December 2020 Grants and Contracts

We are pleased to share the success of 91ÁÔÆæ's principal investigators in being awarded the following grants and contracts during December 2020:

Adam Kochanski

Meteorology & Climate Science, College of Science

  • "Coupled Interactive Forecasting of Weather, Fire Behavior, and Smoke Impact for Improved Wildland Fire Decision Making"
    Sponsor: Colorado State University

Anand Ramasubramanian, Wendy Lee, John Lee

Biomedical, Chemical & Materials Engineering, Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering

  • "Thrombosis in Microgravity"
    Sponsor: NASA

Dan Moshavi, Karen Philbrick

Dean's Office, Lucas College and Graduate School of Business

  • " Senate Bill 1 (CSU Lead Center)"
    Sponsor: California State University System

Elaine Collins

Dean’s Office, College of Science

  • "91ÁÔÆæ MESA Schools Program ARUESD Agreement"
    Sponsor: Alum Rock Unified Elementary School District

Holly Bowers, Jason Smith

Moss Landing Marine Labs, College of Science

  • "Advancing Portable Detection Capabilities of Harmful Algal Bloom Species in California Waters"
    Sponsor: University of Southern California

Hongrui Liu

Industrial & System Engineering, Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering

  • "Proposal to Test/Research Market Clearing Systems For ISO New England"
    Sponsor: ISO New England

James Harvey, Jonathan Prince

Moss Landing Marine Labs, College of Science

  • "Auxiliary General Purpose Oceanographic Research (AGOR) Support Services"
    Sponsor: Office of Naval Research

Julie Spitzer

Mathematics & Statistics, College of Science

  • "Just in Time: Online Mathematics Professional Development"
    Sponsor: Regents of The University of California

  • "SCVMP-CSMP-ESSA20 (Fed funds)"
    Sponsor: Regents of The University of California

Marco Sigala

Moss Landing Marine Labs, College of Science

  • "CDFW Instream Flow Program Quality Assurance Support"
    Sponsor: California State, Department of Fish & Wildlife

Marie Cruz

Division of Student Affairs

  • "The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program"
    Sponsor: Department of Education (Two Awards)

Michael Graham, Scott Hamilton

Moss Landing Marine Labs, College of Science

  • "Assessment of Practical Methods for Re-Establishment of Bull Kelp Populations at an Ecologically Relevant Scale"
    Sponsor: UC, San Diego

Ronald Mak

Computer Engineering, Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering

  • "Intelligent Systems Research and Development Support-3 (ISRDS-3)"
    Sponsor: KBR Wyle Services, LLC

Roohi Vora

English & Comparative Literature, College of  Humanities & the Arts

  • "San Jose Area Writing Project 2020-2021- CSMP/ESSA Federal Funds"
    Sponsor: UC, Santa Barbara

Ross Clark

Moss Landing Marine Labs, College of Science

  • "North Monterey County High School Habitat Enhancement Project"
    Sponsor: Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County

Sean Laraway

Psychology, College of Social Sciences

  • "Human Systems Integration: Collaborative Human Factors Research to Improve Safety, Efficiency, and Reliability of NASA's Aeronautics And Space Missions"

Sen Chiao

Meteorology & Climate Science, College of Science

  • "The NOAA Cooperative Science Center in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology"
    Sponsor: Howard University

Shannon Wright

Art & Art History, College of  Humanities & the Arts

  • "Bay Area California Arts Project (BayCAP) 2020-2021 ESSA Federal Fund"
    Sponsor: Regents of the University of California

Wei-Chien Lee

Counseling & Psychological Services, Student Affairs

  • "Outcome Study of the Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) Campus Suicide Prevention Grant."
    Sponsor: Department of Health and Human Services