°ä±õ¹ó·¡¸é® Technical Papers

  1. Tischler, M. B., with Remple, R. K., "Aircraft and Rotorcraft System Identiï¬cation: Engineering Methods with Flight Test Examples," [pdf] AIAA, 2006.
  2. Harding, J. W., Moody, S. J., Mansur, M. H., and Tischler, M. B., “Development of Modern Control Laws for the AH-64D in Hover/Low Speed Flight [pdf],†Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 62nd Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 9–11, 2006.
  3. Lawler, M. A., Ivler, C. M., Tischler, M. B., and Shtessel, Y. B., “System Identiï¬cation of the Longitudinal/Heave Dynamics for a Tandem-Rotor Helicopter Including Higher-Order Dynamics,†[pdf] Proceedings of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit, Keystone, CO, August 21–24, 2006.
  4. Downs, J., Prentice, R., Dalzell, S., Besachio, A., Ivler, C. M., Tishcler, M. B., and Mansur, M. H., “Control System Development and Flight Test Experience with the MQ-8B Fire Scout Vertical Take-Off Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (VTUAV),†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 63rd Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 1–3, 2007.
  5. Harding, J. W., Mansur, M. H., Tischler, M. B., Moody, S. J., and McCann, R. C., “Optimization and Piloted Simulation Results of the AH-64D Modern Control Laws,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 63rd Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 1–3, 2007.
  6. Christensen, K. T., Campbell K. G., Grifï¬th, C. D., Ivler, C. M., Tischler, M. B., and Harding, J. W., “Flight Control Development for the ARH-70 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter Program,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 63rd Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 1–3, 2007.
  7. Fletcher, J. W., Lusardi, J. A., Moralez III, E., Robinson, D. E., Arterburn, D. R., Cherepinsky, I., Driscoll, J., Morse, C. S., and Kalinowski, K. F., “UH-60M Upgrade Fly-By-Wire Flight Control Risk Reduction using the RASCAL JUH-60A In-Flight Simulator,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 64th Annual Forum, Montréal, Canada, April 29–May 1, 2008.
  8. Quiding, C., Ivler, C. M., and Tischler, M. B., “GenHel S-76C Model Correlation using Flight Test Identiï¬ed Models,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 64th Annual Forum, Montréal, Canada, April 29–May 1, 2008.
  9. Ivler, C. M., and Tischler, M. B., “System Identiï¬cation Modeling for Flight Control Design,†[pdf] Proceedings of the RAeS Rotorcraft Handling-Qualities Conference, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, November 4–6, 2008.
  10. Mansur, M. H., Lusardi, J. A., Tischler, M. B., and Berger, T., “Achieving the Best Compromise between Stability Margins and Disturbance Rejection Performance,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 65th Annual Forum, Grapevine, TX, May 27–29, 2009.
  11. Berger, T., Tischler, M. B., Blanken, C. L., Fujizawa, B. T., Harding, J. W., Borden, C. C., Cothren, L. E., Wright, J. J., Arterburn, D. R., and Pfrommer, M. R., “Improved Handling Qualities for the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior in the Degraded Visual Environment,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 67th Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 3–5, 2011.
  12. Link, D. W., Kashawlic, B. E., Fujizawa, B. T., and Tischler, M. B., “Influence of Frequency Response Analysis on MH-47G DAFCS Development and Flight Test,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 67th Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 3–5, 2011.
  13. Mansur, M. H., Tischler, M. B., Bieleï¬eld, M. D., Bacon, J. W., Cheung, K. K., Berrios, M. G., and Rothman, K. E., “Full Flight Envelope Inner-Loop Control Law Development for the Unmanned K- MAX®,†[pdf]  Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 67th Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 3–5, 2011.
  14. Ivler, C. M., Tischler, M. B., and Powell, J. D., “Cable Angle Feedback Control Systems to Improve Handling Qualities for Helicopters with Slung Loads,†[pdf] Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Portland, OR, August 8–11, 2011.
  15. Fujizawa, B. T., Tischler, M. B., Arlton, P. E., and Arlton, D. J., “Control System Development and Flight Testing of the Tiger Moth UAV,†[pdf]  Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 68th Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 1–3, 2012.
  16. Ivler, C. M., Powell, J. D., Tischler, M. B., Fletcher, J. W., and Ott, C. R., “Design and Flight Test of a Cable Angle/Rate Feedback Flight Control System for the RASCAL JUH-60 Helicopter,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 68th Annual Forum, Fort-Worth, TX, May 1–3, 2012.
  17. Mansur, M. H., and Tischler, M. B., “Flight Test Comparison of Alternate Strategies for Multi-Loop Control Law Optimization,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 69th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 21–23, 2013.
  18. Fujizawa, B. T., Tischler, M. B., Ott, C. R., and Blanken, C. B., “UH-60 Partial Authority Modernized Control Laws for Improved Handling Qualities in the Degraded Visual Environment,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 70th Annual Forum, Montreal, Canada, May 20–22, 2014.
  19. Juhasz, O., Tischler, M. B., Hagerott, S. G., Staples, D., and Fuentealba, J., “A Coupled Lateral/Directional Flight Dynamics and Structural Model for Flight Control Application,†[pdf] Proceedings of the AIAA SciTech Conference, Kissimmee, FL, January 5–9, 2015.
  20. Wei, W., and Tischler, M. B., “System Identiï¬cation and Controller Optimization of a Quadrotor UAV,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 5–7, 2015.
  21. Tobias, E. L., Tischler, M. B., Berger, T., and Hagerott, S. G., “Full Flight-Envelope Simulation and Piloted Fidelity Assessment of a Business Jet Using a Model Stitching Architecture,†[pdf] Proceedings of the AIAA SciTech Conference, Kissimmee, FL, January 5–9, 2015.
  22. Tobias, E. L., and Tischler, M. B., “A Model Stitching Architecture for Continuous Full Flight-Envelope Simulation of Fixed-Wing Aircraft and Rotorcraft from Discrete-Point Linear Models,†[pdf]  AMRDEC Special Report SR-RDMR-AF-16-01, April 2016.
  23. Fegely, C., Xin, H., Juhasz, O., and Tischler, M. B., “Flight Dynamics and Control Modeling with System Identiï¬cation Validation of the Sikorsky X2 TechnologyTM Demonstrator,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 17–19, 2016.
  24. Berger, T., Tischler, M. B., Hagerott, S. G., Cotting, M. C., Gray, W. R., Gresham, J. L., George, J. E., Krogh, K. J., D’Argenio, A., and Howland, J. D., “Development and Validation of a Flight Identiï¬ed Business Jet Simulation Model Using a Stitching Architecture,†[pdf] Proceedings of the AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Grapevine, TX, January 9–13, 2017.
  25. Juhasz, O., Lopez, M. J. S., Berrios, M. G., Berger, T., and Tischler, M. B., “Turbulence Modeling of a Small Quadrotor UAS Using System Identiï¬cation from Flight Data,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society Technical Meeting on VTOL Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Mesa, AZ, January 24–26, 2017.
  26. Berrios, M. G., Berger, T., Tischler, M. B., Juhasz, O., and Sanders, F. C., “Hover Flight Control Design for UAS using Performance-based Disturbance Rejection Requirements,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 9–11, 2017.
  27. Cheung, K. K., Wagster, J. A., IV., Tischler, M. B., Ivler, C. M., Berrios, M. G., Berger, T., Juhasz, O., Tobias, E. L., Goerzen, C. L., Barone, P. S., Sanders, F. C., Lopez, M. J. S., and Lehmann, R. M., “An Overview of the U.S. Army Aviation Development Directorate Quadrotor Guidance, Navigation, and Control Project,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 9–11, 2017.
  28. He, C., Syal, M., Tischler, M. B., and Juhasz, O., “State-Space Inflow Model Identiï¬cation from Viscous Vortex Particle Method for Advanced Rotorcraft Conï¬gurations,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 9–11, 2017.
  29. Hersey, S., Celi, R., Juhasz, O., Tischler, M. B., Rand, O., and Khromov, V., “State-Space Inflow Model Identiï¬cation and Flight Dynamics Coupling for an Advanced Coaxial Rotorcraft Conï¬guration,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 9–11, 2017.
  30. Keller, J. D., McKillip, R. M., Jr., Wachspress, D. A., Tischler, M. B., and Juhasz, O., “A Free Wake Linear Inflow Model Extraction Procedure for Rotorcraft Analysis,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 9–11, 2017.
  31. Knapp, M. E., Ivler, C. M., Berrios, M. G., Berger, T., and Tischler, M. B., “Kalman Filter Estimation of Rotor-State Flapping: An Optimization-based Approach with UH-60 Flight Test Data,†[pdf] Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 9–11, 2017.
  32. Cho, S. H., Bhandari, S., Sanders, F. C., Cheung, K. K., and Tischler, M. B., “System Identiï¬cation and Controller Optimization of a Coaxial Quadrotor UAV in Hover,†[pdf] Proceedings of the AIAA Scitech Forum, San Diego, CA, January 7–11, 2019.
  33. Lopez, M. J. S., Tischler, M. B., Juhasz, O., Gong, A., and Sanders, F. C., “Development of a Reconfigurable Multicopter Flight Dynamics Model from Flight Data Using System Identification,†[pdf] Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Autonomous VTOL Technical Meeting, Mesa, AZ, January 29–31, 2019.
  34. Berger, T., Tischler, M. B., Knapp, M. E., and Lopez, M. J. S., “Identification of Multi-Input Systems in the Presence of Highly-Correlated Inputs,†[pdf] Proceedings of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, San Diego, CA, January 2019.
  35. Gong, A., Sanders, F. C., Hess, R. A., and Tischler, M. B., “System Identification and Full Flight-Envelope Model Stitching of a Package-Delivery Octocopter,†[pdf] Proceedings of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, January 2019.
  36. Cho, S. H., Gonzalez, V., Bhandari, S., Tischler, M. B., and Cheung, K. K., “Hover/Low Speed Dynamics Model Identification of a Coaxial Tricopter in Hover using Joint Input-Output Technique,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 75th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Philadelphia, PA, May 13–16, 2019.
  37. Ivler, C. M., Rowe, E. S., Martin, J., Lopez, M. J. S., and Tischler, M. B., “System Identification Guidance for Multirotor Aircraft: Dynamic Scaling and Test Techniques,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 75th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Philadelphia, PA, May 13–16, 2019.
  38. Lopez, M. J. S., Tischler, M. B., Juhasz, O., Gong, A., Sanders, F. C., Soong, J. Y., and Nadell, S. J., “Flight Test Comparison of Gust Rejection Capability for Various Multirotor Configurations,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 75th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Philadelphia, PA, May 13–16, 2019.
  39. Saetti, U., Horn, J. F., Berger, T., Lopez, M. J. S., and Tischler, M. B., AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 42, No. 10, October 2019.
  40. Berrigan, C. S., Lopez M. J., Ruckel, P., Prasad, J.V.R., “Bell V-280 System Identification: Application of JIO Methodology for Hover Model Identification,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Rotorcraft Handling Qualities Technical Meeting, Huntsville, AL, February 19–20, 2020.
  41. Berger, T., Lopez, M. J. S., Wagner, A. M., and Tischler, M. B., “Guidelines for System Identification of Multirotor Vehicles with Highly Correlated Inputs,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 76th Annual Forum Proceedings, October 2020.
  42. Berrigan, C. S., Lopez, M. J., Ruckel, P., and Prasad, J.V.R., “Bell V-280 System Identification and Model Validation with Flight Test Data using the Joint Input-Output Method,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 76th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, October 6–8, 2020.
  43. Gladfelter, M., He, C., Chang, C., Tischler, M. B., Lopez, M. J. S., and Juhasz, O., “Enhancement and Validation of VPM-Derived State-Space Inflow Models for Multi-Rotor Simulation,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 76th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, October 6–8, 2020.
  44. Keller, J. D., McKillip Jr., R. M., Wachspress, D. A., Lopez, M. J. S., Tischler, M. B., and Juhasz, O., “Linearized Inflow and Interference Models from High Fidelity Free Wake Analysis for Modern Rotorcraft Configurations,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 76th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, October 6–8, 2020.
  45. Niemeic, R., Gandhi, F., Lopez, M. J. S., and Tischler, M. B., “System Identification and Handling Qualities Predictions of an eVTOL Urban Air Mobility Aircraft Using Modern Flight Control Methods,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 76th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, October 6–8, 2020.
  46. Raz, R., Rosen, A., Nadell, S. J., Cicolani, L., Horn, J. F., Enciu, J., Chen, Z., Tischler, M. B., and Cheung, K. K. (2020), “Hardware-in-the-loop dynamic wind tunnel investigation of slung loads dynamics with application to active cargo hook stabilization of an M119 howitzer,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 76th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, October 6–8, 2020.
  47. Berger, T., Tischler, M. B., Hagerott, S. G., Cotting, M. C., and Gray, W. R.,  Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 43, No. 11, November 2020.
  48. Berger, T., and Lopez, M. J. S.,  Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 45, No. 1, January 2021.
  49. Lopez, M. J. S., Duffy, C. S., Tischler, M. B., and Ruckel, P., “Bell V-280 Hover Flight Dynamics Model Validation and Update with Flight Test Data,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 77th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, May 11–13, 2021.
  50. Taghizad, A., Tischler, M. B., Clark, R. G., and Sylvain, R., “Extraction of Flight Dynamics Data from Level D Qualification Flight Tests Application to Training Simulators Model Fidelity Enhancement,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 77th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, May 11–13, 2021.
  51. Truong, K. V., Gong, A., Berger, T., Tischler, M. B., and Ivler C. M., “Development of a Reconfigurable Control Equivalent Turbulence Input Model for Multirotor UAS,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, May 11–13, 2021.
  52. Walker, J., and Tischler, M. B., “Identification and Control Design of a Sub-Scale Flybarless Helicopter,†[pdf]Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, May 11–13, 2021.
  53. Tischler, M. B., “Flight Control Technology Advancements and Challenges for Future Rotorcraft 40th Alexander A. Nikolsky Honorary Lecture,†[pdf] Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 67, 2022.
  54. Nadell, S. J., Berger, T., DiMarco C., and Lopez, M. J. S., “System Identification and Stitched Modeling of the ADAPT™ Winged Compound Helicopter Scaled Demonstrator,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s 78th Annual Forum Proceedings, Ft. Worth, TX, May 10–12, 2022.
  55. Walker, J., and Tischler, M. B., “Simulation Model Update and Optimized Control Design of a Sub-Scale Flybarless Helicopter,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 78th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Ft. Worth, TX, May 10–12, 2022.
  56. Gong,  A., Tischler, M. B., and Shalev-Eggert, O., “Flight Dynamics, Control, and Testing of a Coaxial Helicopter UAV with Folding Rotor Blades,†[pdf] Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum & Technology Display, West Palm Beach, FL, May 16–18, 2023.