How-To's for Teaching Tools

When teaching remotely, there are two modes of instruction you can choose. In addition, there are additional software applications that can get used to record lectures, conduct a virtual lab, or include external media.

  1. Teaching a live/synchronous class using video conferencing, such as the Zoom, Canvas Conferences, Google Hangouts Meet and/or
  2. Delivering your class asynchronously using the 91ÁÔÆæ Learning Management System, Canvas.

Host a live session using Zoom

You can schedule a virtual meeting using the Zoom video conferencing application. This will allow you to present a lecture online at the same time your class is scheduled.

Host a live session using Canvas Conferences

You can schedule a virtual meeting using the built-in Canvas video conferencing application. This will allow you to present a lecture online at the same time your class is scheduled. 

Host a live session using Google Hangouts Meet

You can schedule a virtual meeting using the Google Hangouts Meet video conferencing application. This will allow you to present a lecture online at the same time your class is scheduled. 

Deliver your class asynchronously using Canvas

All courses at 91ÁÔÆæ are provided with a Canvas course shell. Canvas will allow you to post announcements, share files, create assignments, host discussions, conduct chats, and continue communication with your students.

Additional Option - Record a Lecture 

Camtasia allows you to record your on-screen activity or upload videos. You can customize and edit content, and share your videos with your students. You can create video tutorials of your screen and add effects such as animations, sounds, or quizzes. You can record demonstrations, such as labs.

Additional Option - Conduct a Virtual Lab

If unable to conduct a lab in a physical space, there are opportunities to provide online simulations.  California State University instructors can add Labster simulations into their learning management system course. View the  page for information on access, training and setting up Labster for your course.  eCampus has access to the software Mathematica, which can be used for visualization activities. In addition, there are other open-source/free resources.

Additional Option - Add Media Resources

A wide variety of online video resources exist that can supplement the resources already available in your course. The resources noted below are accessible through your 91ÁÔÆæOne credentials. They are available for both you and your students to access for free.

Canvas Studio

Canvas Studio is a video creation and editing tool that's found right in Canvas. Use it to create screencasts, webcam recordings and interactive video quizzes. It's easy to add your videos to Canvas announcements, assignments, pages, or quizzes. You can also adhere to accessibility standards by captioning your videos in Canvas Studio.

Hypothesis Annotation Tool

Hypothesis is an open, interoperable annotation layer over digital content. Simply put, annotating all knowledge. Hypothesis is a conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing implementation by any underlying site. View the Hypothesis resource page for more information.