September 2022 Grants and Contracts
We are pleased to share the success of 91ÁÔÆæ's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during September 2022:
Monthly Awards at a Glance
26 Awards Received: Valued at $7,100,958.
Lucas College and Graduate School of Business
Karen E.Philbrick, Business, Dean's Office
Mineta Consortium for Transportation Mobility (MCTM) TO 022
Sponsor: CA State, Dept of Transportation – $69,955.
Karen E.Philbrick, Business, Dean's Office
Mineta Consortium for Transportation Mobility (MCTM) TO 023
Sponsor: CA State, Dept of Transportation – $158,729.
Connie L. Lurie College of Education
Allison Briceno, Teacher Education
Cultivating and Sustaining Biliteracy And Bilingualism in Multilingual Youth
Sponsor: Santa Clara University – $63,260.
Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering
Chang Y Choo, Electrical Engineering
Study of Resource Allocation Schemes for AI-Based Self-Configuration in Ultra-Dense
Small Cell Systems
Sponsor: Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute – $40,000.
Katy Kao, Biomedical, Chemical & Materials Engineering
Adaptive Evolution of Candida Biofilms
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health – $138,040.
Michael Oye, Biomedical, Chemical & Materials Engineering
Community Planning: Guadalupe River Park Conservancy
Sponsor: Guadalupe River Park Conservancy – $15,000.
Jonathan Ponniah, Electrical Engineering
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Smallsat/UAV Swarm Motion Control
Sponsor: Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. – $20,000.
College of Health and Human Sciences
Miranda Worthen, Soma De Bourbon, Health Science and Recreation
CIVIC-PG Track B: Strengthening Community Paramedicine Services through Action Research:
Pathfinding for Patients in Complex Crises
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $49,974.
Office of Research
Abby Queale, Sponsored Programs Foundation
The Spartan SBDC
Sponsor: Office of Research Humboldt State University – ($156,250.)
(three transactions)
College of Professional and Global Education
Anthony Chow, School of Information
Reading Nation Waterfall
Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services – $633,305.
College of Science
Nathaniel Bogie, Geology
Deep Connections: Studying Deep Recharge and Healthy Soil Management Practices in
Sponsor: Regents of the University of California – $10,000.
Craig B. Clements, Meteorology & Climate Science
Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Commerce – $1,150,000.
Wesley A. Heim, Moss Landing Marine Lab
PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant Project
Sponsor: Pacific Gas & Electric Company – $347,636.
Michael J. Kaufman, Science, Dean's Office
Astronomical Infrared Bands as Calibrated Probes of Astrophysical Conditions in the
JWST-era with The NASA Ames PAH IR Spectroscopic Database
Sponsor: NASA – $291,371. (two awards)
Michael J. Kaufman, Christiaan Boersma, Science, Dean's Office
NIRSpec IFU: Deuterated PAHs, PAH-nitriles, and PAH Overtone and Combination Bands
(ID 1591)
Sponsor: Space Telescope Science Institute – $109,840.
Cassandra A. Paul, Gina Quan, Resa Kelly, Jennifer Avena, Physics & Astronomy
Agents of Change: Faculty-Learning Assistant Partnerships Supporting Active, Engaging,
Equitable Learning Environments
Sponsor: California State University System – $221,969.
Cassandra A. Paul, Tammie Visintainer, Marcos Pizarro, Katherine Wilkinson, Physics & Astronomy
Transforming Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Through Culturally Sustaining, Active,
and Asset-Based Approaches to Introductory Science Courses
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $433,431.
Roger H. Terrill, Chemistry
Enhanced Coating Technology
Sponsor: Sahajanand Technologies Private Limited – $4,000.
Abraham Wolcott, Chemistry
Supporting Active Learning in Introductory STEM Courses with Extended Reality
Sponsor: California State University, Fresno – $9,000.
College of Social Sciences
Valerie Carr, Psychology
A Harmonized Medial Temporal Lobe Subregion Segmentation Protocol: An Essential Element
for Dementia Research
Sponsor: Ohio State University – $46,256.
Victoria Harrison, History
Payment from the Israeli Consulate into the Jewish Studies Account
Sponsor: Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest – $2,000.
Sean P. Laraway, Psychology
Human Systems Integration: Collaborative Human Factors Research to Improve Safety,
Efficiency & Reliability of NASA’s Aeronautics & Space Missions: Phase 2
Sponsor: NASA – $2,953,896.
Susan M. Snycerski, Psychology
Future Vertical Lift: Collaborative Research on Flight Control, Autonomous Rotorcraft,
and Human-Systems Interface Design
Sponsor: NASA – $489,545.
Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure terms.