Policy No | Subject | Supersedes/ Amends |
Status |
SM-F20-3 [pdf] | Amendment to SM-F15-4, Modification of the Graduate Studies and Research Committee Membership | Amends SM-F15-4 [pdf] | |
SM-F20-2 [pdf] | Updating Membership of the Professional Standards Committee | Rescinds SM-F18-2 [pdf] | |
SM-F20-1 [pdf] | Change to Membership of the Committee on Committees | Amends Senate bylaws [pdf] 3.6 and 4.3.2 | |
S20-5 [pdf] | Administrative Reorganization of Selected Agencies | Rescinds S74-1 [pdf] | |
S19-3 [pdf] |
Univeristy Policy, University Writing: Requirements/Guidelines, University Writing Committee |
S19-2 [pdf] |
Charge and Membership of University Committees |
To be fully implemented by Fall 2020 Note: Amends policies related to most University Committees |
SM-S19-6 [pdf] |
Amending Bylaw 5, Membership of the Committee on Committees |
Amends Bylaw 5.2 [pdf] | |
SM-S19-4 [pdf] |
Establishing a Special Committee to Coordinate and Prepare a Campus Response to the GE Task Force Report from February 2019 |
SM-S19-1 [pdf] | Charge and Membership of Senate Policy Committees | Bylaws 4 and 5 [pdf] and rescinds SM-S89-3 [pdf] | |
SM-F18-1 [pdf] | Rescinds Outdated SMs pertaining to a number of committees | Rescinds SM-F82-3 [pdf], SM-S84-4 [pdf], SM-S87-3 [pdf], SM-F88-2 [pdf], SM-S90-3 [pdf] | |
S18-15 [pdf] | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention (ADAPC) Policy |
, Rescinds S01-2 [pdf], and F01-1 [pdf] |
S18-13 [pdf] | Rescinds University Policy F97-4, Educational Equity Advisory Board | Rescinds F97-4 [pdf] | |
S18-6 [pdf] | Rescinds S90-13 [pdf], At-large Committee Appointments | Rescinds S90-13 [pdf] | |
S18-3 [pdf] | Rescinds F88-5, Continuing Education Committee | Rescinds F88-5 [pdf] | see also SM-F08-4 [pdf] |
S18-2 [pdf] | Rescinds, F72-1, Athletics Board Composition | Rescinds F72-1 [pdf] | |
SM-F17-4 [pdf] | Rescinds SM-F06-2 related to Senate Standing Rule 7 | Rescinds SM-F06-2 [pdf] | |
SM-F17-3 [pdf] | Rescinds SM-S11-1, Budget Advisory Committee Responsibilities | Rescinds SM-S11-1 [pdf] | |
SM-F17-2 [pdf] | Amends SM-S04-2, Dissolving the Improvement of Instruction Committee... | Amends SM-S04-2 [pdf] (to rescind SM-S00-2 [pdf]) | |
SM-F17-1 [pdf] | Rescinds SM-F04-1 and SM-S97-8 Related to the University Teacher Education Committee | Rescinds SM-F04-1 [pdf] and SM-S97-8 [pdf] | |
S17-4 [pdf] | Change in Membership, Charge, and Category for the Student Success Committee | Amendment A to S17-4 [pdf], Rescinds and replaces S11-6 [pdf] | |
SM-F16-1 [pdf] | Undergraduate Studies Committee Membership | Amends SM-F15-2 [pdf] | |
S16-5 [pdf] | Accreditation Review Committee | ||
S16-3 [pdf] | Strategic Planning Policy |
Amendment A to S16-3 (S19-2 [pdf]), Rescinds S09-6 [pdf]and SM-S12-2 [pdf] |
F15-13 [pdf] | Updating the Board of General Studies Membership, charge, and Responsibilities | Amendment A to F15-13 (S19-2) [pdf], Rescinds S02-7 [pdf] and S96-9 [pdf] | |
F15-10 [pdf] | Dissolving the Heritage, Preservation, and Public History Committee | Rescinds SM-S09-1 [pdf], and S05-5 [pdf], Amends S08-4 [pdf] | |
F15-9 [pdf] | Budget Advisory Committee |
Amendment A (SM-S11-1 [pdf]), Amendment B (SM-F17-3 [pdf]), Amendment C (S19-2 [pdf]), Amendment D to F15-9 [pdf], Rescinds SM-S03-1 [pdf], Amends S09-6 [pdf], Amends Bylaw 10.1 |
S15-10 [pdf] | Revisions to 91ÁÔÆæ Library Policy |
Amendment B to S15-10 [pdf] (S19-2) |
Effective May 15, 2015 |
F15-8 [pdf] | Modification of Human Subjects Institutional Review Board Membership | Amends S08-7 [pdf] | |
SM-F15-4 [pdf] | Modifies the Graduate Studies and Research Committee Membership |
Amends SM-S96-5 [pdf] |
SM-F15-2 [pdf] | Modification of Undergraduate Studies Committee Charge | ||
SM-F15-1 [pdf] | Dissolving the University Teacher Education Committee | Rescinds SM-S12-1 [pdf] | |
S14-3 [pdf] | Student Fairness Dispute Resolution |
Amendment A to S14-3 (S19-2) [pdf] Rescinds S07-6 [pdf] |
SM-F13-1 [pdf] | Updating the Membership of the Student Affairs Committee (I&SA) | ||
SM-S13-3 [pdf] | Temporary increase in committee membership for the Student Fairness Committee | Temporarily amends S97-8 [pdf] | |
F10-2 [pdf] | Membership, Student Evaluation Review Board | Amends S06-3 [pdf], and F87-6 [pdf], Modifies SM-S99-4 [pdf] | |
S10-5 [pdf] | Creation of a University Sustainability Board |
Amendment A to S10-5 (S19-2 [pdf]) Note: changes to charge and membership from S19-2 superseded by charge and membership in Amendment B. |
S10-1 [pdf] | Merger of Affirmative Action and Faculty Diversity Committees | Rescinds S89-15 [pdf] | |
SM-S09-1 [pdf] | Changing the Membership of the Heritage, Preservation, and Public History Committee | Amends S05-5 [pdf] | |
F08-3 [pdf] | Changes to the Composition of the Professional Standards Committee | Amends bylaws 2.21, 6.8, and 6.9 | |
S08-7 [pdf] | Policy for the Protection of Human Research Subjects— modifies the Institutional Review Board (IRB) | Rescinds F90-4 [pdf] | |
SM-F08-6 [pdf] | Changing the Composition of the Program Planning Committee | See also SM-S96-4 [pdf] and SM-F03-2 [pdf] | |
SM-F08-4 [pdf] | Dissolution of the Extended Studies Committee | Makes obsolete F71-13 [pdf], S72-2 [pdf], F88-5, [pdf] and SM-S05-2 [pdf] | |
SM-F08-3 [pdf] | Changing the Membership of the Graduate Studies and Research Committee | Amends SM-S96-5 [pdf] | |
S08-4 [pdf] | Campus Planning Board | Amendment A to S08-4 (F15-10 [pdf]), Amendment B to S08-4 (S19-2 [pdf]), Replaces S91-7 [pdf], Rescinds F93-1, S96-5, and S06-9, Amendment C to S08-4 [pdf] | |
F07-2 [pdf] | Athletics Board |
Amendment A [pdf] (originally S08-2), Amendment B [pdf], (originally S13-7) Rescinds F79-4 [pdf], F83-4 [pdf], F87-7 [pdf] |
S07-4 [pdf] | Dissolution of the Assessment Committee | Rescinds S01-4 [pdf] | |
SM-F06-4 [pdf] | Removal of Membership on AUTEC | Amends S86-3 [pdf] | |
S06-9 [pdf] | Campus Planning Board | Amends S91-7 [pdf] | |
S05-5 [pdf] | Creation of the Heritage, Preservation, and Public History Committee | ||
SM-S05-6 [pdf] | Creating a Faculty Diversity Committee | ||
S05-4 [pdf] | Academic Qualifications for Student Office Holders | ||
S05-3 [pdf] | Institutional Review Board-Human Subjects, Training for Investigators | Amends F90-4 [pdf] | |
S05-2 [pdf] | Dissolution of the University Information Technology Board | Rescinds S01-7 [pdf] | |
SM-S05-3 [pdf] | Addition to the Charge of the Institutional Review Board—Human Subjects | ||
SM-S05-2 [pdf] | Continuing Education Committee | ||
SM-S05-1 [pdf] | International Programs and Students Committee | ||
F04-3 [pdf] | The Strategic Planning Process at 91ÁÔÆæ (established the Goals Advisory Council (GAC) and the University Planning Council (UPC)) | ||
SM-F04-4 [pdf] | Change in the Membership of the International Programs and Students Committee | ||
SM-F04-3 [pdf] | Change in Membership of the Student Success Committee | ||
SM-F04-2 [pdf] | Change in Membership of the Instruction and Student Affairs (ISA) Committee& | ||
SM-F04-1 [pdf] | Change in Membership of the All University Teacher Education (AUTEC) Committee | ||
S01-9 [pdf] | Abolishment of Lottery Committee | ||
S01-8 [pdf] | Enlargement of BAC Committee | Amends By-Law 14.1 | |
S99-9 [pdf] | Board of Professional Responsibility | Modified by Amendment B [pdf], Modified by Amendment A to S99-9A [pdf] and S99-8A [pdf], Created Academic Freedom Committee and changed Board of Academic Freedom and Professional Responsibility to Board of Professional Responsibility, Modifies S94-5 [pdf] and F95-1 [pdf] | |
S98-9 [pdf] | Dissolution of the Information System and Computing, Establishment of CIO Advisory Board | ||
S98-3 [pdf] (see F05-1 [pdf] and S06-2 [pdf]) | Committee on Committees |
Modifies By-Law 4.1 Note that S98-3 was superseded by F05-1 [pdf] and the bylaws were republished in S06-2 with amendments to bylaw 1. See S06-2 [pdf] for last complete reissue of bylaws. |
F97-10 [pdf] | Representation on Senate Committees | Modifies By-Laws 5.10.1 and 5.12 | |
F97-8 [pdf] | Special Agencies | ||
F97-5 [pdf] | AUTEC: All University Teacher Education Committee | Rescinds SM-S97-8 [pdf]; amends S86-3 [pdf]; amended by SM-F04-1 [pdf] | |
S97-3 [pdf] | Senate Membership: Academic Deans, University Librarians, Presidents | ||
S97-2 [pdf] | Student Representation on Senate | ||
F96-6 [pdf] | Election of Senate Officers; Option of Second Term for Senate Chair | ||
F96-3 [pdf] | Student Representation on Senate-eligibility for Senate Officers | Const. Amendment | |
S96-13 [pdf] | Representation of College of Social Work on Senate Policy Committees | ||
S96-6 [pdf] | Senate Secretary's Functions | Amend By-Laws 2.1, Amended by F96-1 [pdf] | |
S96-5 [pdf] | Campus Planning Board | Amends S91-7 [pdf] | |
S96-4 [pdf] | Election of Policy Committee Chairs | ||
F95-1 [pdf] | Board of Academic Freedom and Professional Responsibility | Modified by S99-9 [pdf] | |
S95-7 [pdf] | By-Law 14 Amendment (Lottery Committee) | Committee abolished see S01-9 [pdf] | |
S95-6 [pdf] | Faculty appointed to Instructionally Related Activities Committee | By-Law 12 Amendment | |
S95-3 [pdf] | Lottery Committee | Committee abolished; see S01-9 [pdf] | |
S95-1 [pdf] | Selection of Fac. Reps for Advisory Committee for the Sel. of the President | ||
S94-5 [pdf] | Board of Academic Freedom and Professional Responsibility | Modified by F95-1 [pdf] and S99-9 [pdf] | |
F93-1 [pdf] | Campus Planning Board | Amends S91-7 [pdf] | |
S93-17 [pdf] | Budget Advisory Committee | ||
S93-12 [pdf] | Academic Freedom and Professional Responsibility; Ethics; Conflict of Interest; Principal Investigator | Reissued as S99-8 [pdf] and S99-11 [pdf]; supersedes S88-9 [pdf] and F67-17; amended by S93-12 [pdf] S94-3, S95-9, and S99-9; implemented S93-12 | |
F92-4 [pdf] | Special Agencies | ||
F92-1 [pdf] | Enrollment Advisory Committee | merged with the Student Success Committee see SM-S01-3 [pdf] | |
S92-10 [pdf] | Budget Review Committee | ||
S90-13 [pdf] | At-Large Committee Appointments; Vacancies | ||
S83-5 [pdf] | Senate Election Challenge Policy | ||
S82-10 [pdf] | Information Systems and Computing Board | ||
S78-7 [pdf] | Student Evaluation Review Board | Amended by F78-2, S79-6, F80-7, F87-2, S87-9 [pdf], and F87-6 (Note: F78-2, S79-6, F80-7, F87-2, S87-9 and F87-6 are all incorporated into F87-6), F87-6 [pdf], SM-S94-1 [pdf], SM-S99-4 [pdf], F10-2 [pdf], S19-2 [pdf] and Amendment L to S78-7 [pdf], Amendment M to S78-7 [pdf] | |
F71-1 [pdf] | Vice Chair is Alternative for Statewide Senators on Academic Senate | , |