Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students

Assigned time for exceptional levels of service awards shall support service to students that goes beyond the normal expectations of all faculty such as:

  • Student mentoring, advising, and outreach, especially as these activities support under-served, first-generation, and/or underrepresented students and other practices in support of such students, including those caused by cultural taxation
  • The development and implementation of high-impact educational practices; curricular redesign intended to improve student access and success
  • Service to the department, college, university, or community that goes significantly beyond the normal expectations of all faculty, and that directly or indirectly is of benefit to students
  • Assignment to courses where increases to enrollment have demonstrably increased workload
  • Other extraordinary forms of service to students

All applications are collected annually in eFaculty. You may send your intent to apply to


We would like to congratulate Michele Villagran on her assigned time award and highlight her exceptional service to students! With her assigned time received through this process, she has been able to champion student's voices through the project "."

More information about this project can be found on the Students: Amplifying Your Voices (SAYV) webpage.

Application Materials

University Policy