Position Management
All 91ÁÔÆæ employees are hired into an 8-digit position number. The position identifies the following information:
- Classification and Grade/Range
- Working Title
- Department
- Location
- Funding
- Reporting Structure (for non-student positions)
Regular employees are in single-incumbent positions while temporary employees (lecturers, students, casual workers, etc.) are in multi-incumbent positions, meaning many people are in the same position.
Position Management Help and FAQs
- Request a new position
- Faculty, Student, Casual Worker, and Immediate Pay Positions
- Complete the
- Select Create New Position
- Fill in all applicable fields
- Staff and Management Positions
- As part of a recruitment:
- Go to the page
- Click Add a New Value
- Enter the DeptID of the department in which the position will reside
- Let the Effective Date default to the current date
- Select Request a New Position
- Complete all fields on all tabs
- Attach a Position Description and submit for approval
- Once the request has been routed and approved, the position description will be reviewed for classification
- Once the classification of the position has been determined, the new position will be created
- As part of a recruitment:
- Complete the
- Outside of a recruitment:
- Submit a Position Description to classcomp@sjsu.edu with all applicable information
- The position description will be reviewed for classification
- Once the classification has been determined, the new position will be created
- Faculty, Student, Casual Worker, and Immediate Pay Positions
- Update an existing position
Complete the
for the following changes/updates:
- Faculty, Student, Casual Worker, and Immediate Pay Positions
- Staff and Management Positions
- Vacant Positions
- Funding
- Department
- Location
- Check Sort Unit
- Reporting Structure
- Filled Positions
- Funding
- Location
- Check Sort Unit
- Department
- Reporting Structure
- For Classification/Skill Level Changes follow the instructions below:
- Staff
- Submit the Classification Review Request [docx] or
, along with the old Position Description and an updated Position Description [docx], to classcomp@sjsu.edu
- Submit the Classification Review Request [docx] or
- Management
- Submit a memo of explanation along with the approval of the Vice President for Organizational Development, as well as the old Position Description and an updated Position Description [docx], to classcomp@sjsu.edu
- Staff
- Working Title Changes
- Submit an updated Position Description [docx] to classcomp@sjsu.edu
- Vacant Positions
- Reactivate/Inactivate/Change funding for a position
- Request changes to permanent funding arrangements
- Request temporary funding arrangements
For temporary funding changes, submit an Employee Profile to FinanceConnect with chartfields, percentages, and beginning and end dates (Please note: appointment-level funding may only be set up for the maximum of one year at a time.) More details available at Temporary Appointment Funding Changes.
- Change the department for a position
- Complete the
- Be prepared to upload a new Position Description [docx] if the change is permanent
- Complete the
- Change the location of a position
- Change the check sort unit for a position
- Change a position’s working title
- Faculty, Student, Casual Worker, and Immediate Pay Positions
- Staff and Management Positions
- Submit an updated Position Description [docx] to classcomp@sjsu.edu
- Change the classification or grade/range of a position
- Faculty, Student, Casual Worker, and Immediate Pay Positions
- Staff Positions
- Submit the Classification Review Request [docx] or
, along with the old Position Description and an updated Position Description [docx], to classcomp@sjsu.edu
- Submit the Classification Review Request [docx] or
- Management Positions
- Run the active position list
- Go to the page
- Select or create a Run Control ID
- Enter SetID: SJ000
- Enter the DeptID
- Check the Dean/AVP Report box if you wish to run the report for the selected department and all departments underneath; leave the box unchecked if you only want the selected department
- Choose a sort option
- Click Run
- Enter Server Name: PSUNX or PSUNX2
- Check the Active Position List box
- Select Type: Web
- Select Format: CSV
- Click OK
- Click Report Manager to check the progress
- Click Refresh until report appears
- Click the hyperlinked report number to view the report
- See the approval structure for positions
- Go to the page
- Select or create a Run Control ID
- Enter the DeptID
- Check the Include Sub Departments box if you wish to run the report for the selected department and all departments underneath; leave the box unchecked if you only want the selected department
- Click Run
- Enter Server Name: PSUNX or PSUNX2
- Select Type: Web
- Select Format: PDF
- Click OK
- Click Report Manager to check the progress
- Click Refresh until report appears
- Click the hyperlinked report number to view the report
- See the funding for positions
Please note, the funding in this report is for filled positions only.
- Go to the page
- Select or create a Run Control ID
- Enter the Fiscal Year
- Enter the DeptID
- Check the Dean/AVP Level box if you wish to run the report for the selected department and all departments underneath; leave the box unchecked if you only want the selected department
- Click Run
- Enter Server Name: PSUNX or PSUNX2
- Select Type: Web
- Select Format: PDF
- Click OK
- Click Report Manager to check the progress
- Click Refresh until report appears
- Click the hyperlinked report number to view the report