Current Senate Management Resolutions
Senate Management Number | Subject | Supersedes/Amends |
SM-F24-1 [pdf] |
Temporary Disposition of Senate Seat 16-HHS-27 and then Chair of the Organization and Government Committee |
SM-S23-1 [pdf] | Update to the Standing Rules of the Academic Senate | |
SM-F23-1 [pdf] | Establishing a Special Commitee on Senate Representation | |
Amendment of Senate Bylaw 2.2 | Amends Senate | |
SM-F21-2 [pdf] | Amends SM-S05-6, Creating a Faculty Diversity Committee (FDC) | Amends SM-S05-6 [pdf] |
Conferring the Title of Honorary Senator on Dr. Kenneth Peter | ||
SM-S21-1 [pdf] | Amendment of Senate Standing Rule 7, Inclusion of Land Acknowledgement in the Academic Senate Agenda | Amends Standing Rule 7 [pdf] |
SM-F20-3 [pdf] | Modifies the Membership of the Graduate Studies and Research Committee | Amends SM-F15-4 [pdf] |
SM-F20-2 [pdf] | Updating the Membership of the Professional Standards Committee | Rescinds SM-F18-2 [pdf] |
SM-F20-1 [pdf] | Updating the Membership of the Committee on Committees | Amends bylaws [pdf] 3.6 and 4.3.2 |
SM-S20-2 [pdf] |
Rescinding Senate Management Resolutions Related to Bylaws and Standing Rules |
Rescinds SM-S19-2 [pdf], SM-S19-3 [pdf], SM-S19-5 [pdf], SM-S19-6 [pdf], SM-S18-1 [pdf], SM-F17-4 [pdf], SM-S02-1 [pdf], SM-S93-3 [pdf], SM-S93-2 [pdf] |
SM-S20-1 [pdf] |
Update of Senate Standing Rules |
Amends Standing rules [pdf] |
SM-F19-2 [pdf] |
Formulation of a Response to Statewide Resolution AS-3397-19/AA “Towards Implementation of a Systemwide Ethnic Studies Requirement†|
SM-F19-1 [pdf] |
Charge and Membership of the Academic Disqualification and Reinstatement Review Committee |
Rescinds and replaces SM-F09-2 [pdf] |
SM-S19-4 [pdf] |
Establishing a Special Committee to Coordinate and Prepare a Campus Response to the GE Task Force Report from February 2019 |
SM-S19-1 [pdf] |
Charge and Membership of Senate Policy Committees |
Rescinds SM-S89-3 [pdf], Amends Bylaws 4 and 5 [pdf] |
SM-F18-1 [pdf] |
Rescinds Outdated Resolutions |
Rescinds SM-F82-3 [pdf], SM-S84-4 [pdf], SM-S87-3 [pdf], SM-F88-2 [pdf], and SM-S90-3 [pdf] |
SM-F17-5 [pdf] | Rescinds SM-S96-6, SM-S01-1, and SM-F08-3 | Rescinds SM-S96-6 [pdf], SM-S01-1 [pdf], and SM-F08-3 [pdf] |
SM-F17-3 [pdf] | Rescinds SM-S11-1, Budget Advisory Committee Responsibilities | Rescinds SM-S11-1 [pdf] |
SM-F17-2 [pdf] | Amends SM-S04-2, Dissolving the Improvement of Instruction Committee... | Amends SM-S04-2 [pdf] (to rescind SM-S00-2 [pdf]) |
SM-F17-1 [pdf] | Rescinds SM-F04-1 and SM-S97-8, Related to the University Teacher Education Committee | Rescinds SM-F04-1 [pdf] and SM-S97-8 [pdf] |
SM-F16-1 [pdf] | Undergraduate Studies Committee Membership | Modifies SM-F15-2 [pdf] |
SM-S16-3 [pdf] | Remote Attendance at Senate and Committee Meetings | Modifies Senate Standing Rule 17 which pertains to committee meeting attendance |
SM-S16-2 [pdf] | Electronic Voting | Modifies Senate Standing Rule 3 to allow for electronic voting |
SM-S16-1 [pdf] | Conferring the Title of Honorary Senator on Dr. Judith Lessow-Hurley | |
SM-F15-4 [pdf] | Modification of the Graduate Studies and Research Committee Membership |
Amended by SM-F20-3 [pdf] Amends SM-S96-5 [pdf] |
SM-F15-3 [pdf] | Amends Standing Rule 7 | Amends Senate Standing Rule 7 |
SM-F15-2 [pdf] | Modification of Undergraduate Studies Committee Charge | Amended by S19-2 [pdf], Amended by SM-F16-1 [pdf], Amends SM-S98-2 [pdf] |
SM-F15-1 [pdf] | Dissolving the University Teacher Education Committee | Rescinds SM-S12-1 [pdf] |
SM-F13-1 [pdf] | Updating the Membership of the Instruction and Student Affairs Committee (I&SA) | Amendment to SM-F13-1 (S19-2) [pdf] |
SM-S13-5 [pdf] | Establishment of a Senate Archives Task Force | |
SM-S13-4 [pdf] | Procedures to consider rapid response Sense of the Senate Resolutions in response to emergent external and internal issues | |
SM-S13-3 [pdf] | Temporary increase in committee membership for the Student Fairness Committee | see also S07-6 [pdf] [pdf] |
SM-S13-2 [pdf] | Suspends Senate By-Law 1.5 | |
SM-S13-1 [pdf] | Thanking Senator Peter Buzanski for Many Years of Dedicated Service to the Academic Senate and Appointing Him Honorary Senator | |
SM-S11-2 [pdf] | Designation and Continued Designation of First-Year Experience (FYE) Courses (Final Reading) | See also S09-4 [pdf] |
SM-F09-1 [pdf] | Revision to Admissions and Standards Committee Title | |
SM-S09-2 [pdf] | Changing the time frame for the Task Force to Investigate Open Access to Faculty and Student Publications | Amends SM-S08-2 [pdf] |
SM-F08-6 [pdf] | Changing the Composition of the Program Planning Committee | See also SM-S96-4 [pdf] and SM-F03-2 [pdf] |
SM-F08-5 [pdf] | The Process to Elect the Members of the Post-Promotion Increase Program Appeals Committee | |
SM-F08-4 [pdf] | Dissolution of the Extended Studies Committee | makes obsolete F71-13 [pdf], S72-2 [pdf],F88-5 [pdf], and SM-S05-2 [pdf] |
SM-F08-2 [pdf] | Procedure for the 91ÁÔÆæ Campus Selection of a Member for the Faculty Trustee Recommending Committee | |
SM-F08-1 [pdf] | Change to the Composition of the Task Force on Sustainability | Amends SM-S08-1 [pdf] |
SM-S08-3 [pdf] | Creating a Task Force to Review Current GE Assessment and Certification | |
SM-S08-2 [pdf] | Creating a Task Force to Investigate Access to Faculty and Student Publications and Make Appropriate Recommendations | Amended by SM-S09-2 [pdf] |
SM-S08-1 [pdf] | Creation of a Task Force on Sustainability | Amended by SM-F08-1 [pdf] |
SM-F07-1 [pdf] | Changing the Membership of the Student Success Committee | |
SM-S07-1 [pdf] | Extending the Term of the Institutional Review Board-Human Subjects Task Force | Amends SM-F05-1 [pdf] |
SM-F06-5 [pdf] | Deletion of Standing Rule 17 | Deletes Standing Rule 17 |
SM-F06-3 [pdf] | Creating An Interdisciplinary Programs Task Force | |
SM-F06-1 [pdf] | Extending the Term of the E-Portfolio Task Force and Implementing Recommendations | Amends SM-S05-4 [pdf] |
SM-S06-2 [pdf] | Amendment to Senate Standing Rule 19 | Amends Standing Rule 19 |
SM-S06-1 [pdf] | Addition to membership of the IRB Task Force | Amends SM-F05-1 [pdf] |
SM-F05-2 [pdf] | Adding members to the Institutional Review Board (IRB)—Human Subjects | |
SM-F05-1 [pdf] | Creatingan Institutional Review Board-Human Subjects Task Force | Amended by SM-S07-1 [pdf] |
SM-S05-6 [pdf] | Faculty Diversity Committee |
Amended by SM-F21-2, [pdf] Amended by S19-2 [pdf] |
SM-S05-5 [pdf] | Modification to Role of Senate Secretary and Senate Administrative Analyst | |
SM-S05-4 [pdf] | Creating an E-Portfolio Task Force | Amended by SM-F06-1 [pdf] |
SM-S05-3 [pdf] | Addition to the Charge of the Institutional Review Board--Human Subjects | |
SM-F04-3 [pdf] | Change in Membership of the Student Success Committee | |
SM-F04-2 [pdf] | Change in Membership of the Instruction and Student Affairs (ISA) Committee | |
SM-S04-2 [pdf] | Dissolving the Improvement of Instruction Committee and Transferring its Charge to the Student Success and Instruction and Student Affairs Committees | |
SM-S04-1 [pdf] | Creating an Intercollegiate Athletics Task Force | |
SM-F03-2 [pdf] | Enlarging the Membership of the Program Planning Committee | Amended by SM-F08-6 [pdf] |
SM-F03-1 [pdf] | Creating a Graduation Ceremony Task Force | |
SM-S03-3 [pdf] | Creating a Task Force to Develop an Enrollment Management Plan | |
SM-S03-2 [pdf] | Creation of a Task Force on Department Chairs—Task Force Report (pdf) [pdf] | |
SM-S03-1 [pdf] | Revise Standing Rule 7 to Include Budget Advisory Committee on the Senate Agenda | |
SM-F02-2 [pdf] | Creating a Task Force on an Academic Excellence Fee | |
SM-F02-1 [pdf] | Authorizing Creation of an Ad Hoc Task Force on Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Faculty | |
SM-F01-3 [pdf] | Enlarging the Membership of the Academic Innovation Model (AIM) Task Force | |
SM-F01-2 [pdf] | Amendment of Standing Rule 8 | |
SM-F01-1 [pdf] | Establishment of an Academic Innovation Model (AIM) Task Force | Amended by SM-F01-3 [pdf] |
SM-S01-4 [pdf] | Permanent Structure for University Information Technology Board | Result of SM-S00-4 [pdf] |
SM-S01-2 [pdf] | Meeting Times of Senate Operating Committees | |
SM-F00-2 [pdf] | Joint Library Construction Site Mural Resolution | |
SM-F00-1 [pdf] | Creation of a Forum of Senate Chairs and Officers | |
SM-S00-5 [pdf] | SERB—Professional Standards | |
SM-S00-4 [pdf] | Special Committee on Academic Information Technology | Resulted in SM-S01-4 [pdf] |
SM-S00-3 [pdf] | General Unit Representation | |
SM-S00-1 [pdf] | College and General Unit Representation Institutional Review Board—Human Subjects | |
SM-F99-1 [pdf] | Adoption of report of special Senate committee "Improving communications of the 91ÁÔÆæ Academic Senate" | |
SM-S99-4 [pdf] | Student Evaluation Review Board | Modifies F87-6 [pdf] |
SM-S99-2 [pdf] | Library Board Added to Senate Agenda | |
SM-S99-1 [pdf] | Committee Voting By Email | |
SM-F98-1 [pdf] | Reconstituting the Senate Special Committee on the Joint Library Project for Drafting Senate Resolutions Regarding the Proposed City/91ÁÔÆæ Joint Library | |
SM-S98-2 [pdf] | Dissolution of Student Honors Committee & Modification of the Charge of Undergraduate Studies and Graduate Studies & Research Committees | Modified by SM-F15-2 [pdf] |
SM-S98-1 [pdf] | Dissolution of the Outstanding Professor Committee & Modification of the Charge of the Improvement of Instruction Committee | |
SM-F97-2 [pdf] | Modifying Standing Rules 6, 7, 10a, 12, 13, and 17 | |
SM-F97-1 [pdf] | Creating a Special Committee for Drafting Senate Resolutions Regarding the Proposed City/91ÁÔÆæ Joint Library | |
SM-S97-4 [pdf] | Amending the Method for Reviewing Two Reports Related to Academic Priorities | |
SM-S97-3 [pdf] | Requesting Legal Aid & Organizing the Senate to Utilize Legal Aid to Uphold All Applicable Anti-Discrimination Policies | |
SM-S97-2 [pdf] | Creating a Method to Review Two Reports Related to Academic Priorities | |
SM-S97-1 [pdf] | Student Representatives on the Academic Senate | |
SM-F96-3 [pdf] | Honorary Senators | Replaces SM-S93-4 [pdf] |
SM-F96-2 [pdf] | Senate Finances | |
SM-F96-1 [pdf] | Duties of Senate Officers | |
SM-S96-5 [pdf] | Graduate Studies & Research Committee | Amended by SM-F15-4 [pdf] |
SM-S96-4 [pdf] | Program Planning Committee | Amended by SM-F08-6 [pdf] |
SM-S96-3 [pdf] | Senate Meeting Schedule | |
SM-S96-2 [pdf] | Senate Committee Reductions | |
SM-S95-3 [pdf] | Dissolution of the Academic Freedom & Professional Ethics Committee | |
SM-S95-1 [pdf] | Committee Meeting Procedures | |
SM-S94-4 [pdf] | Professional Staff Representation | |
SM-S94-3 [pdf] | Faculty Representation | |
SM-S94-2 [pdf] | Presidential Selection Process | |
SM-S94-1 [pdf] | Student Evaluation Review Board |
Amends F87-6 , [pdf]Amended by SM-S99-4 [pdf], Amended by F10-2 [pdf] |
SM-F93-1 [pdf] | Postponing Date of Vice Presidents' Annual Budget Reports | |
SM-S93-5 [pdf] | Election of Policy Committee Chairs | |
SM-S93-1 [pdf] | Senate Special Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics | |
SM-S92-4 [pdf] | Amend Standing Rule 14—Election of Senate Officers | |
SM-S92-3 [pdf] | Abolition of the Campus Opinion Poll Committee & the Advisory Committee on Public Information | |
SM-S92-2 [pdf] | Guidelines for Election of Policy Committee Chairs | |
SM-S90-2 [pdf] | Instruction & Student Affairs Committee |