May 2024 New Grants and Contracts

We are pleased to share the success of 91ÁÔÆæ's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during May 2024:

Monthly Awards at a Glance
10 Awards Received: Valued at $1,503,218.

Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure terms.

Connie L. Lurie College of Education

Ruiz, Sandra Zuniga, Teacher Education
Emancipatory Anti-Racist Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Sponsor: National Academy of Education – $113,118.

Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering

Oh, Dahyun, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Center for High Precision Patterning Science (CHiPPS)
Sponsor: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories – $4,000.

College of Science

Carroll, Dustin, Moss Landing Marine Lab
Analysis of the Role of Diel Vertical Migrators in the Marine Biological
Sponsor: Brown University – $49,837.

Carroll, Dustin, Moss Landing Marine Lab
Ocean Carbon Sink Variability: Internal vs. Forced Mechanisms
Sponsor: Columbia University – $33,870.

Clark, Ross P / Aiello, Ivano W., Meteorology & Climate Science
MRN-1 Bolinas Lagoon Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Study
Sponsor: NASA – $679,686.

Diao, Minghui, Meteorology & Climate Science
Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Clouds Based on NASA Flight
Campaigns and Global Climate Models NASA
Sponsor: NASA – $80,271.

Harvey, James, Moss Landing Marine Lab
Marine Mammal Observer Training
Sponsor: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute – $5,618.

Harvey, James, Moss Landing Marine Lab
Suisun Marsh Waterfowl Science Investigations: Data Synthesis and Manuscript Preparation
Sponsor: U.S. Geological Survey – $50,000.

College of Social Sciences

Augustine, Dallas, Justice Studies
A Longitudinal Qualitative Study of Fentanyl-Stimulant Polysubstance Use Among People Experiencing Homelessness (PD/PI: McNeil, Knight)
Sponsor: Yale University – $49,810.

Rondilla, Joanne, Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Asian American Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander OHANA Center of Excellence on Empowering Behavioral Health
Sponsor: San Jose State University – $437,008.