Announcing the Dean for the College of Education Search Committee

Sent: February 14, 2025

From: Vincent J. Del Casino, Jr., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your nominations for the Dean Search Committee. The election process has now concluded, and I am pleased to announce the membership of the Dean Search Committee for the Connie L. Lurie College of Education.

The committee includes representatives from faculty, staff, students, and administrators/community members, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives. These members have been selected following university policy , Selection and Review of Administrators:

  • Ellery Carlson, Undergraduate Student, Child and Adolescent Development, Teacher Prep + SAGE
  • Portia Gulasch McReynolds, Executive Assistant to the Dean, College of Education
  • Saili Kulkarni, Associate Professor, Special Education
  • Jason Laker, Chair, Counselor Education
  • Ravisha Mathur, Chair, Child and Adolescent Development
  • Janene Perez, Lecturer, Child and Adolescent Development
  • Luis Poza, Associate Professor, Teacher Education
  • Anne Marie Todd, Dean, College of Social Sciences
  • Administrator/Community Rep - to be announced

Ravisha Mathur will serve as chair of the search committee and she will work closely with the executive search firm, Isaacson, Miller, to help bring in the best pool of candidates for the next dean. There will be an opportunity in the coming weeks for all members of the college to provide input in the selection of the new dean. You can stay updated on the search process by visiting the page.

Finalists for the position will visit campus in person later this semester, so we hope that everyone can turn out for their presentations and visits as we seek to recruit the most outstanding candidates possible. We will provide as much advance notice on the schedule as possible.

Thank you,