Policy No Subject Supersedes/
S20-4 [pdf] Optional Exclusion of Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness Surveys (SOTEs) Administered During Spring 2020    
S18-1 [pdf] Rescinds S88-5 [pdf] and F02-2 [pdf](Old SOTE and SOLATE Instruments) Rescinds S88-5 [pdf]and F02-2 [pdf] See also S17-2 [pdf]
S17-2 [pdf] Adopting New SOTE and SOLATE Instruments   Effective as soon as practicable
S14-1 [pdf] Evaluation of Effectiveness in Teaching for All Faculty, Excluding courses of small size from teaching evaluations Amends F12-6 [pdf] Effective as soon as administratively possible, and no later than Fall 2014
F12-6 [pdf] Evaluation in Effectiveness in Teaching for All Faculty

Amendment A [pdf], Amendment B [pdf], Amendment C [pdf],

Amendment D [pdf], Replaces S91-9 [pdf], S06-6 [pdf], F83-2 [pdf], S08-1 [pdf], S83-12 [pdf], S08-6 [pdf], S89-6 [pdf], S73-8 [pdf], F12-1 [pdf]

Effective 2013-2014 Academic Year
F12-2 [pdf] To Keep Administration of SOTES in Fall 2012 and Winter 2013 Unchanged While 91ÁÔÆæ Works to Adjust Policies to the New Contract   Expires following the conclusion of Winter 2013 session
F12-1 [pdf] Administration of Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness (SOTE) Evaluations Online    
S08-6 [pdf] Developing Baseline Values (Norms) for the Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness (SOTE) Surveys for Use in Periodic and Performance Evaluations    
S08-1 [pdf] Administration of online Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness (SOTE) Evaluations for online Courses Amends S06-6  
S06-6 [pdf] Procedures to be Followed when Administering SOTES S03-3, S87-9, S86-2, S98-4  
SS-S05-6 [pdf] Sense of the Senate Resolution, Adoption of Preliminary Plan to Convert the Current SOTE Paper-based Process to an Online (Web-based) Collection System    
F04-1 [pdf] Student Opinion Teaching Evaluation (SOTE) and Student Opinion Laboratory Teaching Evaluation (SOLATE) Interpretation Guides—SOTE and SOLATE Interpretation Guides (pdf) [pdf]    
S03-3 [pdf] Procedures to be followed when Administering SOTES—Rescinded by President Don Kassing Replaces F02-3, Rescinds S87-9, S86-2, S98-4  
F83-2 [pdf] Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness Written Responses    
S83-12 [pdf] Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness Prohibition on reporting with percentiles