Call for Nominations: Dean for Undergraduate Education Search Committee

Sent: March 5, 2024

From: Vincent J. Del Casino, Jr., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

The Office of the Provost is launching the search for the Dean for Undergraduate Education, a position that is replacing the current Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education role. Moving this to a dean role will bring greater parity with the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and strengthen communication and coordination with the deans of the academic colleges.  This will be a system-wide search, and I am seeking nominations for members to serve on this search committee. In accordance with university policy, S16-8 [pdf], the committee shall be composed of faculty, students, administrators and staff. Faculty shall comprise a majority on the committee, and consideration will be given to representation of the diversity of the campus. If appropriate, alumni and community representatives may serve on search committees.
I invite you to nominate yourself or others who are interested in serving in this important process. Nominations must include a written statement reflecting one’s interest and qualifications for serving on the search committee, including perspectives on diversity and inclusion. Submit your by 12 pm, March 15. Any questions about this search process should be directed to Jessica Larsen,

About the position 
The Dean for Undergraduate Education (UE) provides campus leadership in all aspects of undergraduate academic matters, including undergraduate curriculum and programs, and is responsible for ensuring the integrity of all undergraduate degree programs, and the relationship of those programs to the overall success of 91ÁÔÆæ’s students. As a member of the Academic Affairs Leadership Team (AALT), working in close coordination with the Provost, Deans, Chairs, Directors, the Academic Senate, and the Chancellor's Office of the California State University. The Dean for Undergraduate Education also collaborates on academic planning and policymaking at the campus and system level and supports policy changes and programs that reduce barriers to student success as well as the return of students to the campus.

This leader further represents Academic Affairs on a number of important cross-divisional projects, including the Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) group, and provides leadership in the area of student success, working with units within Academic Affairs and beyond to support students. More broadly, the Dean for Undergraduate Education facilitates campus undergraduate curricular initiatives and serves on curriculum review committees. The Dean for Undergraduate Education oversees Special Majors, processes student academic petitions, cultivates courses and programs in the University Studies curriculum, and supports programs in the areas of dual enrollment and other initiatives to improve matriculation to the university. Most importantly, the Dean for Undergraduate Education is a key leader in the division as 91ÁÔÆæ continues to build a culture of student, faculty, and staff success.


Vincent J. Del Casino, Jr.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs