Induced Course Load Matrix

The Induced Course Load Matrix (ICLM) model is used to determine Full Time Equivalent Student (FTES) distribution across the colleges. The ICLM uses historical information to predict which courses a student will take, based on their major. Current and historical ICLM reports can be retrieved on the website.
The following table represents a sample ICLM report. It shows actual (unduplicated) Headcount Majors by college (column on the left). This is followed by the actual FTES those students generated in each college. The total for each row shows the total FTES generated by the majors in each college across the University. The total for each column shows the FTES generated by each college through the courses it offered to all students of the University.
ICLM Example
In this example, the College of Applied Sciences and Arts (ASA) generated 3,954.40 FTES through delivering its courses. Within that number, 3,039.13 FTES were generated by CASA’s own students (their own majors), and 172.00 FTES were generated by Business majors enrolling in CASA’s courses. Majors from Education enrolling in CASA’s courses generated 60.72 FTES, and Engineering majors generated 64.42 FTES, etc.
In the same way that ICLM shows which students generated the FTES for a given college, it can also predict the FTES that will be required for each college when future plans for students (Headcount Majors) are input. The historical relationships between majors and FTES generated are used to predict FTES requirements.
Using the data (above) as an example, the FTES required in CASA to teach 5,331 CASA majors would be 3,039.13. Similarly, the FTES required in CASA to teach 5,032 Business majors would be 172.00. In this way, the FTES required in each college to serve the planned student population (Headcount Majors) in future years can be determined; planned Headcount Majors for each college are the input, and the FTES required for each college are the output.