 must be tenured, or have been tenured, 1 may be a probationary faculty member or a lecturer, and 1 may be emeriti).  The faculty will serve 2 year terms and that may be renewed for a total of 6 years before rotating off the committee for at least 1 term.
1 Student
1 Administrator
1 Staff Member (Non-MPP)

Special agencies are created as needed.  All special agencies report to the Academic Senate unless otherwise specified at the time of their establishment.

Accreditation Review Committee – The Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) is charged with leading the campus in preparation for its accreditation review in accordance with the most current WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) Handbook of Accreditation.


  • A faculty member serving as chair of the review committee
  • 5 Faculty-at-Large
  • 1 Department Chair
  • Chair of the Academic Senate (or designee) – EXO
  • Faculty Director of Assessment – EXO
  • Chair of the Program Planning Committee – EXO
  • Provost (or designee) – EXO
  • 2 members of the President’s cabinet
  • 1 staff member from Academic Affairs
  • 1 staff member from Student Affairs
  • 1 Dean from one of the seven academic colleges
  • WSCUC Accreditation Liaison Officer – EXO
  • Director, Office of Institutional Research – EXO
  • The President of Associated Students or designee – EXO
  • A member of the community, appointed by the President

Each non-ex officio member serves an initial 3-year term with reappointment possible throughout the current accreditation cycle.  The faculty chair for the ARC will be selected by the Provost in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee and will serve a 3-year term with re-appointment possible for the duration of the accreditation review period to provide continuity in leadership.

Academic Freedom Committee--

Charge of the Academic Freedom Committee (AFC): 

AFC shall monitor the state of academic freedom both at San Jose State and in the broader academic environment. In addition, it shall safeguard and promote academic freedom at 91ÁÔÆæ, and shall serve as an advisory body on issues arising from the application of academic freedom on our campus.

AFC shall educate and advise on the meaning and scope of academic freedom and its application. To do so, AFC shall familiarize itself with policies, laws, court decisions, and current events concerning academic freedom. As part of this function it shall maintain contact (and membership if possible) with the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and familiarize itself with relevant AAUP publications. Members of AFC should attend AAUP conferences on academic freedom when possible.

AFC shall work in concert with the Center for Faculty Development to educate and orient new faculty on academic freedom issues, by attending and presenting at events such as faculty orientations.  

AFC shall educate all constituencies of the San Jose State Community on our own policies on academic freedom. It shall host at least one academic freedom forum each year, on a topic related to academic freedom and designed to stimulate interest in academic freedom. 

Organization of the AFC                                                                                    


Four  faculty members, three of whom must be (or have previously been) tenured, chosen university-wide for their expertise and/or interest in academic freedom issues. One of the four faculty may be from among our emeriti faculty. One of the four  faculty may be a lecturer or a probationary faculty member. These faculty will serve 2 years terms and may be renewed twice (for a total of six years) before rotating off the committee for a minimum of one term. 

One student. 

One administrator. 

One Staff member (Non-MPP)

Chair. Each year the AFC shall choose its own Chair from among the tenured (or previously tenured) faculty members of the committee. 


If the AFC has suggestions for policy changes it shall report them to the Professional Standards Committee of the Academic Senate. 

The Chair of the AFC shall be permitted to address the Professional Standards Committee and the Academic Senate to report on issues relating to academic freedom. 


All candidates for membership shall submit statements discussing their expertise and/or interest in academic freedom issues, and (if faculty) a curriculum vitae.  

Faculty candidates for membership shall be screened by the Executive Committee and approved by the Senate. 

The Administrative representative shall be designated by the President after consultation with the Executive Committee. 

The student representative shall be designated by Associated Students after consultation with the Executive Committee. 

Meetings. The AFC should meet at least once every month during the academic year.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Committee – The ADAPC is a special agency that serves as a campus resource and advisory group to the University President.  The committee will help in facilitating educational awareness and communication on topics of alcohol and drug abuse, intervention and prevention through various engagement and outreach activities and events across 91ÁÔÆæ departments, organizations, and divisions.  The ADAPC will identify and assist in promoting current and relevant university policies, Presidential Directives, best practices, and research-informed practices in its committee, coordination, and collaboration efforts.  The president shall consult with the Senate on all committee recommendations affecting policy.


  • Members of the committee shall be appointed by the President as follows: 
  • Associate Director, Wellness and Health Promotion (or designee) (EXO)
  • Director of Student Conduct and Ethical Development (or designee) (EXO)
  • Director of Counseling and Psychological Services (or designee) (EXO)
  • Chief of Police (or designee) (EXO)
  • Senior Associate Director for Academics and Student Services (Athletics) (EXO)
  • Executive Director for Associated Students or staff designee (EXO)
  • Associate Director for Residence Life (EXO)
  • Student Engagement Coordinator (Greek Life) from Student Involvement (EXO)
  • International Programs Manager (IPM) International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) (EXO)
  • Two Faculty-at-Large (1 preferably from a health-related discipline)
  • 1 Staff-at-Large (Non-MPP from Academic Affairs Division)
  • AS Board of Directors student designee
  • Residential Advisory designated by RHA
  • Greek Life Student Representative
  • Student from Peer Health Education Program

Members, other than ex-officio, serve a 3-year term which is renewable for one additional 3-year term.  Applicants will submit a brief statement regarding their interest and experience in the areas of ADAPC’s work.  When multiple applications are received, the Senate Executive Committee will select individuals to serve.  Student representatives will be appointed for a one-year term.

From among the committee members, co-chairs, one of which should be a representative from Academic Affairs and one of which should be a representative from Student Affairs, shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Senate’s Executive Committee.

Athletics Board – In alignment with 91ÁÔÆæ’s Athletics Policy (F07-2), the Athletics Board performs such functions as to enable it to carry out its responsibilities to ensure academic integrity of the athletic programs and compliance with NCAA and affiliated conference athletic rules.  It shall recommend to the President and to the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate policies that promote a strong environment of rules compliance and provide a positive academic environment for all student-athletes; it shall act in an advisory capacity to the President and his/her designee and to the Director of Athletics; and it shall have an overall awareness of the athletic programs of the University and the rules, procedures and guidelines of the athletic organizations of which the University is a member, in order to make recommendations pertaining thereto and to act in an advisory capacity.


  • Faculty Member-at-Large, tenured
  • Faculty Member-at-Large, tenured
  • Faculty Member-at-Large, tenured
  • Faculty Member-at-Large
  • Faculty Member-at-Large
  • President, Associated Students, or Designee
  • Student-Athlete Advisory Committee President or designee
  • Faculty Athletics Representative
  • President, Spartan Athletic Fund or designee
  • Director, Division of Athletics (non-voting member)
  • Senior Athletics Administrator for Academic and Student Services (non-voting member)
  • President's Designee (non-voting member)
  • Senior Athletics Administrator for Compliance (non-voting member)

The officers of the Board shall be a Chair (tenured faculty) and a Vice Chair (faculty).  The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected at the last meeting of the academic year. 

The faculty members-at-large shall be appointed by the President after recommendation of the Academic Senate.  Nominees for the Faculty Member-at-Large seats must submit a one-page statement to the Academic Senate Executive Committee indicating their qualifications and interest in serving.  The majority (voting) membership shall be full-time faculty.  The faculty shall serve three-year staggered terms and be eligible for reappointment.

The Associated Students President will submit recommendations to the Committee on Committees following appropriate Associated Students appointment procedures, for appointment by the President.

Budget Advisory Committee – Advises the President of the University by providing input and recommendations throughout the planning, implementation and subsequent review of budget expenditures including advice on key campus priorities.  Assists with identifying challenges and problem areas and proposes solutions.  Acts as a resource for the campus community in understanding statewide, CSU, and university-wide budgeting processes.  Provides advice concerning the planning, development, and implementation of materials to communicate budget-related information to the campus community, ensuring alignment of campus resources with the strategic plan. 


  • Senate Vice Chair (Co-chair)
  • VP Administration & Finance/CFO (Co-chair)
  • AVP Academic Budgets & Planning (EXO)
  • Presidential appointee from outside Academic Affairs
  • Dean
  • Department Chair
  • Faculty Senator
  • Faculty Senator
  • Faculty-at-large
  • Faculty-at-large
  • AS Controller or designee
  • Academic Affairs Staff member (finance/budget responsibilities)

Members (other than ex-officio) shall serve staggered 3-year terms renewable for one additional 3-year term.  The AVC/Chair of the Committee on Committees will stagger the initial appointments.  Students will serve one-year terms and can be re-appointed.  Members of the BAC should not serve concurrently on the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. When multiple applications are submitted for a seat, the Executive Committee shall select individuals to serve.

Campus Planning Board – Advises the President of the University regarding long-range physical planning for the campus and the surrounding area, including preparation and review of the Campus Master Plan. For this purpose, the Board serves as the Campus Planning Committee as described in Executive Order 672.

The board advises the President (subject to applicable CSU regulations and University policies) about the planning, location, construction and operation of lesser physical structures, facilities and equipment on or near the campus.  The board reviews plans for installation of art in external areas and common internal areas; recommends plans to enhance and maintain the plant and animal life of the campus with emphasis on both the aesthetics and the instructional value of the campus plantings; reviews and makes recommendations on all proposed plantings and landscape design on campus; monitors the use of pesticides and herbicides on campus; and educates all members of the campus community about the campus landscape.  In addition, as needed, the board provides advice to the President on matters related to historical buildings and grounds.


  • Provost or designee [EXO]
  • VP, Advancement or Designee [EXO]
  • VP, Student Affairs or Designee [EXO]
  • AVP, Facilities Development and Operations [EXO]
  • President's designee [EXO]
  • Director Planning, Design & Construction [EXO] (non-voting)
  • 1 faculty, College of Business
  • 1 faculty, College of Education
  • 1 faculty, College of Engineering
  • 1 member, General Unit
  • 1 faculty, College of Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 faculty, College of Humanities & Arts
  • 1 faculty, College of Science
  • 1 faculty, College of Social Science
  • 1 member of support staff
  • 1 member of the community
  • AS Board Member
  • AS Director of Sustainability or designee

Appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee for three-year terms.  Vacancies in appointive seats shall be filled for the balance of the term in the manner prescribed for the original appointments.  The Board shall elect its own chair in the Spring by those members with continuing appointments.  Where Board recommendations involve matters of serious concern to the campus community, the President will normally consult with appropriate Academic Senate committees before implementation.

Strategic Planning Steering Committee –The Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) is responsible for advising the President on all aspects of the development, implementation, evaluation, and revision of a strategic plan for 91ÁÔÆæ.  The committee is responsible for the ongoing review of the planning process and for communication and engagement with campus constituents to sustain the plan’s legitimacy and efficacy.  As a representative group, SPSC members are expected to convey information out to all constituent groups they have connections with and serve as a conduit for information into the SPSC throughout a strategic planning cycle.


  • Academic Senate Chair (SPSC co-chair) [EXO]
  • Provost (SPSC co-chair) [EXO]
  • 2 members from the President’s cabinet [EXO]
  • AS President or designee [EXO]
  • 1 Graduate Student
  • 1 Dean
  • 1 Department Chair
  • 2 faculty at large
  • 2 Staff members
  • 1 91ÁÔÆæ Alumnus/a
  • 1 Community Member

Support Staff (not SPSC members):

President’s Chief of Staff to provide logistical and administrative support for the SPSC.

Director Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics to provide support to the committee as needed with respect to data gathering and/or reporting.

Each non-ex officio member will serve a 3-year term renewable for one additional 3-year term.  The Associate Vice Chair of the Senate shall stagger the terms to ensure continuity over time for a majority of the committee. 

Student Success Committee [ISA] – Reviews and recommends changes to academic policies, practices, and procedures as they relate to all aspects of student success. This would include, but is not limited to, student enrollment, financial aid, retention, engagement, academic skills and competencies, and time to degree. The committee will assist in identifying challenges, serve as a central information resource to gather recommendations and disseminate information on student success policies and goals and provide advice regarding the planning, development, and implementation of initiatives designed to facilitate student success.  Individual members are charged with the responsibility of maintaining robust communications with the groups they are affiliated with.


  • Senior AVP Enrollment Management [EXO] – Co-Chair
  • AVP Transition & Retention Services [EXO]
  • 1 Representative from Academic Affairs - appointed by VP Academic Affairs [EXO]
  • 1 Representative from Student Affairs - appointed by VP Student Affairs [EXO]
  • 1 Graduate/undergraduate student
  • 2 Undergraduate students
  • 5 faculty at large

The Student Success Committee will be co-chaired by the Senior AVP Enrollment Management and a faculty member selected by the committee members.


The following are committees authorized by the Senate with their work specified in the policy that established them.

Academic Disqualification and Reinstatement Review Committee - Enforces and reviews academic regulations governing dis­qualification and reinstatement to the University.  Serves as the review committee for students whose petitions have been denied for Change of Major/Adding a second major/or minor for students with more than 90 units, per PD 2009-05. 


  • Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education [EXO]
  • Associate Dean of Graduate Studies [EXO]
  • Director or designee Advising and Retention Services [EXO]
  • AVP Student Affairs [EXO]
  • Director or designee Counseling Services [EXO]
  • Associate Dean Business [EXO]
  • Associate Dean Education [EXO]
  • Associate Dean Engineering [EXO]
  • Associate Dean Health and Human Sciences [EXO]
  • Associate Dean Humanities and the Arts [EXO]
  • Associate Dean Science [EXO]
  • Associate Dean Social Sciences [EXO]
  • Associate Dean, Professional and Global Education [EXO]
  • 1 Administrator
  • 1 Staff Member (Non-MPP)

Board of Professional Responsibility - is charged with monitoring and ensuring professional responsibility among San José State University faculty, as defined in F24-2 Board of Professional Responsibility. To carry out this charge, BPR will: 1.1 Monitor the state of faculty professional responsibility at the University and make reports and recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding revisions of policy and other documents relating to professional responsibility; 1.2 Be available to consult with all members of the University on issues within the Board’s purview, with the understanding that as University employees, they may have a duty to report ; 1.3 Address complaints of infringements of Academic Freedom brought by members of the University and issue findings as appropriate; 1.4 Advise and assist University Personnel-Academic Employee Relations (UP-AER) with allegations/complaints of violations/breaches of professional responsibility; 1.5 Review and adjudicate disputes regarding Student Fairness Committee (SFC) recommendations, as described in University Policy S14-3, Student Fairness Dispute Resolution; 1.6 Review and adjudicate disputes regarding recommendations by the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development (SCED), as described in University Policy F15-7, Academic Integrity, 1.7 Present an annual report to the Academic Senate relaying information on the work of the Board. 


BPR will consist of five faculty members-at-large, each from a different college/academic unit; membership is restricted to tenured faculty and Senior Lecturer faculty, with a majority of tenured professors. The members shall be appointed by the Academic Senate after recommendation by the Senate Executive Committee.  

Traffic, Transit, and Parking Advisory Committee: (Presidential Directive 2007-05) Serves to advise directly, the University Police Department and, indirectly (through the Vice President of Administration and Finance) the President and the President's staff, about policies, processes, and practices regarding parking, traffic and transit at 91ÁÔÆæ. The committee's purpose is to be an important conduit of information to and from UPD (including the Office of Traffic and Parking Operations) and the campus community. It provides a venue for open dialogue regarding current and planned operations, possible solutions and suggestions, as well as discussion of problems and concerns, from all campus constituents. It should devise methods for keeping the campus community informed of its activities.

The goal of the committee is to assist the University in continuously improving parking, traffic, and transit conditions on and around campus to facilitate communication between all concerned parties.  The committee will advise on plans and policies concerning parking, traffic and transit.  It is not authorized to formulate policy, nor shall it be a review board for individual cases.  However, open discussion and communication in this sensitive area is in the best interest of the entire university.  This committee should be as representative as possible of the many affected segments of our community, and also may wish to set up various mechanisms for receiving suggestions and comments from others, including open hearings, as appropriate. 

Membership :

  • 3 students [selected by the Associated Students in accordance with its established
  • procedures]
  • 3 faculty [selected by the Academic Senate in accordance with its established procedures]
  • 1 non-bargaining unit staff employee [selected by the Human Resources Coordinating Council from a list of nominees and self-nominees from each of the divisions across the University]
  • 1 representative of the surrounding campus neighborhood associations [selected by the other voting committee members from a list of nominees and self-nominees]
  • 1 representative of the University Police Department who has line responsibility of traffic and parking operations [e.g., the Support Services Commander]
  • 1 representative from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) [selected by the Director of the DRC]
  • 1 representative from Housing [selected by the Director of Housing]
  • 1 Manager of Transportation Solutions [or the duly designated campus Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program) as a voting member]
  • 1 Staff member of the Transportation Demand Management Program [to be selected by the Manager of Transportation Solutions (Non-Voting)]
  • 1 staff of UPD [EXO] [non-voting] [selected by the chief of University Police]
  • 1 member of the university Public Affairs Office [EXO] [non-voting] [selected by the Vice President for University Advancement.

The chair will be elected from the voting membership for a one-year term and have full voting rights.  Reappointment is permitted.

Members of the committee will serve two year terms, effective October 1.

Reappointments are permitted.  Terms of office are to be staggered as much as possible.

The committee shall meet at least twice a semester, and may be asked to meet during academic breaks, if necessary.  Generally, the meetings will be closed; however, the committee may choose to open all or part of the meetings to invited guests.

University Library Board â€“ The University Library Board advises and assists the dean of the University Library on matters concerning the academic role of the library.  The board serves as liaison between faculty and students and the Library administration, faculty, and staff; examines the relationships between the Library and the general faculty, the various colleges and the programs of the University, for the purpose of recommending improvements in Library services and policy, as well as the stature of the Library.  The board recommends ways of assuring the stewardship of the library’s various collections of materials in all formats.  The board recommends ways of assuring that the library provide an atmosphere appropriate to quiet study and research, collaboration, student academic success, and thoughtful reading.  The board widely consults representatives from all groups and disciplines who use the library’s resources for curriculum and research, so as to advise the dean of the University Library on campus needs for the Library’s collections and academic services, and receives periodic reports on the library’s progress and expenditures toward meeting those needs.  Receives reports from the library dean regarding any issues raised at the King Library Management Team meetings that affect the management of the King Library.  The University Library Board may, in cooperation with the library, co-sponsor events within the library that bring members of the university community together with other citizens of the region for discourse on subjects of common scholarly and literary interest.  The board conducts periodic reviews of this policy and makes recommendations to the Academic Senate for appropriate revisions.

Board Membership:

  • Library Dean, [EXO], non-voting
  • Past Chair of the Academic Senate or FAL to the Executive Committee, voting
  • 3 regular university library faculty (tenured or tenure-track) who represent different professional specializations. 
  • 1 Faculty, Business
  • 1 Faculty, Education
  • 1 Faculty, Engineering
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 Faculty, Health and Human Sciences
  • 1 Faculty, Humanities and Arts
  • 1 Faculty, Science
  • 1 Faculty, Social Science
  • 1 Faculty, School of Information Science
  • AS President or designee [EXO]
  • 2 members of the MLK Libr. Staff
  • 1 Undergraduate Student
  • 1 Graduate Student

The faculty and staff will serve for staggered three-year terms.  The students shall serve one-year terms, but may serve more than one term.

The University Library Board shall meet regularly according to the same schedule as Senate Policy Committees.

Relationship of the University Library Board to Internal Library Governance:

Nothing in this policy should be construed to limit the University Library Dean's prerogative to solicit advice from any or all library faculty and staff, or to organize the internal advisory capacity of the Library in any manner suitable to the Library, e.g., use of the University Library Leadership Team.

Nothing in this policy should be construed to limit the Dean or the Library faculty and staff from constructing internal Library policies on the details of Library operations as appropriate, provided such policies are consistent with University Policy.

On matters related to the academic role of the Library, the Dean of the University Library should consult with library faculty and staff, with the University Library Board, and, as needed, with the university community, so as to ensure that multiple views and perspectives are considered in decision making.

University Sustainability Board â€“Working in conjunction with the University Director of Sustainability, the Board functions as a university committee of the Academic Senate and advises and makes recommendations to the Academic Senate and the President in the following areas: setting and measuring progress towards meeting University-wide goals to promote sustainability across academic and non-academic divisions; and benchmarking 91ÁÔÆæ sustainability efforts relative to state and national leaders in university sustainability. The Board serves as an advisory resource to academic departments on sustainability-related curriculum. The Board also works with appropriate units in the university as a resource for centralizing and effectively communicating information to the campus on 91ÁÔÆæ’s sustainability efforts; integrating sustainability into key planning documents and procedures; and educating and engaging with campus stakeholders on sustainability through research, projects, workshops, and other events. 


  • Director, Sustainability [EXO]
  • Executive Director, Student Union [EXO]
  • AVP of FDO or designee [EXO]
  • Spartan Eats representative designated by VP Admin-Finance [EXO]
  • AS Director of Sustainability [EXO]
  • 1 representative Transportation Solutions designated by AS Executive Director [EXO]
  • 1 College Dean [EXO] (selected for a 2-year term by the Council of Deans)
  • 5 Faculty-at-Large
  • 1 Member, Staff
  • 1 Student
  • 1 Representative from the MLK Library designated by the Dean of the Library [EXO]

Faculty-at-Large shall be recommended by the Academic Senate Executive Committee and appointed by the Academic Senate.  Faculty serve 3-year terms which are renewable for one additional 3-year term.  When filling initial appointments, the Chair of the Committee on Committees will stagger the terms of non-EXO seats.

College Dean selected for a 2-year term by the Council of Deans

Student appointed by Associated Students (preferably with interest and experience with sustainability issues) for a 1-year term.  Students can be re-appointed.

Staff member appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee for a 3-year term.

University Writing Committee [CR] -- The University Writing Committee (UWC) is a special agency of the Senate charged with developing and supporting writing instruction at 91ÁÔÆæ.  To do this, the UWC shall study and support the teaching of writing at all levels, all across the curriculum.  The UWC shall be a resource for the teaching and learning of writing all across campus, in support of student writers' university careers from beginning to end.  Members of the UWC serve a vital role as representatives of their colleges and departments.  UWC members shall communicate with faculty members in their home colleges and departments, keeping them informed of the activities of the UWC; act as conduits between their colleges and departments, and the UWC, helping the committee understand the various (and varied) needs of departments and programs on campus; and help develop policies and programs to address these needs.  The UWC may sponsor workshops and training programs for instructors of approved courses and shall use these and other appropriate means to provide guidance on the uniformity of composition standards throughout the university.  The UWC will be consulted as necessary for the following:

Assessment of the writing core compentency
Writing as part of the Directed Self-Placement Program
Writing in general education and GWAR courses, especially areas A2, A3, and R; and writing in capstone and other courses as part of a student's degree program
Committee membership includes:

  • College dean [EXO; UWC Chair; Appointed by the Provost]
  • 91ÁÔÆæ Writing Programs Administrator (WPA) [EXO]
  • 91ÁÔÆæ Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Director [EXO]
  • Writing Center Director [EXO]
  • Coordinator of Multilingual Writing Support Services [EXO]
  • Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education or designee [EXO]
  • Director of Testing [EXO; non-voting]
  • Dean, College of Graduate Studies or designee [EXO]
  • 1 Faculty, Humanities & the Arts
  • 1 Faculty, LLD Department
  • 1 Faculty each from all other colleges
  • 1 Member, General Unit
  • 1 Faculty, University Library
  • 1 Undergraduate Student that has satisfied University Written Communication II
  • 1 Graduate Student that has satisfied graduate writing requirements.

Forum of Senate Chairs and Officers

(Per SM-F00-1)

The Forum of Senate Chairs and Officers will meet at least once per semester to discuss issues pertaining to the operation of the Senate and its committees, to allow for an exchange of ideas, to discuss any issues before the Senate that affect a number of the committees, and to work on improvement of communications among the committee chairs. The Forum will be chaired by the Senate Chair or his or her designee. The Forum members will be invited to all Senate retreats; members will be invited to other events as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.

Membership: The Forum will consist of the chairs of all Senate policy, operating and special committees and boards, and the remaining Senate Officers.

Award Committees

In accordance with S13-6, the purpose of the Outstanding Professor, President’s Scholar, Distinguished Service Award, and the Outstanding Lecturer Awards committees is to recommend for recognition faculty members who have excelled in the areas of teaching and advising, scholarship or creative activity, effectiveness and service, respectively.

Process for formation of Selection Committee's for Distinguished Service Award, Outstanding Professor Award, and President’s Scholar Award (Per S13-6).  Separate selection committees will be formed annually for each award by October 31. The Executive Committee of the Senate will work with the President in forming each of the three committees. In this selection process, effort should be made to ensure that at least one member also served on the selection committee in the prior year in order to provide continuity for the committees. In addition, the Executive Committee and the President should strive for broad representation of the colleges. 

Distinguished Service Award Selection Committee  The committee will review the nominations to select the nominees for whom further information is desired. The selection committee will determine the type of information needed to make its selection, but such information at a minimum will include the nominee’s curriculum vitae and self-verification of their eligibility (as described in S13-6). The selection committee will set their own process and schedule for receiving and reviewing information, but will forward their recommendations to the President no later than March 1.

Membership: The Selection Committee shall consist of three prior recipients of the award, an administrator and a member of the community. The administrator shall serve as chair of the committee.

Outstanding Lecturer Award Selection Committee  The committee will review the nominations to select the nominees for whom further information is desired. The selection committee will determine the type of information needed to make its selection, but such information at a minimum will include the nominee’s curriculum vitae and self-verification of their eligibility (as described in S13-6). The selection committee will set their own process and schedule for receiving and reviewing information, but will forward their recommendations to the President no later than March 1.

Membership: The Selection Committee shall consist of three prior recipients of the award, one student, and one administrator. All shall be voting members of the committee. The administrator shall serve as chair of the committee.

Outstanding Professor Award Selection Committee  The committee will review the nominations to select the nominees for whom further information is desired. The selection committee will determine the type of information needed to make its selection, but such information at a minimum will include the nominee’s curriculum vitae and self-verification of their eligibility (as described in S13-6). The selection committee will set their own process and schedule for receiving and reviewing information, but will forward their recommendations to the President no later than March 1.

Membership: The Selection Committee shall consist of three prior recipients of the award, one student, and one administrator. All shall be voting members of the committee. The administrator shall serve as chair of the committee.

President’s Scholar Award Selection Committee The committee will review the nominations to select the nominees for whom further information is desired. The selection committee will determine the type of information needed to make its selection, but such information at a minimum will include the nominee’s curriculum vitae and self-verification of their eligibility (as described in S13-6). The selection committee will set their own process and schedule for receiving and reviewing information, but will forward their recommendations to the President no later than March 1.

Membership: The Selection Committee shall consist of four prior recipients of the award and one administrator. All shall be voting members of the committee. The administrator shall serve as chair of the committee.