
Policy No Subject Supersedes/
S15-10 [pdf] Revisions to 91ÁÔÆæ Library Policy 

Rescinds S03-5, [pdf] S04-9 [pdf], and S06-5 [pdf]

Amendment A [pdf]to S15-10

Amendment B [pdf]to S15-10 (S19-2)

Amendment C [pdf] to S15-10

Amendment D [pdf] to S15-10

Amendment E [pdf] to S-15-10

S06-5 [pdf] Committee Assignment of the Vice-Chair of the Senate on the University Library Board Amends S03-5 [pdf]  Obsolete
S03-1 [pdf] Library Resources for New Academic Programs    
S00-1 [pdf] Naming of Joint Library Building    
S98-12 [pdf] Guidelines for Evaluation of the Performance in Assignment of Temporary Librarians Rescinds S90-12 [pdf]; clarifies S97-5 [pdf]  
F94-3 [pdf] ARTP for Librarians Rescinds F89-4 [pdf], supplemented by F94-6  
S92-3 [pdf] Appointment and Evaluation Policy for Library Faculty with Temporary Appointments Replaces S90-6 [pdf]